" name="description"/> Mark Bellis: July 2023

Monday, July 31, 2023

Heron and gulls in the rain

Heron and gulls in the rain


More naloxone tips.

Since my friend Krystal died of a fentanyl overdose last year, I've started keeping a naloxone kit in my first aid bag in my car (I used to carry a naloxone pill in the 90s). There was a info booth at a fair and the pharmacist. Kent Guidon, told me that more than two nasal sprays can be used if the paramedics haven't arrived yet and the overdose victim hasn't responded, so I got some more. He also said to angle out the spray toward the eye after getting the nozzle in to better get the naloxone into the sinus, and to use the sprays on alternating nostrils.


Sunday, July 30, 2023

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Which Kerr?

Jim Kerr, Simple Minds, 2017

Photo: Stefan Brending, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/de/legalcode

Last month I wrote Happy Father's Day in Welsh,  Sul y Tadau Hapus, on Cherisse Osei's page as she had a video with her father in Wales. Just now someone 'loved' it on Facebook. I wondered who it was...Jim Kerr... nah, it couldn't be the same Jim Kerr, lead singer for Simple Minds, the band she's a drummer for....it was! I was wondering how he knew Welsh when I saw he hearted everyone's comment. (I'm assuming it was an app)

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Cherries on the bottom

Cherry tree, more of a bush, all the cherries are near the bottom, although there were flowers all over.


Monday, July 17, 2023

Another yellowish red sun

Yellowish-red sun. Not that much haze from the forest fires, but the light is still yellowish-red, so I imagine the smoke is in the upper atmosphere.


Sunday, July 16, 2023

Dogwood, maybe

Maybe a dogwood? Abundant flowers just growing by the roadside on Watkin's Corners Road, near Purdon Conservation Area. June 2023. One suggestion my friend on Mammoth made was a Mock Orange, Philadelphus spp.


Saturday, July 15, 2023

Bird of Paradise


Thrift store find - Promo brochure for 1951 version of Bird of Paradise, starring Louis Jordan as a Frenchman who goes to Polynesia, marries a native, played by the not-very-Polynesian Debra Paget, who is sacrificed to a volcano. Seriously. I think it's a fumetti with the plot given along with still photos.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Maple Leaf Truck

Chevrolet 'Maple Leaf' Truck, made in Oshawa from 1930 until 1948. 



Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Biker War 2023

Scene of shooting in parking lot, three injured,14th Street and Brookdale, Cornwall,  July 8, 2023  Supposedly there is a fight between the Outlaws Motorcycle Club and Loners Motorcycle Club. Outlaws clubhouse was torched in Brockville on Monday. 

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Little Girl

 There was a little girl, about eight, sitting on a folding chair at the entrance to a small mall. She had a cardboard box that had stuffed toys in it - "What are you selling?" "Some toys" "Here's a donation" I said, giving her a five. "What are you trying to raise money for?" I asked, thinking it might be for a school project. "I don't know, maybe for my dad." and her voice wavered. "Here's another ten - take care of yourself!"

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Luminous Long Sault

Luminous Long Sault 2023, boats light up by LED lights in bay, Long Sault, Ontario, July 8

LED Drones light up sky, done by Anugrah Patel, Paul St. Onge, and Barsha Hardikr 

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Birds not of a feather, flocking together


Domestic goose, with wound on wing, among Canada geese, east end, Lamoureaux Park, Cornwall, Ontario

Sixth booster

 Sixth Covid-19 booster today. I haven't had any kind of side effect from the Pfizer vaccine.