Friday, November 30, 2012

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Ruff Ruff

Marshall loves to cuddle with me in blankets (for a few minutes).
He also love his ruff ruff and this camo swaddle blanket that he recently found.
In the car on the way home from Thanksgiving I looked back and he had wrapped
up ruff ruff in the blanket and was cuddling with him while watching a movie.
So cute!  I hope he's this tender and loving with the new baby.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Friday, November 23, 2012

Crazy Sleep Schedule

The last few weeks have been a little crazy at our house.  Marshall went for a week refusing to take naps and was waking up between 5-6am.  So he was grumpy and moody all the time.  He was also refusing to eat which didn't help the situation.  After a few days I felt in his mouth and his two upper molars were coming in. Poor kid!  I think he's finally over that and is back to taking naps everyday.  Now he has all his baby teeth and we're done with that phase.  Yeah!

The last couple days Marshall has woken up in the night saying owie and crying.  We are wondering if he's having growing pains.  Once in awhile he'll be playing and just flop on the ground and start crying.  It's so strange!  We are hope it's nothing more serious and this phase will pass quickly as well.  

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Monday, November 19, 2012

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Hair cut, church, scriptures & prayers

My handsome boys got nice new hair cuts for church and look great!  Marshall loves Sundays and asks to go to church many times during the week.  I'm so glad he enjoys going and hope it continues through his teenage years...  On Saturday night I tell him it's Sunday tomorrow and he gets so excited!  He loves packing a church bag, picking out his clothes, taking the sacrament, holding his hymn book, leading the songs, and of course nursery with his friends.  He is very quiet during church and is a very good kid the whole time (which is sure nice compared to a year ago when we couldn't keep him contained.)

Last week after nursery he came running to me to show me his picture.  But then he got upset when we were getting in the car.  He pulled on my hand and tried to go back into the building.  I explained it was time to go home and have some lunch.  He got the saddest look on his face and said, "No!  More church."  He whined the whole way home saying that same phrase over and over.

Marshall is really good about praying and reading scriptures (or anything that's on a routine).  As soon as he sits at the table he folds his arms and waits for the prayer.  Sometimes it's a little bit until I finish getting everything ready and he just waits and folds his arms so nicely.  A couple weeks ago Mark was in a hurry trying to get Marshall in bed because it was late.  Mark was taking Marshall into his room and Marshall said, "No daddy, read scriptures."  So they went back out into the living room and had scriptures before bed.  Little children are amazing and more in tune with the spirit than I think most people realize.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

New Fashion

Soccer outfit, jacket, and boots.  Styling!

Monday, November 12, 2012


He hardly gets off his new trike.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Baby Millie's Room

We've starting getting Baby Millie's room ready for her.
Marshall wanted to try out her new bed (his old bed).
I am just trying to decide what to hang on all the walls.

Marshall is so funny and takes toys into her room and says he is going to share with baby.
He gave her his stuffed animal bucket so she can sleep with the animals.
I hope he's this nice when she really arrives!

I got a new necklace with the names Marshall and Millie and I showed it to Marshall
and read him the names.  I told him I love him and baby Millie so I wanted to have 
a necklace with their names.  Whenever I wear it he grabs it and reads the names.

Two days ago Marshall came up and patted my belly and said "Love Baby Millie."
It was so sweet I just smiled at him and thought I'm a lucky mom.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Marshall learned this song in music class and loves it.  He other current favorite is wheels on the bus.

Marshall has started saying "No Way" and usually in a teasing manner.  His aunt Jamie also taught him to say "Yo Yo..." then a person's name.  Silly kid.

Marshall loves to jump.  He's also temperamental (as you can see with his pajama footies).  Makes me laugh.

Monday, November 5, 2012

New Hat

Mark helped the new pharmacist move into his house and the wife
 made Marshall this cute hat.  It's so perfect for fall walks.  

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Picture - 27 months

Oh my sweet little man.  We sure love you!

Thursday, November 1, 2012