Thursday, October 3, 2013

Soccer time!

We always love watching our little men play soccer, or any sport, but this year is extra fun because Casen gets to play too!! Krew is dying that he doesn't have a team yet. Poor kiddo. Soon enough :). They all did a great job tonight!  Much love to Primary Sports!!
Tonight was fun watching the boys play against their friend Ben too. 

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Whispering Death!!

It is so hard to believe that my squishy cheekie little boy just turned 5! What a five years it has been!! Camden definitively keeps us on our toes :) We love him so much and I am so grateful he is part of our family!
As Camden's birthday was approaching he kept telling me that he wanted a crocodile birthday party... um, not sure how to pull that one off, so I pulled up my addiction (pinterest) and searched kids birthday parties. I put cam in front of the lap top and showed him how to scroll down. I told him when he found the birthday party he wanted to show it to me. First he chose underwater fish cupcakes, um no. Then he saw angry birds and he was sold! So, even though my budget was nothing, we tried to do the best we could. Here we go...
I rummaged through the garage and pulled out some fabric scraps and we made some bean bags for party favors. A whole lot of angry little guys.
The party drinks and favors

The Sugar table
Cam's favorite thing to eat is "kid eggs" so as the friends arrived we had them decorate their own kid egg for an egg relay.
While the kids decorated, so did Kati and Lara. Thank you ladies!!
Dallin and his egg
And off they go with their hard boiled kid eggs. So much concentration :)
Next up was take out the evil pigs. Cam went first and chucked the white bird in to the mud. Awesome!

Next up was pin the nose on the pig king. Kaid totally took over and helped spin and direct each kiddo. He is such a good helper!
Kaid redirecting Brody.
The last game was supposed to be water balloon sling shots but thanks to the awesome sling shots from Dollar tree not working, we just had a water balloon fight.
Happy Birthday to Cam
Presents! Ya Hoo!
Elija, Cam and Chandler. So cute!
The loot, thank you everyone!!
Little Cruizer chowin on some treats
Play time! Love that the HOA chose this weekend to fix the melted slide. Thanks!
As usual, Auntie Kellie came with a bag full of "Treasure" for cam. He was in Pirate heaven!!
Cam and his birthday cake.
We were so lucky to have Auntie Kellie here for the whole weekend. We LOVE her and are going to miss her so much when she leaves for Texas!! She has always been Mommy #2 to my kiddos. What will we do without her!
Makin a wish. (Don't mind that I forgot to buy birthday candles and found a bent up pink one in the junk drawer! And I just noticed that I forgot his birds tail feathers on the cake. oh well)
More Pirate pics. I had to get a shot of his rockin outfit he picked out to wear after church today. LOVE IT!
Hurrah for more gifts!
Uncle Brad was so awesome to come over for dinner tonight and he read his birthday card to Cam. After listening to Uncle Brad read Casen asked if he could read the next one. He opened it and said, "It says Happy Birthday to Camden" amazing :)
So happy! I let the birthday boy pick his piece of cake. Of course he went for the face.
YIKES! Krew went straight to the tub after the festivities! I love his sweet expression as he was looking at Auntie Kellie.
Me and my beautiful little Sis MaKellie. Love her so much!!!

I am so grateful for such wonderful family! I feel so blessed to be surrounded with so many wonderful friends and family members to help us celebrate our sweet little guy! We missed the birthday regulars in Utah!! Love to you all! Happy Birthday little Cam!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Have you heard, have you heard, have you heard??

I promise I will actually post something that has to do with my kiddos and my family sometime, but this video made me smile, and I had to share :)

Can't believe cute little Stacy is Fergie! Who would have guesses she would grow up to have my idol legs :)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fourth of July!

I know what you're thinking... it's only been six months and she is posting again, obsessed! Since we no longer live close to family and lots of our friends, and since I can't be trusted with a Journal, I am going to start blogging again. :) Hopefully...

Here is almost every minute of our fourth of July Celebrations...

We began Sunday evening with some star spangled sugar cookies, YUM!! Here is Casen sporting some backwards bug unders decorating the treats
Oh the messy, sugary, splendor that is sugar cookies. And a little male stripper practice for your viewing pleasure, thanks Cam. We are hoping for a prosperous future as part of the Thunder from Down Under :) (I promise he is wearing pants)
The stars...
And for breakfast Monday morning we had to have red, white, and blue pancakes. I wouldn't want to neglect my children's recommended daily dose of food coloring.
Eat them up!!
Thoroughly enjoying the patriotic cakes with cream syrup, yummy!

We celebrated the rest of the day with some super fun friends and had a great time! After breakfast (and a morning Jog with Keags riding his bike) we headed to the pool. Even though it was overcast and sprinkled for a few minutes, it was still hot and felt so good!

My little red headed baby is getting so big!! He just floated around in Jaeyden's float totally content. I love his squishy guts!!
Brody was floating around practically folded in half, backwards. He is so cute!
I had to try the underwater capabilities of my camera again. Even with the crack from Camden's attack, it did pretty well. Hopefully it keeps working!
Chandler, Jantzen, Jaren, and Kaid

Keagan absolutely LOVES to play with Jaren. He loves that they both have bay blades and can battle in Jaren's Bay Stadium.
Kelly chillen with the little chower.
My sweet Krewster
Josh and Kati changing "the worst diaper EVER!" So funny!!
Kati (trying to be short), Rikki, and me (trying to be tall)
After swimming we headed over to the Ghetto Super Walmart and then home for naps.
The kiddos saw these "4th of July strawberries" on pinterest and were so excited to make them.
Case eating them up, unfortunately they ate them all before Kelly got to try them :(
When the kids were all rested we headed to the Smiths for more 4th of July fun.
The kiddos table part 1
The kiddos table part 2 (sorry for the sideways pic)
The adults enjoying the quiet and air conditioning inside. After we ate we headed over to the park. The kids were all armed with pop-its courtesy of the Smiths.
Me and my babies. Don't mind the double chin :)
My sun-kissed little chunker
Cam rockin' the glow bracelet
Kaiden offered snapping lessons in the backyard, Chandler was the only one who took him up on his offer.
Ya hoo! Sparklers!!
I love how Stella is totally amazed by the power of Kaid's sparkler

I know this is a crappy picture, but Camden's face is awesome! The kid is a little bit intense :)

We had a fantastic day with friends celebrating our country's independence! How grateful we are to live in this amazing country and to enjoy the freedoms he have. We are so thankful for the sacrifices that brave men and women have made for us and continue to still make. Happy 4th of July!!!