1) baik- lulus
2) hensem- lulus
3) keta- HONDA-lulus..haha..
4) call aku tiap2 hari-lulus
5) tak pernah luper sms aku-lulus
6) sentiasa berada bersama aku time aku ditimpa masalah-lulus
knape la aku masih tak terbukak hati ni..takkanla aku memilih sgt, nak boyfren mcm leornado dicaprio, baru nak suket kot.. L ni mmg la baik
masalahnye ialah aku sering mengcompare dier dgn best fren aku ( lelaki) yang aku dah kawan
selama 2 tahun..
jahat glew aku ni..
aku masih belom jumpe ttitik2 keserasian dgn si L
semalam dier call aku, then aku tertdo, mmg takde mood nak ckp ngan dier
sebab dier baik sgt
Tip2 tok ngorat
Jgn terlalu kerap SMS atau CAll perempuan yang awak minat
sampela perempuan tu bgi hint
sebab, perempuan mmg suker main SMS or call, tp kalo aku jarang glew call L
meaning that,, aku mmg taknak ctc dier
sgt kejam dunia ini
Thursday, August 5, 2010
STatus : single
dulu.aku takde boyfren
sekarang.aku takde boyfren
ada aku kisah.haha
ACtually, secara tak sengaja.aku telh berkenalan dengan seorang lelaki bernama L di salah satu website terkenal tok mencari scandal2 baru (nama terpaksa dirahsiakan)
kenapa aku buat mcm tu?
entahla.bosan kot time tu
.ok. aku pon layan la L. and then, ak pon add la L kat Fb tanpa ader ape2 perasaan.
then, after ctc few time, aku decide tok berjumpa ngan dier
adakah aku giler? jumpe orang yang aku tak kenal.mau dirogol aku nanti.
hurm, aku berani jumpe dier sebab
1) sepanjang SMS ngan L, dier tak pernah keluar ayat lucah
2) dier tak pernah tnye pasal fizikal badan aku
3) gambar FB dier clean dri xtiviti tidak bermoral
walaupon aku ader Fb dier. aku jarang bukak..sebab..aku takde, aku ingat2 lupe muka mamat L ni
then..jeng jeng jeng
malam tu, dier berjaya membuat 1st impression yang mantap
1) jemput aku depan umah walaupon jauh ( shah alam-damansara)
2) dier kuar dri keta and sapa aku secara gentleman
3) sepanjang dalam keta ( keta HONDA YANG CUN MELECUN) dier hanye borak2 isu semasa
( menunjukkan dier ikhlas la kot)
selepas sejam aku keluar ngan dier, jalan2 kat uptown damansara, dier antar aku balik
tp sayangnye
walaupon keta HONDA awak cantik, L tu hensem, aku still tak rase nak ctc ngan L lagi
saya memang takde pikir la sendiri..
STatus : single
dulu.aku takde boyfren
sekarang.aku takde boyfren
ada aku kisah.haha
ACtually, secara tak sengaja.aku telh berkenalan dengan seorang lelaki bernama L di salah satu website terkenal tok mencari scandal2 baru (nama terpaksa dirahsiakan)
kenapa aku buat mcm tu?
entahla.bosan kot time tu
.ok. aku pon layan la L. and then, ak pon add la L kat Fb tanpa ader ape2 perasaan.
then, after ctc few time, aku decide tok berjumpa ngan dier
adakah aku giler? jumpe orang yang aku tak kenal.mau dirogol aku nanti.
hurm, aku berani jumpe dier sebab
1) sepanjang SMS ngan L, dier tak pernah keluar ayat lucah
2) dier tak pernah tnye pasal fizikal badan aku
3) gambar FB dier clean dri xtiviti tidak bermoral
walaupon aku ader Fb dier. aku jarang bukak..sebab..aku takde, aku ingat2 lupe muka mamat L ni
then..jeng jeng jeng
malam tu, dier berjaya membuat 1st impression yang mantap
1) jemput aku depan umah walaupon jauh ( shah alam-damansara)
2) dier kuar dri keta and sapa aku secara gentleman
3) sepanjang dalam keta ( keta HONDA YANG CUN MELECUN) dier hanye borak2 isu semasa
( menunjukkan dier ikhlas la kot)
selepas sejam aku keluar ngan dier, jalan2 kat uptown damansara, dier antar aku balik
tp sayangnye
walaupon keta HONDA awak cantik, L tu hensem, aku still tak rase nak ctc ngan L lagi
saya memang takde pikir la sendiri..
