Thursday, January 31, 2013

Christmas 2012

We had the very merriest Christmas! It started out with our annual Christmas Eve Dinner, Nativity, and pajama opening with all the cousins. These kids are the best of friends. Then it was off to bed so santa could come. We had a late night with the cousins so we forgot to get out some milk and cookies, but we did remember to say our goodbyes to Elfie. We were sad to see him go. 

Morning brought lots of excitement....obviously.

We were spoiled yet again. Wii U. The New Mario, iPhone 5's. Cotton On clothes for days (our newest obsession). Soccer Boppers. Games. etc. etc. etc. 

And my dad got a toy helipcopter, that he broke within second. It was fun while it lasted. 

Before we knew it, it was time to say goodbye to mister Matix. We dropped him off at his dad's house for the rest of the day. We stayed over there for a bit and got to see a few of his presents. I think it's fun for him to have his mom and dad together in one place. It rarely happens. Then we said goodbye and relaxed and went to the movies for the rest of the day. The next day was the annual Marx family Christmas party at our house. It's always a great time to see all of my long lost cousins. It was a great Christmas!!!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

tis the season.

We have been keeping ourselves very busy with all things fun this holiday season. From ice skating and Christmas light looking to gingerbread house making, Santa Clause visiting and Nativity watching...we've done it all. Matix is so excited for Christmas this year. The older he gets, the more fun each holiday gets. His face lights up at the sight of 'ole St. Nick and his Christmas list this year was never-ending. It makes all these traditions that I love so much, that much better. We even had a visitor in our house the past few weeks to make sure Matix has been on his best behavior. Finding our Elf on the Shelf "Elfin" has been a fun addition to our morning routines. We sure have loved having him around :)

Ward Christmas Party

Matix's Preschool Party

Ice Skating at the Cosmopolitan

Now we're just ready for Jolly Old Saint Nicholas to come!!

Friday, December 14, 2012

baby calvin.

My very best friend in the entire world, who's way more of a sister than a best friend, delivered the sweetest baby boy late, late Thanksgiving night. Their story is the most happiest, unhappy story ever full of lots of tears, smiles, hugs, and prayers.

Stephanie delivered baby Calvin at just 27 weeks along. She went into labor and didn't realize it until it was too late to stop it. Sweet little Calvin was born at 2 lbs. 9 oz. 15 1/4 inches long on November 23, 2012.

That very next weekend me and Matix drove to California to show our love and support to Stephanie and Zachary. And of course to meet my little babes. He is the absolute tiniest little thing you ever did see. I got to kiss his tiny little head and watch my best friend hold her baby boy for the very first time. It was such a precious moment. I can't imagine not being able to hold you baby for 8 days! But she finally got to, and it was beautiful. 

Steph is the best mom already. She spends her days pumping and hospital visiting to be there for her little boy. I love her daily pictures and updates on his progress. He is my little miracle baby. 

Thursday, December 13, 2012


This year we spent Thanksgiving up at the cabin in Brianhead. Almost the entire family was there so it was a good time for all. We spent our time playing with cousins, snowmobiling, Christmas tree hunting, playing games and watching Revenge. I got addicted to that show. Like, I could not stop watching it. It was quite unhealthy. Good thing I had a lot of extra time on my hands to watch it with Devin being gone and all. (He went to Thailand for 2 weeks...without me. rude) It was a fun, relaxing weekend away with family. 

2012 Thankfuls:
My four year old best friend. He lights up my life.
My boyfriend best friend. He spoils me with love and step-dad-ness.
Selfless parents who do a lot for me.
A job that allows me to also be a full-time mom.
All the traveling I got to do. It makes my heart happy.
Skype for keeping the boyfriend near when he's far far away.
Starbuck's carmel apple cider. Baby it's cold outside. 
but most importantly....
That baby Calvin came to this earth safe and sound. Prayers work. 
(more on that in my next post)

 Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Roos N' More.

For the longest time I have been bothered by the fact that Las Vegas has such a pathetic zoo. Like, I feel like the signs posted up and down the streets should probably just be taken down. It's that bad. Or so I've heard. I haven't actually been there...but all the reviews I hear are about the same so I figure there's no point in wasting my time or money. Earlier this year I even decided to take a trip to the Phoenix Zoo to please my animal obsessed little boy. We went all the way to Arizona to see freaking cool animals....when really I have just been misled all this time.
I have been too distracted by those signs on Rancho Blvd directing me to the Las Vegas zoo when really they should just direct me to 45 minutes outside of town to Moapa because THEY HAVE THE MOST AMAZING ZOO EVER. EVER. EVER. 
It is called Roos N' More and everyone needs to go see what I'm talking about.
Last Saturday I almost got attacked by an otter, had my lipgloss applied by a monkey, cuddled with an African cat, put my hand in a kangaroos pouch, fed a zebra, and kissed a camel. 
Best. Day. Ever.





Kangaroos & Wallabys:



 Boa Constrictor:

African Millipede:
