Thursday, May 22, 2008

Nothing's guaranteed

Kasper B. Graversen's blog entry on 'Exception handling problems in Java' came up in my news reader today, courtesy of dzone. He wants to be able to extract common exception handling code from catch clauses into methods, allowing reusability of that code, and removing clutter from the main logic.

Here's a silly example, replete with dubious practices for the sake of conciseness :)

Food makeLunch() {

try {
return kitchen.makeSandwich();
catch (KitchenClosedException ex) {
handleException(ex, "Couldn't make a sandwich :(");
catch (NoBreadException ex) {
handleException(ex, "Couldn't make a sandwich :(");
return null;

void handleException(Exception ex, String message) throws RuntimeException {
log.error("Something went wrong", ex);
throw new RuntimeException(message, ex);

Kasper points out that the 'return null;' statement at the end of the makeLunch() method is pointless - although we can see that it will never be executed, the compiler requires it because the signature of the handleException() method only says that it may throw an exception, but does not guarantee it.

There's some discussion of the 'problem' here, including alternative ways to structure the code.

With the BGGA closures prototype though, we can rewrite the example as follows:

Sandwich makeLunch() {

try {
return kitchen.makeSandwich();
catch (KitchenClosedException | NoBreadException ex) {
handleException(ex, "Couldn't make a sandwich :(");

Nothing handleException(Exception ex, String message) throws RuntimeException {
log.error("Something went wrong", ex);
throw new RuntimeException(message, ex);

There are three changes to the original example here:
  • BGGA allows us to catch multiple types of exception with one catch clause.

  • The signature of the handleException() method now has a return type of java.lang.Nothing, which guarantees that the method will not 'complete normally' (because it always throws an exception). The compiler can enforce this guarantee, and we can take advantage of it:

  • Because of the above change, the 'return null;' is neither required, nor allowed, since the compiler now knows that the statement can never be executed.

Which is nice.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Taking control

I've been back in the world of GUI development in the last few days, which I really enjoy when I get a chance to do it.

It's not too often that I hear other people say that they actually enjoy building GUIs though - many of the developers I've worked with or interviewed have made it very clear that they are much happier writing 'back-end stuff': database persistence, messaging systems, business logic. The kind of thing you can define with use cases, implement, test with Unit and Fit tests, and put a tick in the box when you've met all the requirements.

Which is fair enough - when you've come up with simple, robust and maintainable solution that meets all the requirements, it can be very satisfying being able to put that tick there.

GUI development can seem so... messy. Vague specifications, awkward coding models and difficult testing are all common problems. And the bugs can bite so much harder.

When a network messaging sub-system goes wrong, there's a fair chance it 'just' means that the data the user's seeing is out of date. Maybe the developer who wrote the messaging code had the presence of mind, and the time, to implement some decent error handling, so you might get to see the problem in log files and figure out what went wrong before the shouting starts.

When a GUI goes awry though, Murphy's Law says it'll Go Bang in the user's face (and probably during a demo, in a way that has never happened before) and you damn well know about it when it happens... you'll get a screenshot as proof if you're lucky.

In the wild and wacky world of multi-threaded, object-oriented, event-driven programming, we find ourselves creating various coding patterns to deal with the complexity:

"Every time I update the model, I need to ensure a flag is set".
"Every time I display some data, I need to check the flag and perform some action depending on its state...".

And so on. Simple rules, designed to introduce invariants, checks, guards, some kind of control into a seemingly non-deterministic model. And in doing so we drag in boilerplate code, with all its inherent problems as it's copied, pasted and maintained over time.

We can often attempt to avoid these problems by pushing this boilerplate down into our existing layers of object abstractions, or by creating new layers to deal with this application-specific logic. But they don't always fit - sometimes because it's like fitting a square peg into a round hole, and sometimes because the layers of classes, interfaces, mapping, delegation, configuration and so forth are already so complex that pushing more in at one end just results in different things dropping out at the other end.

Some programming languages acknowledge this by helping us implement this boilerplate control logic as procedural abstractions instead, providing constructs to take the code that really matters, and pass it to methods which execute it wrapped safely inside our control logic.

I like programming GUIs once in a while - building something that works really slickly can be great fun.

I could really make use of closures and control abstractions right now however. Boilerplate is no fun.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Say it again SAM

CICE is designed to make it easier to create instances of SAM types - interfaces and abstract classes which have a Single Abstract Method. The proposal itself also contains the following statement:

At the same time as this facility is added to the language, it would make sense to add a few more single method interface types, such as Predicate, Function, and Builder.

