Sunday, October 7, 2012

Istanbul, Turkey

Our next stop was Istanbul. Mark had to go for work, and I was lucky enough to tag along. I have never been to Europe, so I was excited. My original comment about Istanbul being one of the largest cities in the world is false. Someone there told us that, but I looked it up and nowhere near the truth. Needless to say, it is very big and crazy. Our first taxi ride was interesting. When it was congested, our driver {and any car for that matter} would make up their own lane and drive in between cars. Somehow it worked. I suppose if everyone's doing it? We adjusted fine with the lack of sleep and time change. Mark worked for the next few days {while I read all day at the hotel-in our room or outside by the pool} and then the rest of the time, we were out being tourists. We attended the Istanbul Branch on Sunday. Very nice day with people from all over the world. We had wanted to go over the weekend to Rome or Greece, but decided we wouldn't have time to visit all Turkey had to offer, so just stuck around. I have hundreds of pictures, but will just share a few. Dolmabahce Palace
Bosphorus Strait
Fortress of Rumeli
Apparently I need to add more space to add more pictures. I'm going to bed and will add more soon. Haven't even got to the Mosques yet!(:


Mark and I got back last week from being gone ten days. We started off with a short layover in Paris. A rainy morning in Paris. Didn't get to be there very long, enough to walk around by Notre Dame and grab a pastry for breakfast. We did see the Eiffel tower from afar. What we saw was lovely. I'd love to return one day.

September Birthdays

Heather turned 13! Another TEENAGER! She's a sweet teenager, I must say.
Jake turned 15. The highlight of his birthday was getting his drivers permit.{And if you know Jake, the candy wasn't bad either}

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Take out

We had Chinese take out one night and this was one of the fortunes from a cookie. We have it up in the kitchen as a reminder.

Alive & bloggin

Back at it, a little at a time. Why does life get so busy? Do I make it that way? Clearly so. Here is a little of our summer, bit by bit... Here's PJ's baseball team. He's the tall one on the far right. It was his first year playing for the High School team!
Girls Camp 2012. I was able to go up the whole week with Heather! It was so fun to spend time with Heather her first year at camp.{plus all the sweet beehives in my class}
I spent my birthday at camp. I have some sweet family & friends that spoiled me while I was there. {Who get's a German chocolate cake made by their husband?}

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

April 2012

Back in April my friends Natalie and Ryan and I boarded a plane to Provo UT for BYU's Women's Conference. It was our first time going. My in-laws were presenting, so almost all of my sister-in-laws were together. We got a hotel and had the most fun visiting with everyone. I was so excited to meet up with my long lost BFF CARA that I met at Rick's College. We haven't seen each other for about 19 years. It was a great reunion, laced with many tears. Her Mom and sister in laws were there, so we visited for hours. It was wonderful to see her! It was a great getaway with friends While I was gone, Joel went to his first prom. I was sad I missed it, but glad he had a fun time. I was actually home when the date was over.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day post

I was so excited to spend some time catching up today blogging,{of course while Mark wasn't around} but when I came to do that, my computer had some problems with the security software, so here it is almost midnight and I'll say Hi! I will catch up another time. Happy Father's day to my sweet Dad, Father-in-law and the most important man in my life, my sweetheart Mark. All wonderful men, for many reasons. Night!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day

The Saturday before Mother's Day we had a full day in the yard. It was a great gift for me. I love to be outside, and all the help I received was amazing. We accomplished much, 6 aspen trees-planted. Two rose of Sharon-planed, 2 peonies-planed, two dead bushes-gone. I felt like Mother's Day was on Saturday. Then to top off Mother's day, Mark made fish taco's-from scratch! They were so good, and it was so sweet of him to take the time to make my tummy happy. They also surprised me with a new blender. Yeah, I don't have to use my broken glass one anymore. Hello smoothies! I felt a a little guilty for being so spoiled.

Wesley's Mother's Day card

17 on the seventeenth

Yet another golden birthday this year. Joel turned 17 last month,on April 17. Mark was going out of town, so we celebrated Sunday with Mark; Joel and I went to lunch on his birthday and then the day after, Rachel came home for a few days and we celebrated once again. He is sure a sweet young man to have around.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


We had a not so traditional Easter this year {in the commercial sense}. We usually decorate eggs the day before, and get together with friends for an egg hunt. Not this year. We decorated eggs after church, later in the afternoon, just the 3 youngest and Mom. Then I was the designated egg hider, which I haven't done in years. I apparently wasn't good at it either. {or the last time I did it, I had to hide them "in the open", and I don't know any different} We did three hunts outside and one inside. Mark, Joel & Jake were in California for spring break baseball. That would be why it didn't feel normal, because it wasn't. It was a pleasant afternoon, nonetheless. There is a picture of the carrot cake I took to our friends after church for lunch. Here is a link to that recipe for your pleasure. {We went to church with our friends who earlier that week welcomed home their son from Bulgaria from an LDS mission!}

