Thursday, July 30, 2009


i had a visitor yesterday afternoon. nope, it wasn't this guy.:( i could hear some noises but i just thought it was the wind pushing the curtains and/or windows around. finally i went into the kitchen, and sitting there on top of the recycling box was a pigeon!

i have no idea how he go through the window, because there was only about a 10 inch opening, and the sheers and curtains were closed.

so i closed the kitchen door in case he tried to fly out, but he just sat there. i opened the curtains, opened the windows, which were above him... and he just continued to sit there and look at me.

so i waited... didn't know what to do with him. he looked kinda scared, but i think i was probably more scared of him. finally i thought to lift the box and as i did, he finally flew out.

i disinfected everything, just in case, but i'm sure he just stayed on top of the box the whole time.

so weird. i live on the sixth floor and when i first moved here, i wondered if the birds ever flew inside through the open windows (screens are not common here).

maybe i should stop feeding them. but i only feed a couple of grey birds (is that discrimination?)i don't know what they are but i like to call them "love birds" on account of the fact that they come to the balcony and wait for me to feed them, eat, walk through the birdbath, drink from it, then ... uh... enjoy each other, and leave.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Heart Shaped Potholders

my mom sent me a care package the other day, and along with some magazines and photos, these heart-shaped potholders were included. they have little pockets to put your fingers in!! so cute, dontcha think?

Friday, July 24, 2009

Sending ♥

i made this card for my mom, and i originally wanted it to look like a quilt square, so i was going to do zig zag stitching around the hearts (by hand). but i decided that that was going to be too much work in too little time so i inked around the edges using a cranberry paint dabber instead. i like the "brushed on" affect it made. i based this card on this week's sketch from 2 sketches 4 you.i'm off to do a little wine-tasting this weekend, so i've got to go finish packing. thanks for dropping by and have a great weekend!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Finally, a Card

it's so hot here again! 36 c and they're saying it could get up to 40 c tomorrow, yikes. at least there's a bit of wind so it does cool down in the evenings.

right now i'm sitting here with all the windows closed, curtains drawn and drinking iced coffee. it's gonna be salad and eggs for dinner tonight... and peaches with ice cream later :) the fruit here is *so* good... like fruit (and veggies) used to taste :) i've been stuffing myself with raspbe
rries, blueberries, watermelon ... and tomatoes.anyway, i was finally able to make a card! i used the sketch for this week at cardpatterns (though i flipped it). i painted some cardboard and handstiched around the edges.

enjoy your day!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Daybook for July 17

i wrote this yesterday afternoon while sitting in the park, which is just behind my apartment building. it was really hot (35 c) but i didn't get much relief being outside either. here's the simple woman's daybook link if you are interested in posting yours.
For Yesterday
July 17, 2009 around 4:00 pm

i can see ... the park gardener watering with a garden hose and no sprayer, just his finger, a lady reading on a bench, guys playing basketball, birds, pink, yellow and white flowers, lots of green all around

i am thinking... the lovely earthy smell when the water hits the ground ... reminds me of the past, in a good way

i am hearing ... water spraying from the hose, street traffic behind me, the basketball hitting the backboard, kids playing

from the kitchen... too hot to cook so going out for pizza tonight

i am wearing... black flip flops, black capri pants, green tank top, sunglasses

i am reading... books about family and relationships

i am hoping ... this good feeling lasts for a while

i am creating ... ideas

around the park ... playground, dog park, the convenience store where i get milk and veggies, antique shops, government buildings

one of my favourite things ... warm, light breezes

i am thankful for ... this feeling of relaxation

a few plans for the rest of the week ... write emails, fix pants, make card(s)

a picture to share ... my view from the bench at the park

Monday, July 13, 2009

Honest Scrap Award

my lovely blogging friend Oliva gave me the following award and i am very honoured to receive it ... thanks Oliva!i must list 10 honest things about myself:

♥ i am a vegetarian, and have been for over 10 years. my main reason for not eating meat (though i have ethical reasons too) was that i never liked the idea that i was eating an animal, and could not understand how people could decide that eating one type of animal was okay, but not okay to eat another.

♥ i consider myself extremely fortunate for being able to travel a lot. my European travels are something that i never would have dreamed possible a year before i did it.

♥ i was a cheerleader in high school.

♥ i'm a dog (not a cat) person.

♥ i received the top marketing student of the year award in university.

♥ i love smelly candles.

♥ i've never known what i want to be when i grow up.

♥ i love talking and socializing with people, and i can relate to people of all ages, backgrounds and cultures, but i'm a very private person when it comes to sharing details about myself.

♥ i had one of those not-so-nice childhoods, but i'm grateful for the person it has made me today.

♥ i'm a recovering perfectionist. :)

i'm passing this award onto the following blogging friends:

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Daybook for July 11

i came across this blog the other day - the simple woman's daybook. i thought what a great idea to record a few bits and pieces of your world once a week! i'm going to try to do this because i've wanted to do something similar to 3 Beautiful Things for a while now, but i like the prompts in these posts (as i am not much of a writer and it gets me thinking :) after posting yours, you can post a link to it, though the hostess is off for the summer atm. here are the rules.
For Today
July 11, 2009 around 11:00 am

outside my window... blue skies with a few light, wispy clouds

i am thinking... about what i should/would like to do today. i think it's going to be a hot one again today so i might find a cool place to read in the park.

i am hearing ... light street noise from the open window, soft music from the radio

from the kitchen... kitchen is clean, dishes are put away

i am wearing... sage green pj's ... yes, still :)

i am reading... 3 cups of tea

i am hoping ... things become clear soon

i am creating ... not enough these days, i'm thinking. i need to set up my craft area somehow so i feel like it's a bit better organized and accessible

around the house ... lots of stuff that needs to be cleaned, put away, organized, laundere
d, etc

one of my favourite things ... the quiet time right after i wake up and enjoy my coffee

i am thankful for ... finding this daybook blog :)

a few plans for the rest of the week ... keep studying hungarian, maybe create some vocabulary sheets, stay cool during the expected heatwave

a picture to share ... wishing i was here atm, but grateful for the memories of this place anyway