It's no coincidence that the jsr166y.forkjoin framework from Doug Lea and the rest of the jsr166 group is defining a number of interfaces like these for that framework's own needs - in fact the commonality is explicitly acknowledged in the documentation:

Preliminary release note: Some of the declarations in this class are likely to be moved elsewhere in the JDK libraries upon actual release, and most likely will not all nested in the same class.

I've just uploaded a new build of the CICE/ARM prototype, which includes a number of interfaces derived from those currently defined by jsr166y.

The differences between the interfaces in the prototype, and those provided by jsr166y are:

  • I've put them in a new package - java.util.ops

  • It includes versions for all primitive types

  • All Op types come in two forms - one which can throw checked exceptions, and one which cannot

  • Op types no longer have anything useful to say in their javadoc

All of these changes are possible consequences of removing the interfaces from the context of a specific framework, and in particular, a framework for which only a limited number of these interfaces are useful.

Unfortunately it adds up to a massive increase in the number of interfaces defined, from 132 in jsr166y.forkjoin.Ops, to 1828 in java.util.ops, and it's possible to define even more variations. Ouch :( Kingdom of the Nouns indeed...

Still, it's a straw-man, and no doubt it can be improved. Some thoughts I've had on this are:

  • Placing them all in java.util.ops means Comparator is defined in two different packages, so it's not ideal.

  • It could be argued that providing versions for all primitive types is overkill. However, without knowing the requirements of future libraries which may make use of them, it's difficult to know which ones can be omitted. Type promotion helps for the parameter types, but it's no use with return types.

  • Is it useful providing checked exception versions of all the Op types? Would it be more appropriate to do this for Procedure and friends?

Stephen Colebourne recently compared writing the same snippet of code in BGGA, FCM and CICE, and noted that a CICE can be rather more verbose due to the repetition of type names. His example used an interface called PairMatcher, defined as follows:

public interface PairMatcher<T,U> {
    boolean matches(T arg1, U arg2);

Creating an instance of this using earlier versions of the prototype would look something like this:

PairMatcher<String,Integer> pm = PairMatcher<String,Integer>(String str, Integer val) {
    return (str != null && str.length() > 0 && val != null && val > 10);

However, it has been pointed out that the parameter types are not really necessary, since there is only one method which a CICE can legally implement. So the latest version of the prototype allows you to do just that:

PairMatcher<String,Integer> pm = PairMatcher<String,Integer>(str, val) {
    return (str != null && str.length() > 0 && val != null && val > 10);

I'm not a big fan of that syntax personally - I'd rather lose the type arguments - but it's an option.

Thoughts very welcome, as usual.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Exception handling with ARM blocks

One of the big questions in my mind around ARM blocks is exactly how they should behave when exceptions are thrown while disposing of managed resources. It seems likely that we'd want some flexibility in this - there are probably cases where we'd like the ARM block to suppress these exceptions, but others where that would be inappropriate.

The initial version of the prototype only supported the do() { } form of ARM block, and forced the programmer to catch any checked exceptions thrown by the resources' close() methods, which I've found generally leads to wrapping the do() block in a try { ... } catch (IOException e) { ... }, or adding throws IOException to the enclosing method's signature, neither of which is necessarily useful.

Build 03 changes the default semantics of the do() block so that it no longer throws exceptions raised by calling the close() method, and adds support for a try() form of ARM block which can be used when the programmer does wish to explicitly handle such exceptions.

So in the following example using Closeable resource 'fooFactory' , there's no longer any need to provide explicit handling of IOExceptions:

do (fooFactory) {

whilst this code forces us to catch exceptions of type FooException, which is a checked exception:

do (fooFactory) {
Foo foo = fooFactory.createFoo();
if (foo == null)
throw new FooException("no foo :(");

and the new try() block allows us to do that more neatly:

try (fooFactory) {
Foo foo = fooFactory.createFoo();
if (foo == null)
throw new FooException("no foo :(");
catch (FooException e) {
// something went wrong in the block
catch (IOException e) {
// something went wrong disposing of fooFactory

A further option for the try() block would be to suppress any exceptions thrown during automatic disposal which are not explicitly caught, allowing us to choose which ones we wish to handle. This doesn't seem quite so nice if the main body of the try block also throws IOExceptions though.

Thoughts welcome.

Monday, January 14, 2008

CICE/ARM prototype

As I mentioned a few days ago, I've been hacking around in javac recently in an attempt to get it to implement some of the ideas in the CICE and ARM proposals. The idea being that having a prototype available may help to highlight which aspects of the proposals really work in practice, and which do not.