Friday, April 6, 2012

Spring Break 2012

Our children go to two different school districts, hence; two difference spring breaks. I took the youngest 3 to Utah for their Spring Break. Mark stayed home with Joel and Jake. Don't like doing that, but that's what we did. We went directly to Salt Lake to see new baby Maren. We went out to Mexican and home for dessert before heading to Provo. There we met the Biberston's, Mehr's, Robbins and Grandparents. The next day Marla and her crew came. Saturday late morning we went to a BYU scrimmage with Uncle Dan, the boys, Rachel, Abby and Lucy. Our friend Rex played, so that was cool, and then we got to visit with him afterwards. So cute watching him sign autographs! Aunt Dana got us tickets to the General Young Women's meeting, so we headed to Salt Lake for that. It was wonderful, to say the least. Sunday we went to church with the Mehr's and then some of the older girl cousins and I went to Rachel's ward. That was nice to be there with her.

Monday a few of us went to the Provo Temple first thing in the morning. Then half of us met up with the Morgan's for bowling at BYU, while the other group went to a museum. Then a trip to the bookstore, of course! Tuesday the Biberstons went home and we headed to watch some BYU tennis with the Morgan's. Had lunch at The Brick oven and then did some shopping with Rachel. Then headed to SLC to spend time with Liz and family. Wednesday I went to the Salt Lake temple and then spent time at the park with Liz and the kids. Enjoyed visiting and playing. Then Thursday we headed home to watch a baseball game for Joel. We caravaned with the Morgan's, which was awesome. The trip went by SO fast! It was so nice since I was by myself with 3 little peeps. I never even got tired. Great trip! Glad to be home with the boys!

Friday, March 16, 2012

When is enough, enough?

Wesley {who is 9} shares a bedroom with Jake, but Jake's clothes are in Joel's room. This means Wes Jones has a whole closet to himself, as well as 8 {eight},{ocho}drawers, all to himself. They are all FULL. He has older brothers and a sweet older friend who all give Wes their hand me downs. He has so many options, and yet he wears the same five shirts and shorts everyday. He had 6-8 NEW pairs of jeans {I love jeans} and he's probably only worn one pair-once this year. I hope I've learned my lesson. {Don't buy jeans!} So I went thru his T-shirts the other day and counted 87 T-shirts. This wasn't counting the ones in the washer, the dryer, and the bathroom floor! Most he's never worn, and will likely never wear. I was holding on to them, for someday he would wear a handsome button down shirt, with a pair of jeans. {He did for our family picture last year, and that's all I could ask for!} I have 3 empty drawers now {still one with PJ's, one with socks & boxer/briefs and one with swim suits} and no more busting out the tops. I went shopping today and unfortunately Wesley didn't get a thing. If he complains, I'll go dig out a cute shirt from the black sack in the basement! Now onto the other rooms!

Monday, March 12, 2012

viva las vegas

Mark earned a trip for work to Las Vegas. Usually when we are in Vegas, we are there to visit family. We did see family {yeah}, but stayed at the Bellagio. His work provided everything for us, including a show "O" {A cirque du soleil performance}, and a helicopter ride into the grand canyon. We also went to the awards dinner our last night there. The rest of the time was "free" time. We were able to go to dinner with Shawn & Melinda,and Mark's cousin Gary and his wife Gale. It was warm enough to sit by the pool one afternoon and attend the Las Vegas Temple that evening. We saw Emma play volleyball on her church team and they won their stake championship. It was a great get a away, and nice for Mark to take a {much deserved} break from work. Thanks to our sweetest friends for having the kids for a long weekend!! Couldn't have done it without you!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

We're playin basketball

Heather and Wesley are ending their basketball season this week. They have both done very well & have really enjoyed it. They typically have games at the same time, so we take turns watching games. That is really hard, because they are both so GOOD & FUN to watch.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Romney 2012

Mitt Romney came to Colorado last week, for the Colorado Caucus. Mark wasn't able to leave work, so I called some girlfriends to see if they wanted to go. They were excited to go. I then asked Joel if he wanted to miss school to come to the rally. He was game. I think it's a great opportunity for young people to experience. Joel shook his hand twice and enjoyed meeting him. It was a really cool experience. We were in an RV store, and Mitt's RV pulled in and right up to the "stage". We were right up front and it was a real cool thing to watch. We have a video of it somewhere, but I don't think I can put it on here, without some help. Mitt didn't do too hot in Colorado{we tried our best!}, but we are still hoping things will change here soon.