My smelly wet New Balance
Anyways, it's taper week and I'm back on track. I manage to maintain my pace at 6:28 mins for 14.09km today, it could be better if it wasn't because of the rain at 6 something this morning, but am still proud of myself. Heavy rain! It felt like I was being pushed with that strong wind, I couldn't be too skinny now, cause last I check, I weight around 46.5kg which is bad cause I lost 3kg muscle :( too much cardio? It's okay. Lets just leave the weight at that till after my full marathon.
Had Ngiu Chap for breakfast.
Notice how the photos aren't center? I take using instagram lol
Went home, thought I would sleep but I end up staying up playing Borderlands on steam and unlocked 2 achievements. I'd play longer but I had to go out for boardgame at 2:30pm.
I've been off facebook for 3 weeks now. It felt good and bad at the same time. I needed some of the updates but it's too much of a distraction. But here's another problem I've encountered. Instagram! I've been on it since 4th April, I've uploaded over 200 photos, WTH is wrong with me?
Crazy or not?