I've put an initial cut here, which is based on the JRL licensed JDK codebase from 04-Dec-2007 (JDK 7 build 24). It hasn't had a great deal of testing, so don't expect it to be wonderfully stable at this stage. I'll attempt to fix any bugs that crop up however.

It's important to note that this initial prototype has been put together without consulting the authors of the two proposals, so I may well have misunderstood some of the ideas - apologies if so. I've also had to make a call on which aspects of the proposals to include, and which to exclude for now. I've opted for a pretty minimalist implementation to start with, and that pans out as follows:


CICE expressions, public local variables and implicitly final local variables should all be working. I've left out transient public locals and type inference.

At this stage, I also haven't provided any of the library additions or changes mentioned in section IV of the proposal.

Basically all of the examples in the CICE document should work (apart from those involving AbstractThreadLocal).

ARM blocks

ARM blocks can take one of two forms, both based on the do keyword only for now. The first allows you to declare the resources' variables as part of the ARM block itself:

do (InputStream in = new FileInputStream(src);
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dest)) {
// ...

The second form is where the resources are provided as a list of expressions:

InputStream in = new FileInputStream(src);
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dest);

do (in, out) {
// ...

Currently, all resources must implement As the ARM proposal points out, Closeable is probably not a good choice in the long run, but it's a starting point.

An ARM block will attempt to call close() on all the resources, in the reverse order that they were listed. In the first form of the block the variables are not final so it is possible to reassign in and out to some other Input/OutputStream within the ARM block - the block will attempt to close whatever Closeables the variables refer to at the time the block ends. In the second form of the block, reassigning in and out has no effect.

In the first example, if in or out are set to null this effectively cancels the automatic closing of the variable in question, and does not cause a NullPointerException or any other runtime error. I don't know whether this is useful or not, as yet.

In the first form, it's possible to mark the variables as final. It's also possible to mark them as public, which is only really useful if reassignment should be allowed.

If exceptions are raised, whether by evaluating the variable initializers (in the first form), by executing the body of the block, or by the calls to close() at the end of the block, it should only ever be the first such exception which is ultimately thrown by the block, after it has attempted to close all the resources.

The proposal doesn't mention whether it should be possible to use 'break' statements within an ARM block so I haven't implemented that. I think it may be useful though - thoughts welcome.

Bug reports and the like can be sent to me directly at markmahieu at gmail dot com.

Friday, January 11, 2008

CICE/ARM observations

When looking at a proposed new language feature it's often useful to compare it against similar features in other languages, and against alternative proposals. Such comparisons can lead to a deeper understanding of the opportunities and pitfalls involved, and this certainly holds true in the case of adding closures to Java.

Neal Gafter has made available a prototype implementation of a large chunk of the BGGA specification, which was immensely helpful in my own attempts at understanding that proposal. However, Josh Bloch's recent comments on the closures debate caused me to think that it would be useful to have a similar prototype of the CICE and ARM proposals as a more concrete basis for comparison, so over the last couple of weeks I've attempted to put one together (it makes a change from the day job). The result is that I now have a version of javac which implements one interpretation of CICE/ARM.

A number of observations about both CICE/ARM and BGGA have come out of building and using this thing, and I'll blog about some of them over the coming days. For now, I'll start off with a couple of quick comments:

Firstly and most importantly, both the CICE and ARM documents really are 'a bit sketchy' (to quote Josh Bloch) in places - the ARM document in particular, which covers a good many of the possible options and issues within its chosen design space, but seems to stop short of making a call on some of the more important ones (this is why I say I've implemented 'one interpretation' of them). There seem to be quite a few valid possibilities when you combine the options for resource acquisition/initialisation/disposal and exception handling, and there's no obvious 80/20 rule apparent to me at least. In comparison, BGGA avoids such issues largely by being more open and flexible about these options, and therefore not having to specify them.

Something I didn't expect was that 'this' within a CICE doesn't mean what I subconsciously expect it to when writing code - I find myself thinking it means the instance of the containing class, not of the CICE itself. Maybe it's because of the shorter syntax, or the fact that I've been using BGGA recently, although I do get this problem with normal anonymous classes in Java from time to time anyway.

Finally (and I'm not sure about this one yet) I have a suspicion that the current syntax for a CICE could be a bit tricky to parse if you want to stick to one-token lookahead, possibly involving a fair bit of messing with the grammar which javac is based on.

More later.