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
berat badan Ku
Mak aku ckp- aku anoreksia
Kawan aku ckp- aku psiko
danny- you nampak cantik
azura- ahhhh benci
Ok..True story mau bgtau
aku berjaya trnkan berat badan aku from 67kg to 55kg dlm mase 6 bulan tanpa mengambik
sebarang supplemen atau regim kurus yang nye? jeng jew sye and saye
akan bagi kamu makanan2 yang patut kamu amik dlm tempoh 6 bulan gambar aku masa tahun lepas
honestly, aku tak tahu spe amik gambar ni, mase aku zaman blaja kat U
then 2nd pic
ya allah, PIpi aku mcm tong tempayan,,aku yang pkai tudung hitam, fyi
dulu, aku tak rse aku gemok, cube aku teringin nak ader badan macam stok2 american top model. then aku rase payudara aku besar glew. sampai aku kena beli baju dalam yang mahal sebab nak " support ".
then, after aku kejer kat cimb, aku telah menanam azam baru tok menurunkan berat badanthen , ini ialah hasilnye..
Saturday, July 10, 2010
wheN does WoMaN admIt their owN Mistakes?
woman can think
woman are not stupid
woman are sensitive
woman can tolerate
what is the real problem?
when i mentioned woman, we are discusing with woman that have problem in their relationship.
because we always keep repeating the same mistakes.
we are not learn from experience.
we are slave to LOVE
Because we r weak
what will be your reaction if.....
1) He compares your mistakes with his ex mistakes?
2) He said " I think you do not understand me well"
3) If u have a new boyfriend, I will backoff ( I dont have any, FYI)
4) You are my girlfriend ( Kawan Perempuan)
5) I can handle you ??( At that time, you are the one who calm down after few argument with him)
6) I have no one to share my problem ( At that time, you were sitting rightt infront of him)
7) I dont want to hurt anyone ( At that time, you were crying)
2) He said " I think you do not understand me well"
3) If u have a new boyfriend, I will backoff ( I dont have any, FYI)
4) You are my girlfriend ( Kawan Perempuan)
5) I can handle you ??( At that time, you are the one who calm down after few argument with him)
6) I have no one to share my problem ( At that time, you were sitting rightt infront of him)
7) I dont want to hurt anyone ( At that time, you were crying)
Men want the same thing from their underwear that want from their woman: A little bit of support and a little bit of support.
From sImple girL to Complicated GirL
Are we " ThaT comPlicated"
M not Going to admIt - Im comPlicated....Helloo!! should I??
whY womaN is Complicated?
How can we define Complicated??
I have situation
we are behave like a supercritical complicated when:-
- we are trying to put comitment in our relationship.Do you guys understand it? Man or Alien is BIG NO for comitment especially when the relationship will have no future.but, as a women, we already know that the relationship will not work out but why we r still trying to tied him with COMITMENT thingy.see? because that " GUy" is special to us. For women , Comitment= responsibilty.
- we are trying to understand him. Hello!! we know, that guy is busy with his work..what the hell u still expect him to give u attention?.yes.Woman understood that but we just cant control it. To be honest,This is the correct time for Complicated Woman pretend to be Simple Woman. Try to accept,
Sometimes, we need to stop doing everything and start doing nothing as i believe man is like cheetah, they will throw 100% effort to UNDERSTAND WOMAN.
Venus N mars -MisComMUnicatIon
Man and WomaN..And Bla bla bla
HOw ofteN dO YOu have MiscoMMunicatIOn WiTH ur partner?
whaT is The ProbleM exactLY?
- Do I think Man doesnT have BraIn!! Of course Not, BUt to be HonesT,They Juz
TheY Juz LOve US, TO Follow Their owN waY, Their
OwN THOught rather thaN They UnderstanD
I haVe siTuatIOn
The MaIN ReasOn whY WomaN LOves TO do ThaT because
HOw ofteN dO YOu have MiscoMMunicatIOn WiTH ur partner?
whaT is The ProbleM exactLY?
- Do I think Man doesnT have BraIn!! Of course Not, BUt to be HonesT,They Juz
TheY Juz LOve US, TO Follow Their owN waY, Their
OwN THOught rather thaN They UnderstanD
I haVe siTuatIOn
- They hate us wheN we send Stupid SMs
- They gets Annoy wheN We R TRyinG to caLL TheM DuriNg oFfice HOur
- TheY Get anGRY becoz We Get anGrY On HIm out Of nowhere wiTHOut No reasOn
- TheY Gets fedUP wheN we r Not trYINg To understaNd HIm
- TheY geT ( What The Hell wiTh this Gurl) wheN we are sayING.. --" I thinks we should BreaK up" wiTHOut No proper ReasOn,
The MaIN ReasOn whY WomaN LOves TO do ThaT because
- we Have accidentaLLY faLLInG IN Loves wiTH GUY
- We R comPlicated GURL and
- we Loves TO PuT ourselVEs In the sTUpid situatiON ever
wheN i mentioned We?? was IT specificaLLY decrIbe we= me??
ohhhh goshhh
IntroducTiOn call
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