Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Husband Tag!

I was tagged to do a spotlight of my hubby! Any excuse to talk about how amazing he is I am in!
1. Where did you meet your husband? WP Baby, in college in our apartment complex Windsor Park. We had our eye on eachother for awhile.

2. How long did you date before getting married? One year. We got married on the anniversary of our first date, cheezy huh? we did not even plan it.

3. What does he do that surprises you? Everyday is something diffrent! I love that.

4. What is his favorite feature of his? I love how big he is and I love his deep brown eyes, and his baby face.

5. What is his best quality? How kind he is. He would do anything for anyone. Very loyal.

7. What is his favorite food? Michael seems to like all food equally. He also likes to try all kinds of new foods.

8. What is his favorite sport? Football

9. When and where did you first kiss? In my apartment at the WP. ahhh..........

10. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? Just cuddling and watching movies. We are home bodies!
11. Do you have any children?  Not yet. Hopefully soon! We want LOTS! Michael will be such a good dad one day.

12.Does he have any hidden talents? Yes he can blow bubbles with his spit at any moment.He could be in the CIA (his dream) because he is always aware of our surroundings and always has a plan if something were to happen. I think he is paranoid he thinks he is just prepared! 

13. How old is he? 26.

14. Who said 'I love you' first?  He did! Well............Thats actually still a debate. :)
15. What is his favorite music? Bob Marley and just about anything acoustic and chill. Lets not forget good old country.

16. What do you admire most about him? How sweet and very sensitive he his. He is always 
aware of my needs and puts me first. 

17. What is his favorite color? Green because it reminds him of spring time when it is so pretty outside.

18. Will he read this? you know it.

19. Who will I tag next? Anyone who wants to Join!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Stand For Truth and Righteousness

I was given a calling in our new branch as YOUNG WOMEN ADVISOR in charge of Personal Progress. Personal progress is a goal setting program that helps young women ages 12-18 develop a testimony of Jesus Christ and his gospel. It teaches them to stand for truth and righteousness at all times and in all things. I am so excited! The girls are so great. The branch that we are in is very unique and is the most different ward/branch that I have ever been apart of.  It is in center city Philadelphia and so it is very difficult to hear some of the stories these young girls have been through in their life already. I am very blessed to be where I am and I hope I can help the program grow. I am over joyed with this calling, it makes me feel like I am supposed to be in Philadelphia for this time. I would love any advice or ideas that you all have! 

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


love the sport............... HATE THIS..................
This is the part I hate about football, when Michael comes home from work with a body part that is hurt,broken or bruised.  Michael has torn his right calf muscle. He is getting all the correct treatment  so he can to be ready to practice by next week. He is in pain when he walks and especially now since we have stairs in our new apartment. Thank you for all your support and if we could ask for a few extra prayers this week until he gets better, that would be so helpful. In this business it is very cut throat if you are injured.  We will keep thinking positive !I will keep you all posted.

Monday, November 10, 2008


I know I am OBSESSED with my nieces, but I could not help but post this picture of Emmy. Don't forget to smile and laugh today!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Auntie CC

This past week I had the chance to go to Arizona and spend time with Amanda,Jordan,Lilly and my new sweet niece Lola Jewel. I did a lot of entertaining Lilly and gushing over how sweet and peaceful Lola is.
We had a great time at the Phoenix Zoo with our friend Karson.  Here we are in our dress up clothes! 
Tea parties with Barney and friends
I was able to spend Halloween with the bunch. Amanda had both of them dressed up so cute and festive.
Here we are trick or treating at Jordan's school. I just love this Hula girl
Ahhh... Lola all dressed in her halloween gear.

I love this face! Lilly is wondering why I am taking pictures and not playing with her. It was hard to say good bye, we had such a great time. I love all 5 of my nieces so much! I wish we all lived closer so I could spend more time with them. Amanda good luck with the 2 girls. You are a great mom. Thanks for letting me hang out this past week.