" name="description"/> Mark Bellis: October 2014

Monday, October 27, 2014

Sleeping bat, Strathroy, Ontario

Sleeping Bat, Strathroy, Ontario, 1990s

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Fall colors, October 15, 2014

Higginson Tower, Vankleek Hill
Trinity Graveyard, 2nd St., Cornwall
Acorns, probably red oak - these can be eaten, but they have a lot of tannin so they should be leached in water.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Maple Reflections

Joe Nickell speaking in Montreal

Joe Nickell points out the error.

 I didn't get much of what the guy was saying to Joe - I'd only moved in when I saw Joe making that gesture and I wanted to capture it - they sounded like they were religious but I couldn't be sure. Joe was immediately afterwards charming to a little girl who wanted his autograph - he did a bunch of magic tricks with a wooden nickel he gave her. He gave me one after I told him I'd interviewed him for a story I wrote about the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull.
There should be video of the presentations some time at this address:
Here's a clip of Joe explaining the Phoenix Arizona lights and the argument from ignorance:

Birds, fall 2014

 Golden Eagle next to dead fish (could be immature bald eagle)
 Great Egret, Blue Heron
Great Egret

Woolly Bear

Rusty No Thumbs

Rusty reaches for knobs and handles when he wants something open