Grace and Peter had a visit with Mr. Santa Clause ..........
Christmas Craft day at the park......
LOTS and LOTS of baking.... for neighbors and friends..

More crafting..............
Decorating the house for the season........
Decorating our Christmas Tree.......
Peter and Grace were big helpers.....
Grace was so excited about every ornament that we put on the tree. It was fun telling her stories about where and when we bought the ornaments.
Peter must have pulled down a half a dozen ornaments a day while it was up. It was really cute to hear him giggle when he would pull them down....
My sweet reindeer helpers. This year was so much fun with these two kiddos. Grace is at such a fun stage, she loved taking treats over to our neighbors and friends. Her face would light up every evening as we drove around looking at the Christmas lights. Peter loved listening to Christmas music, he would stand himself up and sway back and forth. This year was extra special because of our two blessings Peter (9months) and Grace (3).