A couple weeks ago we got a nice snow storm. You wouldn't be able to tell now. There is hardly any snow left on the ground. I love Colorado winters. It will snow one day, and then a couple days later it will warm up, the snow is gone and then its off to the park for a picnic. Awesome. Anyways, back to the snow day. We wanted to make a snowblob man (we are still perfecting our snowman making skills).
The boys decided they wanted a grumpy snowman.
Blake loves the snow the most. Every morning he looks out the window hoping there is snow on the ground. If there is he begs and begs me to let him go outside and play. Blake has just recently been diagnosed with epilepsy. We have started him on some medication and so far so good. The doctor told me that Blake has a mild case and has a good chance of growing out of it. Because of the seizures and all the testing he had to have we decided to pull him out of preschool. We were paying for him to go, but he was only going half the time. It just wasn't worth it. Honestly, I don't think he misses it. He hasn't asked about it and I love having him home everyday with me. Favorite Movie: Cars Favorite song: Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar Favorite Food: Corn Dogs and Hot chocolate. Favorite joke: Why was the blueberry crying? Because it had the blues! (we hear this jokes several times a day). Favorite saying: What are we going to do now?
Tyler's favorite thing to do in the snow is eat it. Other than that he is not a huge fan and it is not long after we go outside that Tyler is asking me to go back in. I can tell Tyler is getting closer and closer to potty training. Ugh. I think I will put it off a little bit longer. Maybe after February when Daddy is done with the BAR. Lately, at night he has been scared of "hummers". I have no idea what those are, but he will start to cry when I put him to bed and say the hummers will get me. Usually, I have to talk about Lightning McQueen, Buzz, and Woody and then he calms down. However, if he wakes up during the night then he is afraid again. We have had some long nights. (Hummers if you are reading this, you, me, parking lot. We need to end this now. I need my sleep.) Favorite Movie: Cars. Favorite song: Bah bah Black sheep. Favorite toys: cars and Blue puppy. Favorite food: Yogurt and fruit. Favorite saying: Hey ya donkey boy.
(She hates this coat. I think because she can't move in it)
Lacey loves to
shriek sing, babble, grunt and growl. She is full of energy and can't stop moving. Thankfully she is not mobile yet. As someone in church so kindly put it Lacey is very healthy a.k.a chunky. She has some seriously squeezable thighs. Favorite song: The little green frog. Favorite toy: paper Favorite game: being tossed in the air. Favorite food: food (she loves it all).
Matt is busy studying for the bar and I am doing pretty much the same things I usually do. Mommying, cleaning, and practicing my crafting skills (the more I do the more I am learning I need lots of practice)!!