Friday, August 28, 2009

My baby is one!!

I swear it seems like yesterday that my little casen was actually little, now he is all big and all boy! (This was today as he was crawling around being messy and just before he broke a big glass bowl, yeah!)
Since we are in transition, I couldn't really plan a party for the little guy, so I threw something together this afternoon. I saw this idea of decorating a table on parents magazine once and decided to improvise. Super fun and I made up what I was going to cut as I went. I think we will have to do this again, the kiddos loved it and made some cool aliens with the shapes after dinner.

I forgot to put the carrots on the orange flower petals, but oh well, one meal without veggies never hurt them before :)
The fam, Makell came over to celebrate with us too. Oh how we LOVE living close to Auntie Kellie!!!

After dinner it was off to the pool to cool off for a while. We are so happy to have a pool around the corner from us, oh so necessary here!!

So big!!
Even bigger
My cute little plastic faced child, pretending to be Casen all night.
Me and my baby
So close to walking, but not quite there. I am actually loving every minute of him being little!!
All bundled up now that the temp dropped to around 103, brrr!!
Keagan and Kaiden are so sweet to their baby
Back to the party, Kelly is sporting a super duper cool batman ring, so tough!
Even though we did a family party, the kiddos had to have some kind of party favors, right? I have lots of baby food jars so I spray painted the lids and filled them up with sugar, yum!!

Nothing better than watching a little baby tear into a birthday cake. It is my favorite!!
He was all over this one!! So cute!

Casen is pretty much in eternal love with his new ball, $1 at walmart, why do I ever spend money on birthday gifts for babies?
Oh how we love this little guy! He is such a sweet wonderful and well behaved baby, I feel so lucky to be his mom :) Love you Casers!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

oh no... it begins!!

All those months of silently watching his big brother Camden are finally paying off, oh the fun we are in for!!
This is what happens when you move and then find out four days later that you have to move again and you don't want to completly unpack everything just to pack it up again, disasters!! Just look at those big blue eyes, how could I possibly get mad?? Plus, the taste of plain cocoa is punishment enough.

Chocolate milk or chocolate bathtub?? YUCK!!!