Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I'm almost a month late finally getting this silly collage put together.
I thought this would be a fun way to see Marshall's growth over the last year.  
I should have put something by him to help show the proportional change.  
Maybe I'll remember to do that when (if) we have another child.

Monday, August 29, 2011


This video cracks me up... as you can see I can't hold the camera still while I'm laughing.
Why the TV on the ground and empty bookshelves?  We are re-arranging and
 attempting to paint some furniture.  I can't wait to have it done and show you!
Now I just want leather couches, a new rug & throw pillows and a flat screen TV...
But money is going to pay for my expensive school.  So it will just have to wait.
(Sorry for the rambling... lots of wish lists in my head thanks to pinterest!)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Friday, August 26, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Talking - Dada

I filmed this a month ago when Pedro and Lucas were here.
Marshall was going through a really talkative phase where he would repeat dada-dada-dada all day long!  

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Happy Again

I need to get back to posting more often.  I'm sure my mother-in-law is going through withdrawals and will be texting my husband soon asking for pictures.  Or maybe she already has.
Marshall man is feeling better and we are all much happier.  Mark keeps saying, "It's so nice to have our happy boy back."  And yes it is!!!!  Gosh I appreciate all the laughs, smiles, hugs and kisses after last week's tantrums and tears.  Marshall just wanted me which was hard since I had to go to work everyday.  It made it miserable for Mark to try to console him all week.  But that's over and we'll cross our fingers it doesn't come back!
Funny thing... this morning Marshall either climbed out of his crib or fell... we're not sure.  I heard him shriek for just second and then nothing.  I went into his room and he was sitting on the floor by his crib brushing his teeth.  It totally surprised me but he seemed just fine.  Last night he went to bed with his toothbrush.  Usually whatever toy he goes to bed with he throws out of his crib just before he falls asleep.  This is the first time I've put him to bed with his toothbrush and it's one of his FAVORITE things.  So my guess is that when he woke up this morning he saw the toothbrush on the floor and wanted it.  I'm thinking maybe he was able to get himself over the rail far enough that the momentum pushed him out. There aren't bumper pad or any toys in his crib for him to climb on.  I really have no idea how he did it.  Anyway don't worry Mark lowered the crib so there will be no more acrobatics... for a while we hope.

Friday, August 19, 2011


Marshall woke up this morning with a rash from head to toe!  All I could think was... are you kidding me?!?!?  Reaction from the antibiotic?  He's had an antibiotic before...  Food allergy?  He hasn't eaten anything all week... No new detergents or soaps...  We decided since it's Friday we better go see the doctor before the weekend.  Third visit in a week, we're going for a record here!  This whole bout of illness started after his 1-year old check up where he was pronounced healthy as a horse... ironic I know.

He has Roseola Virus which really isn't a big deal.  Quite common for young kids his age I guess.  Typically the virus causes 4 days of a high fever and irritability (check) then when the child starts to feel better a rash breaks out.  There's nothing that can be done except just wait and let it pass.  It doesn't seem to itch him and Marshall actually appears to be feeling much better.  He took a 4 hour nap this morning and is willing to crawl around the house and play with his toys. He actually ate today and smiled and laughed.  We're so looking forward to having our normal child back.  So life is looking better at our house, well except the unsightly rash.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Wow this week has been rough!  Marshall's had a temperature for 4 days, reaching 102 degrees.  He has two ear infections and swollen tonsils.  He has whined and cried for 4 days straight.  And I don't mean just any normal crying, I mean high-pitched screaming at the top of his lungs... for hours!  He won't eat, he won't drink, and we've tried to just hold him all day long but he doesn't even want that.  I feel bad for the poor kid, but really I wish we could cut his vocal cords.
 I know that seems mean when he looks so peaceful and cute sleeping with his dad.  But trust me that when I say these moments are rare.  We even shot a video of one screaming fit... but I'll spare you that misery.  Here's to hoping he recovers soon!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Monday, August 15, 2011

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Thanksgiving Point Gardens

What a beautiful place!  I want to go back next Spring during the
Tulip Fest and walk around all day.  Anyone want to join me??

That evening we had a BBQ with some of Mark's family.  I should have taken a
picture with everyone that was there.  But I was lazy and didn't think about it.
Marshall got some some books, a walking popper toy, an adorable little suit with
shoes, lots of movies and a DVD player for the car.  He's a lucky little guy!
He loved watching movies in the car and hopefully it will make the frequent
trips up to Salt Lake more entertaining.  Thanks everyone!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

1st Injury & 3rd Haircut

Marshall had his first injury.  Which is pretty good for as crazy and wild as this child is.
He and the cinder block retaining wall at grandma's had a little run in that caused it.
His little cousin wanted him to go walking with her... and he didn't want to go.
So Marshall planted his feet and fell backwards.  Stubborn kid.
But he didn't even cry much, only a few tears.
 Poor guy!  But it healed in just a few days.  

