Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Win Anyway

I completed my first week of graduate school. It was a roller-coaster ride. One second I was feeling totally fine about everything and then next second I was panicking and overwhelmed. By the end of the week I felt great and on top of things. I know the beginning of every semester is overwhelming no matter what you're studying, how old you are, or whether it's under grad or graduate level. I remember feeling overwhelmed when I did my ASN at Weber as a 19-year-old. It's just the nature of getting used to the professors, class load, flow of homework, reading, and lectures. It will get better after I get the flow. 

This song played on my Pandora every day this week and sometimes multiple times. I felt like it was a message from Heavenly Father saying you got this, you can do it, don't give up. I know this is what I am suppose to be doing right now. I've had so many feelings, signs and direction that I can't deny it. Sometimes when I question it all, feel like I'm not smart enough, or that I can't do it, I just have to remember that the Lord will help me through one day at a time. 

Swiss Days

Swiss Days weekend was a success! I took everyone but James to Midway after school. Lynnlee invited her friends Bailey and Hannah to join us this year. Sienna was so happy to have time with London.

We subscribed to Drawn In and we watch his weekly Come Follow Me videos. They are a great way to do Come Follow Me lessons with kids. My kids were so excited to see him at Swiss Days!
The kids all paired up and so I walked around with my sisters. 
Kade, Drew, Lynnlee and her friends worked in the scone booth that night. They loved it. They all got shirts, hats and a meal ticket. So worth it!
Saturday morning we would normally run the 10k but they didn't have it this year. It's sad because the man who was over the 10k passed away suddenly a month ago. I decided to run the Deer Creek Trail instead. I didn't get to run the whole trail but I went out 4.5 miles and then back for a total of 9 miles. It was a beautiful morning. 

We watched the parade and supported my Dad's band. They sounded great. My cousin Kaylee sang to the music and did a beautiful job. 
James didn't get to help in the scone booth Friday so he went Saturday morning. He got this scone after. It was so massive. It's one scone but basically looks like two. I had to take a picture. 
After the parade everyone had plenty of time to shop, eat and hang out. Lynnlee and her friends shopped til they couldn't anymore. They enjoyed lunch with their meal tickets, shared a scone, and got ice cream from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. 


Random Pictures

Lynnlee did online PE through the summer so she wouldn't have to do it during the school year. She needed to do the Pacer test. Thank goodness I have church keys. We went to the gym and everyone did the Pacer with her. 

Chewie is the best snuggle buddy.
Tag taking a break with his team at practice.
Launching vinegar and baking soda rockets. Lynnlee babysat the Leland boys and it was fun launching rockets with them.
Twins losing the same tooth on the same night.
Sunrise from the Murdock Trail.
Kade keeping Chewie contained when someone was dropping stuff off at my house.

More random pictures...

I needed a picture for my badge. I took this after church.

I worked at a company in Salt Lake and this mannequin was in the room we were screening in. I kept seeing it out of the corner of my eye and jumping. 
Tag saw a classmate with this kind of blender at school lunch. She made a smoothie right there in the lunch room and blended it together. Tag has a lot of money saved up so he bought one and did the same thing that week. 

Timpanogos Invite XC

James had a great race at the Timpanogos Invite. It was at Lakeside Park in Vineyard. His time was 16:48 which was 5:25 min/mile. He was 15th out of all boys varsity. He took 2nd for Lehi Varsity. Lehi ended up taking 2nd place!


Kade's Week

Kade had a fun week! He had a soccer team party one night at his teammate's pool. 

The next morning his quorum did baptisms for the dead.


August Birthdays

We celebrated August birthdays on a Saturday night. There was too much going on to have it on a Sunday. Kade had a soccer game in Heber earlier in the day so it was perfect to have August birthdays that night.

We played Vorball after dinner with the cousins. It was a lot of fun! It's a game they all made up a few years ago and we still love the game. 


Summer of Splash Summit

It took a little bit before we could go to Splash Summit for the first time for the summer. Tag's pink eyes healed and we got to go. Finally!

 Here are some pictures of going a few times. We tried going once a week through June.
We made it a few times in July. We love the picnic area!
Rain was in the forecast the last Saturday we could go to Splash Summit. Marshall and the older kids were at ward youth conference all day so the minis and I decided to risk Splash Summit. We had great weather for about 2 hours. Then a thunder storm came through.
We ate our lunch in the truck and waited it out. 
We enjoyed about one more hour before the next storm came in. Then we went home. 

Lynnlee and her friends went on a Friday after school. The weather had a chance of rain but it ended up being perfect. I took them pizza half way through for dinner. I'm so glad there is a Little Caesars so close. They seemed to have a great time and I'm grateful for the tickets from the drawing that made it possible. Lynnlee won ten tickets at the UVHBA summer barbecue!


RAC XC Invitational

James missed the first XC meet, Cottonwood Invitational because he was in San Diego. He got to race in the second meet of the season at the Regional Athletic Complex in Rose Park. It was the RAC Invitational.

The starting gate is crazy with so many schools and so many boys. It was the junior and senior race.

He stayed in the top 20 the whole race.

He did great and got a PR. He finished 12th with a time of 16:47.