Friday, February 14, 2014

First Bath and Doctor check up

Charlotte had her first bath. 

 Gracie was such a BIG help!!

First Doctor Check up. Everything looked good and she was gaining weight and healthy. 

Meeting the Family

 Here is our crazy family of FIVE!!!!!! Crazy that I have 3 kids!!!

We survived 2 weeks, I CAN DO THIS, I CAN DO THIS!! The more I say it the more I believe it.

Our New Addition

Here she is! Charlotte Leia Marquardt arrived January 30 at 1:35 pm

Charlotte kept us waiting.. She was 5 days late and I still had to be induced. This is my face as I LAY waiting for her to come! They started inducing me on January 29th at 11pm. Michael and I were nervous and excited as we checked in to the hospital. 
We didnt  sleep much at all that night, My Doctor came in the next morning and things were starting to cruise. My contractions became closer and closer together. Then my doctor came back and i was ready to push. I pushed for about 30 mins and sweet Charlotte was born. 

It is always so emotional for me when I am in labor. I always think about my testimony and how amazing life is. These babies are truly such a blessing. I know that Charlotte was sent to me by my Heavenly Father. I feel so blessed.

She weighed in 9lbs

Nanny, Grace and Peter came to meet her the next day. Grace is the BEST big sister. Peter is still adjusting.

Waiting to check out to go home. 

I feel so overwhelmed and blessed that I am able to stay at home and raise these three special spirits. I am pushed to my limits EVERY single day, but I know that the work I am doing is worth all of it. My kids bring me so much joy and overwhelming LOVE. Welcome to our home sweet Charlotte girl.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Golf Clinic

Last Saturday Grace and her cousins went to a golf clinic at our local country club. She had a blast. 

 They gave them cute little golf clubs and a visor.

 She is a natural  :)

And she did have the cutest caddy there... Her daddy!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Family Pictures

My talented sister Amanda took some great pictures of our family. I am just so grateful for this 3 people in my life. I am so excited to be adding to our family in the next few weeks. My heart is so full!!