Marshall man's hair was getting long and crazy.
My cute sister-in-law Courtney had her scissors with her and gave him a quick trim.
Doesn't he look so handsome!  And older?  Can't believe he's had three haircuts already.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

12 Month Stats

I know it's cliché... but where did the last year go?

So many people have said, "Oh how sad your baby is 1"
And I say, "Oh yay my baby is 1!"

Marshall is more fun every day.  Babies are fine, but I prefer this age
 when they can laugh, play, and interact with you.  It's so fun to see him develop.

Marshall is healthy and staying strong in the 75th percentile.  He's 22.7 pounds and 31.5 inches tall.
He's only gained 1 pound in the last 3 months but grown over 2 inches.  Some of his pants fall off him.

Marshall loves balls and still chases them around the house.  He also loves cars and
trucks and could fill a whole glass with his spit as he says BRUM BRUM all day long.

He loves books and loves to look at pictures of Jesus.  He even tries to say "Jesus."
He points and babbles a lot, I just wish I knew what he was trying to say.
Marshall loves music and tries to sing along.  He also dances which looks like he's head-banging.

Marshall sleeps 12 hours at night and takes two 2-hour naps.
It's heavenly when we are at home, but a nightmare when we are gone.
He still only sleeps in his crib and occasionally takes a short nap in the car.
And when he doesn't get enough sleeps he's a little demon so we arrange our schedule around naps.

Marshall loves to walk and is getting very confident. He has started to stand up on his own.
He loves water and loves to be outside.  It will be nice when it's under 110 degrees.

Marshall has a smile and laugh that is completely contagious and
everyone he meets falls in love with him.  We are so lucky he's ours.

Friday, August 5, 2011


Marshall was not interested in eating cake or frosting.
The biggest part of the mess was due to Mark trying to get him involved.
But Marshall did love the candle and took a big bite of wax... nice!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Failed Photo Shoot

Long story... I wanted to try to get some pictures of Marshall outside since most everything I take of him is in our boring living room with bad lighting.  I have seen cute balloon pictures and thought we'd give it a try.  So after I got off work I picked up the boys and we ran to the store then headed to a park.  I got out of the car and it was SUPER windy, add that to the 114 degree temperature and I started to wonder what I was thinking...

Mark set Marshall on the blanket while I tried to hurry and find a good location with decent background and get the settings right on my camera.  I had to put Marshall's back to the sun because it was really bright.  My camera was not adjusting well to the light so I had to put in on manual and try a few combinations.  In the mean time the wind was blowing the balloons around and four popped on the spiky grass.  Again I wondered what I was thinking...

I told Mark it wasn't perfect but we needed to try to get a few pictures before Marshall melted away.  We put him in place and Marshall wouldn't smile.  He was somber and looked like he was ready for a nap (and he had just woken up).  We tried everything to get him to even crack a grin and nothing!!!  So 10 minutes later I was frustrated and told Mark to pack it up and we were leaving.  I was upset because I was feeling guilty for not throwing a super cool party (like so many of my friends have) and now I couldn't even do a decent photo shoot.  I told Mark I was a total failure! (I know slightly dramatic... maybe the heat and stress of work was getting to me.)

We got in the car and my sweet husband said he was sorry it didn't work out.  Then about 10 seconds later I heard Marshall in the back seat laughing.  What?  He had been a zombie just seconds before!!!  I turned around and the air conditioner was blowing on him and he was just as happy as can be.  I guess the heat was just not pleasant for him, and I don't blame him.  It's funny because earlier today I was talking to my friend Shayla about how the kids go so limp and lifeless in the heat.  Maybe that should have been my hint not to even try a photo shoot.

Anyway none of the pictures at the park turned out like I wanted.  Here are a couple practice shots I took while trying to figure out the best camera settings.  I'm just bummed because I was super excited to get some cute photos.  Oh well...

4 balloons had already popped by this point, stupid wind.

Nice gap in the teeth Marshall Man!

When we got home I snapped a few with Marshall's usual smile.  I WISH I could have had this cute smile at the park.  Maybe we'll try again in October when it's under 100 degrees.  

Wednesday, August 3, 2011