Monday, February 1, 2016

Christmas jammies

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Molly's December Recital

Just Like His Big Brother

Henry loves his big brother! Reed is so good to him. They run all around and wrestle. Sometimes things get a little rough, but no love is lost. 

Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Nativity

There is something so special about the way kids set up the nativity. They get what it's all about. 

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Our Family 2015

Our little blondie

Such a big helper

Sunday, November 8, 2015


Reed was quite the little hitter. We had so much fun watching him. There was a lot of playing in the dirt, but whenever Reed was running the bases he was really focused. 

Molly's Dance Recital

Molly's 1st grade teacher, Miss Felsted came to see her perform.
Molly loves dance. She is taking jazz and is getting really good at the splits. 

Reed and his Big Wheel

Columbia River

Summer 2015
Skipping rocks in the Columbia River

First Day of School

First day of 1st Grade
(Miss Felsted)

First day of 2nd Grade
(Miss Rasmusson)

First day of Preschool 

First day of Kindergarten
(Mrs. Hanson)


 A Fairy and Woody

Elsa, Buzz Lightyear and a Dalmation

A Bat, The Flash and a Dragon

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tie dye and cousins

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

My babies

Molly, Reed, and Henry at about 3 months


April 2014

Henry's blessing day

Henry was blessed April 27th 2014. We were able to bless him in our home with our families and it was really special. Henry has been such a fun addition to our family. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Baby Henry

Henry Call Larson
Born on April 18th 2014
weight: 8 lbs 11 oz
Length: 22 1/2 inches

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Waiting for baby Henry

April 18, 2014

Enjoying the hammock


Baby Henry got lots of cuddles! My face pretty much shows how I felt about it. I don't like to be touched while pregnant. 

Ready for church!

I asked Reed to get ready for Church and this is what he came up with. 

Pajama's from Grandma Larson

Grandma made Molly's nightgown. 

Molly's unicorn party

Christmas jammies 2013

Ears pierced!

Molly decided that she wanted to get her ears pierced for her 6th birthday, so that's what we did. She seemed a little nervous, but didn't even flinch when it happened. If only she'd act the same way pulling teeth!

Sweet Reed

We spent many days like this while I was pregnant. I was lucky to have such a sweet boy to take care of me. 

Reed's first day of preschool

Reed took a little while getting comfortable with preschool, but he eventually really liked it. Miss Valerie said he was the best singer in the class. 

Molly's first day of kindergarten

This poor girl fell and hurt her mouth so badly a few days before school started. She's a tough girl, but she was pretty miserable for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Stephens was her teacher and Molly loved school so much. She was sad whenever there was a break.