Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Chronicles of Camden

I was looking for some paper to write a note on today and I came across this list that I made last year. My mom was really good about writing down funny things that we did or said and has always encouraged us to do the same. My list is entitled The Chronicles of Camden. Just in case you don't know, Camden did two better than most two year olds. And when I say better, I don't really mean better! Here is a sample of some of the fun we have with our little guy...

April 10, 2009 Cam poured 4 packages of Cranberry Crystal Light powder all over the family room carpet, furniture, and Keagan's head, staining his scalp red for a week and the carpet forever. Also anytime anything in the family room gets wet, it magically turns red!

April 20, 2009 Cam stabbed a 1 x 1 foot area of Mom's hallway wall repeatedly with a 1 foot long screwdriver.

April 21, 2009 Cam poured an entire bottle of new shampoo on his head

April 27, 2009 Cam poured a bottle of engine lubricant all over the back of the suburban.

April 28, 2009 Cam emptied two bags full of batting all over Casen. Instant Christmas in April!

April 30, 2009 Cam dumped out the whole container of softsoap. (second time in 2 weeks)

May 4, 2009 Cam finger painted tooth paste all over the fish tank at the dentist office, used some of the tooth paste as glue to stick his garbage to the tank, smeared some of the tooth paste all over the carpet around the tank, and then unraveled his new dental floss all over the floor. All done while I was making his next appointment. Wow!

May 5, 2009 Cam emptied the entire replacement bottle of shampoo all over the tub.

May 2009 Cam hammered the side of the suburban with a hammer, thank you Auntie Lori for stopping this one.

May 2009 Cam cut up the handles of Mom's quilted bag.

May 27, 2009 Cam poured 20 oz of red Crystal Light all over the huge toy tub covering everything in red yummyness.

(In case you are wondering, all flavors of red Crystal Light have been banned from our home!)

So, as you can see Camden was a special two year old. At least I don't think this behavior is normal, I certainly hope not! There is something about him that I absolutely adore and it is a good thing, because he never stops! I am posting this hoping that one day I will be able to look back on this and laugh. I was hoping that I would be able to do that now, but he is still truckin! Even as I write this he is telling me that he needs to go poop in the front yard bushes, bare bum showing and everything. OH MY!! So glad I am out here with him! I hear over and over again that boys are so much easier than girls, HUGE props to all you mom's of girls. My prayers are with you!! :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

So long lady locks :(

So this is what we woke up to, a whole lotta bed head. I decided that it is time to cut the curls! (and the crazy bed head)Lookin so nice!
I know it's lame, cause it's just boy hair, bue I am a lover of shaggy heads :) ps. I promise that shirt was clean about 10 minutes before this picture was taken.
So, before the cut, I decided to get him all slickery and take some pics in the tux.
I love his little kissy fish lips, and the cheaks, oh my! (Don't love the shadow behind his head!!)
My little cheeser and yes, I know he had a mullet, but 80's smooth is back right? yuck!
First haircut ever!

Ta Da!! What a little handsome guy, I do love him! His hair really isn't as long as it looks on top, it's that special shadow again.
A real live boy, minus the mullet. When Kaid and Keagan got home from school Casen was still taking his nap and I told them that I cut his hair. Kaiden said, "You even cut off the swirls?" I said yes, and he gave me the saddest eyes and said, "Oh sad!" Such a sweetie!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Fit Gals blog

My friend Martha and another super cute girl that I recently met at the gym, named Cali, have started this blog called fit gals. I highly recommend you check it! Their blog address is www.fitgals.blogspot.com They are both super busy moms of three who have found time and made it a priority to workout and live healthy lifestyles. If these two can make it work, so can I and so can you!! They have yummy recipes and great workouts posted on the blog. Martha is even competing in her first figure competition this weekend, go Martha!! I know she will do great! Cali is a former competitor, its crazy that anyone with kids could have these bodies!!