Saturday, September 24, 2011

Tanners first day of High School!

Mom, "Tanner Smile :)."
Mom, "Tanner, come on, a nice smile."
Tanner, "Mom, this is so lame, let's go."
Mom, "Tanner, we're not leaving until I get a decent picture"
Not quite shirt that qualifies as a smile. But I'll take it.

Good Luck Bud!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Future Missionary.

I want to be a missionary now.
I don't want to wait until I'm grown.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Pretend City

Grandma Markham took the boys to Pretend City.  It's this place in Irvine that is literally a "pretend city" for the kids to play at.  There is a grocery store, bank, police dept, beach, dental/doctor office, little houses, fishing, etc.  You name it, they got it.
 Here they are on stage jammin' out.
 Ty spent the majority of his time fishing.
 Isaac loved the hats.
 Trying to steal cars from other innocent little kids.
 Another hat.
Basically Isaac was just not that much fun at pretend city.  It consisted of me running all over "town" trying to keep track of him and making sure he wasn't taking toys away from other kids.
Oh Isaac...
Luckily Uncle Lynn was there and helped out with Ty.

To sum it up:
Pretend City is fun for the kids.  But next time I'll "pretend" I'm sick so I don't have to go chase Isaac around.  Ha! Ha!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tanners trip to San Diego with the Blocker Family

Tanner had the opportunity this last week for a last rendezvous before school started. He went to San Diego with The Blocker Family. The Blockers are such a great family. He is actually the bishop of our ward. They have 6 kids, 5 are boys.
Before we moved to Chino Hills I was "shopping" for a ward. I found Bishop Blockers name and number on and gave them a call. Sister Blocker called and said that she had 6 kids, 5 were boys, and 3 were in Young Mens. SOLD!!!
Tanner has the greatest friends in our ward. We feel so grateful to be here.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Potty Training

The past week it's been potty training at our house. I wish I was in San Diego with Tanner :)
This is not the best picture, super blurry, but it'll do.
Can I just say, how cute and little are Isaac's little under-oo's?

Ty is long over-due in the potty training department!!!! He could care less about it. My friend suggested I read the book, "Toilet Training in Less Than a Day".
Although it hasn't taken less than a day to get it right, it definitely helped us out, and he's using his potty. I'd say we're at about a 70/30 success rate. Could be worse I suppose.
For a second I was either delusional/crazy/out of my mind when I thought I would try to potty train Isaac at the same time. That lasted for about 10 minutes and then I got my sanity back.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July

The boys in their Old Navy shirts that Grandma Shauna sends every year.

This year for the 4th we went to Steve and Carrie's again. Always a good time!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Tanner's 8th Grade Promotion from Robert Townsend Jr. High

Greg and Grandma Shauna patiently waiting for it to start. It was hot in that gym.

Tanner is moving on up and out of Townsend Jr. High and we all survived those awful Jr. High years. Tanner is a good kid. With just moving here this year I was nervous about the adjustment to a CA school from a MT school. Two opposites. Tanner is definitely the minority here in Chino Hills. There is a huge Asian population here that works to our benefit when it comes to the schools. He is challenged and has some great examples of scholars all around him.
We know Tanner would do well wherever he was, but are glad we're in Chino Hills.

His promotion ceremony was at Ayala High School. Grandma Shauna was able to come. You know how it is, your friends around, we were crampin' his style by making him take pictures with us.

After the ceremony we went to Chili's with the Cullems, Blockers and Grandpa Markham. It was a fun day!