Kaiden asked Keagan "Do you even know what twins are?" Keagan's response, "Yes, they are two people that look the same, or two people that don't look the same, but they wear the same clothes!" 10/10
I served the boys stew for dinner and when I gave Kaiden's bowl to him, he just looked at it for a while and then looked back at me and asked, "Mom, is this llama spit?" 6/10
Keagan, "Mom, I want to watch a Jesus movie." Me, "No, go to bed." Keagan, "You don't want me to learn about Jesus, that is bad parentship!" 7/10
"If you don't hold on to the iron rod you will fall into the GREAT APISS. What is an APISS mom?" Kaiden 1/10
Kaiden's dinner prayer, "...please bless this food, that we don't want to eat but mom made it, that it will be good for our bodies..." 1/10
Keagan, "Mom at my wedding celebration I want to have Jell-O with 3 chunks of pineapple in it." Me, "Really, why?" Keagan, "Because did you know you can put anything you want in Jell-O??"
Keagan, "Do squirls eat all kinds of nuts? Kaiden, "No! Not HUMAN NUTS!" 1/10
"You're the best mom a kid could ever have. You always are... even when you're mean." :( Keagan 11/09
"Mom, Dan's the king, you're the queen and we are the humble servants." Keagan 11/09
At walmart keagan asked, "Mom, why do they (the polygs) look like milgrims?" Pretty sure he ment Pilgrims, and I am not sure why :) 10/09
(Kaid) "I won't be able to get a drink unless I give my money to THE MAN!" (Kelly) "Screw THE MAN." (Kaid) "What does screw mean?" great parenting!!
(Me) "Kaid, what is it going to take for you to be obedient?" (Kaid) "Hundreds of dollars." 10/09
(Kaiden) "Mom, do we drink beer?" (me) "No, it isn't good for your body and it makes you make bad choices.' (Kaiden) "I think Camden drinks beer because he is naughty and makes lots of bad choices!" 8/22/09
"Mom, Cam is as strong as a cobra and I am as strong as a goat!!" Kaiden 7/09
The boys and I were talking about Thomas the Train and Keagan said he didn't like him. I replied, "you used to love Thomas." He answered, "Mom, times have changed." Oh, of course.
My mom was babysitting the kids for me and she suggested that they should feed the baby, Kaiden responded, "Grandma you don't have any boobs!" (she was thinking they could make a bottle)
"Mom, it is snowing, the winter is peeing on us!" Kaiden 3/09
"Mom, how come Jesus created slime in babies?" Keagan-- good question! 2/16/09
after putting the kids in bed for the 3rd time tonight, I said, "this is rediculous!" to which Keagan replied, "Rediculous is such a strong word." What???
I asked Cam where did all this poop come from as I changed his nasty diaper. He replied "I got it for christmas!" Yikes- hopefully he does better this year!!
Keagan's list of superlatives."Lame, super lame, wham-bam-ba-lamba lame!!"
"Mom, that girl's is unfashionable, half of her clothes are missing." Kaiden while watching So You Think You Can Dance
"Me and Keagan don't have girlfriends, that means we are SUPERSTARS!" -Kaiden
"Did someone bite my tongue? It hurts!" -My 27 year old sister Ha Ha!!
We were talking about the last supper and that Jesus died shortly after. Keagan asked, "Mom, who is your favorite person that died?" I said, "Jesus." He replied, "Mine is the Holy Ghost, Heavenly Father, the articles of faith, Jesus, and Red Beard." When I asked who Red Beard is he asked me to get the picture of all the past prophets. I did and he pointed out Joseph F. Smith as Red Beard, because the bottom of his beard is a little bit red. Ok? Then he says with much excitement, "Look mom, it's Snow White!! There is a movie about Snow White too!" Unfortunately he was pointing to Lorenzo Snow :)
"Mom, my fruit roll up is really cranky, can you fluff it up?" -Kaiden
"Mom, me and Taylor are making poop pancakes, it's kinda like a Dirty Job" -Keagan
"Woah!! A black beetle! What an incredible find!!" -Keagan
"Mom, leave your hair like that. You look like Daphne!" -Kaiden
"Kaid, your underpants aren't napkins!" -Kelly (also my kid)
"No Mom, Cam is ok, he is just playing with Knifeses." -Kaiden
When asked to help Keags clean the room Kaid asks, "Keagan, is there anything Mom can do to help you?" -Kaiden