Monday, June 21, 2010


Michael's younger brother Josh came into town this weekend to visit. We had a great time swimming, going to the gun range, BBQ's, movies, and JUST catching up. Josh heads to BYU in the fall and we are going miss his visits to the dessert. Thanks for coming to visit we had a great time! WE love you Uncle JOSHIE!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Yellow Pages

I was unloading the groceries in the kitchen and I hadn't been watching this little one for seriously 2 MINUTES! When I looked up this is what I saw..... I guess we didn't need that book anyway. She had so much fun I let her continue...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


YEP! 107 Degrees!

So this is what we do...........
Find ANY WATER and play in it! We love AZ for all there water parks in the area!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Crawling from Michael Marquardt on Vimeo.

Memorial Weekend

We had the BEST weekend ever! Here is G just hanging out with her shades on.

Dinner with the Marshall's Sunday night... Here comes trouble!
Our little munchkin crawled for the first time this weekend and in celebration she got her first soccer ball. I know Boppa Morphy will be so proud.
More swimming....... This little one LOVES the water. If she could take naps in the pool she would be in there ALL DAY!

We also had a great BBQ with the Glenns and friends......
The best part was we got to hang with DAD all weekend! What a treat. He has been working so many hours lately and so it was soo nice to just HANG with him. Thanks for all you do for us babe.