-- Gail Lumet Buckley

Monday, May 16, 2011

Paityn's 2 year pictures

My little "P" turned 2! She is growing up so fast, I just love her and her silly personality! All of her pictures made me melt, but these were a few of the favorites. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt
One of the three easter egg hunts we did this year! It has became one of Paityns favorite games at home, she will go hide them around the house and then sing clean up as she is finding them. 
What a trooper, while we were waiting for the people to finish hiding the eggs, she was playing on the slide and a little boy came up behind her and pushed her down head first and she bit her lip and was bleeding all over the place. 
She was so excited when she got a blue egg! (her favorite color)

We have been wanting to take Paityn to Temple Square for a little while and thought what better time to take her then around easter weekend. It was such a fun experience and beautiful weather, definitely a day we will never forget. 

She loved the detailed door and Loved all the brides in there "tutu dresses" that were close bye. 
She loved the "Mermaid Water"
These sister Missionaries loved talking and playing with Paityn
Happy easter!

It's that time of year again! We have spent a couple of afternoons already at Farm Country. We mostly go for the pony rides, Since she seams to ask every day to go ride one. We were lucky enough to see a baby goat being born one afternoon, that was kinda fun. 

Last year I had to hold on to her, and this year she pushes my hand away and says Paityn do it!
She cant get enough of the Pony's 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

R O C K    D U D E
Paityn loves listening to some good music, she is all set with dads ipod and skull candy head phones. If you ask her to say rock on dude she will tell you "Rock Dude"!
Picking out the best song, so many choices

I love how the head phones squeeze those big fat cheeks inwards, I just want to bite them. 

Wow, 14 its crazy stuff! Silas had a good time waking up to the three of us Jammin out to "Celebrate good times" in his room. Later that night he wanted to go to the Mayan for his B-Day Dinner (Not sure why,the food is no good). Then we got cake from our favorite place "Nothing Bundt Cakes", And Celebrated all night long!
So proud of his yummy cake
The only way we light candles around here!
Quoting Paityn: NO Silas birthday,Paityn's birthday
So proud of his little Sis
Maybe it wasn't the food after all, he wanted to check out the diver chicks! Wow,Anyone else have that same outfit to the left hanging in there closet!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Disney on Ice
For my grandmas birthday, my mom got us all tickets to Disney on Ice! It was a fun girls night out,thanks mom! If you ask Paityn what she saw, she will tell you Mouse (Mickey Mouse) and tutu's (The princesses). 

Grandma,P,Me,Mom,and little sister
My grandma had never been, it was fun seeing her big smile. 
Me and my little mermaid. 
During the intermission I took Paityn out in the hall and all she wanted to do is twirl and sing the little mermaid song!
I love this picture! Giving Great Grandma Kisses. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

For christmas Santa brought the family Brian Regan tickets. Silas was so excited and could not wait even though thats exactly what he had to do since the show was until february! After all the waiting it was finally here and an enjoyable night out.


I love the Big V-Day, I love showing the people I care about some extra love throughout the day. Our day started off with flowers and candy for me and and Paityn from Mark.  Later in the day I made some yummy dinner, gave Paityn and Mark a little Valentine, and made a big bed on the couch so we could watch Toy Story 3 (Paityn loved the big bed).

Grandma stopped by and brought Paityn some cookies and sun Glasses, and I think the pictures speak for themselves that she loved her Valentines

 Paityn loved Valentines day! Especially after getting a singing picnic basket. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Diamonds, tutus, and SHOES are a girls best friend!
I love having a girly girl to spend my days with! She loves jewelry, tutus, and shoes...the list could go on! I thought it would be fun to take a picture of all her shoes that she has right now and Paityn turned it into a fashion show! We had a fun afternoon trying them all on, I hope you enjoy the show!

Im not sure how she accumulated all of these? 
Pink polka-doted shoes
zebra striped shoes
Gold diamond sparkles shoes
My favorite red cowgirl boots that were mine when I was her age!

Monday, February 14, 2011



We got this bike from a friend who wasn't in need of it anymore and it has became a necessity in our home! She thinks she is so big on it and could spend hours playing on it!
Ready to burn some rubber!
Just chillin
Another Picture!
Gotta Love the beads!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

   This year was a little more interesting then the other years. First, Silas had his tonsils out 2 days before christmas, Second, Paityn threw up in the middle of the night on christmas eve, Third, Mark was sick christmas day! Somehow through all that crazieness we found some enjoyable times through out the day! But I do have to say im a little sad because I got very few pictures because of all the madness. 
Silas and Paityn christmas eve in there new jammers. I love Silas's red gatorade lips and this is the only picture I got of Paityn in her new christmas Jammies before the disaster. 
Santa Came!
Little P on her cute new rocking horse!
Silas helping P put her tutu puzzle together

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Paityn Loves, loves, loves elmo and Abby off of Sesame Street. So when we herd they were coming to town, we new we had to get tickets! She freaked as soon as she saw the big elmo cardboard cutout! 

She could not take her eyes of them for a second!