Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

I wanted to take a moment and let everyone know how much your love and friendships mean to us. We have been very blessed this past year. We are healthy and extremely happy. Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers on our behalf.

Many of you know this, and I am ashamed if you don't know but I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or as some call us "I am a Mormon" It is who I am and I am nothing without my Savior. I know that Jesus Christ lived on the earth, he atoned for not only all of my many sins, but for all of yours and the worlds too. He was crucied for all that is good and what he belived in. But he lives to this day. Not only because he was ressurected but I see him all around me. There is so much good, so many people I look up to and cherish their examples.

I am grateful to have a living prophet who leads and guide us in these latter days. It is one of the most comforting things. I am also grateful to have a temple close by. The peace and escape from the worldly stress of life for a short time is undescribable.

As I continue my Christmas tradition each year of writing my family each a personal letter. It gives me a chance to remember the wonderful memories that we have created, the good, some we would like to forget but most of all the laughter.

I am truly blessed, my cup runneth over.

Thank you all for your examples, for not only me but for my family. Thank you for being a part of our lives.

Merry Christmas! The Christiansen Clan

Thursday, April 28, 2011

I have a new blog

I love to cook and am very passionate about food storage. So I decided to start a new blog to share my adventures of cooking and ideas I find about food storage.

Here is the link to my new blog:

Thursday Finds and Ideas!

I am having linking issues, but you can look on the left under my favorite web sites and click on that link

Hope to see you there!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Friends are kindred spirits

Over the past few weeks I have been able to realize how blessed I am because I have amazing women around me that I call my friends.

What is a friend?

" A friend is one to whom one may pour out all the contents of one's heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away."
- Arabian Proverb

"A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself."

"A friend is someone who walks in when everyone else walks out"

A friend is one who is there to listen and doesn't judge.

A friend is someone who will sacrifice their personal time to sit at a hospital for a few hours each day, to help out while you care for your sick child.

A friend is someone who offers to drop everything in her life to drive a thousand miles to come and help a friend who is at her breaking point and exhausted.

A friend is someone who picks up the phone and calls just at the right time.

What would I do without these friends? In the past month, crumble and fall apart.

What is the best thing about having friends? They know exactly what you need when you need it. They know what to say and when to listen.

Thank you! You have taught me how to be a better person, made me feel loved and grateful for my blessings.

Monday, March 7, 2011

What do you stand for?

Every morning as my kids are walking out the door, I tell them "Remember who you are and what you stand for".

Today was no different, except Sarah stepped back around the corner and said "I only stand for the pledge of allegiance"!

What do you stand for?

Sunday, November 28, 2010


We recently had family pictures taken. I thought you might all like a sneak peak

Love this one of the kids! I can't believe they are all mine, I am so blessed!!

This is one of my favorites of Matt and I

Some of us are a little crazy sometimes

Thursday, July 15, 2010

May /June happenings!

What a busy and fun Spring / summer we have had.

I did my first 5K!

FHE fun

More FHE fun

Abby has had a rough spring/summer with really bad ear infections. The infection spread to the mastoid bone and she had to get a pic line for daily IV antibiotics for 7 weeks.

Who said work can't be fun too?!

Taking a break from landscaping the front yard for a little 4 wheeler and dirt fun!

Killing chickens!

Nathan's first band concert - he plays the trumpet