Friday, February 26, 2010

Top 5 Favorite Hair Disses...

Women are generally more complementary than men when I cut my hair. Most men have this funny obsession with long hair and can't quite hide their disgust. I just have to post some of the better comments I have gotten this week... hope you get a good laugh.

#5 - "Wow, I don't know how I feel about your new hair." (I just laugh and think, "Well it's pretty obvious what you think about it!!")

#4 - "Oh, I just really like women with long hair." (To that I want to reply, "Well I'm already married so go find someone else with long beautiful locks to pester." Or I want to give them 16 inches of my thick frizzy hair and tell them to keep it shinny and straight with no split ends for two years and them come back and talk to me!)

#3 - "I wouldn't let my wife cut her hair off that short." (I just smile and think, "It's a REALLY good thing he and I aren't married, it obviously won't work out.")

#2 - "You look old with short hair." (What exactly does that mean... like 40 or 26? Because I am 26! I neither want to be nor am trying to be a teenager anymore.)

#1 Favorite Diss - "How does your husband feel about your new hair?" (First of all Mark is the most easy-going person in the whole world. While he likes my hair long, he thinks it's cute short too. Or atleast he plays the supportive husband role really well. Secondly, I hope my husband married me for more than my hair - which I know he did because I had short hair when we met. And thirdly... I should carry around these pictures and inform people that I don't tell Mark how to wear his hair and he doesn't tell me how to wear mine!)

Oh Mark you make me laugh and life is always an adventure with you!  And yes I have gone out in public with him numberous times with some of these crazy 'dos. Now tell me... don't I deserve a cute blonde bob every few years!?!?!?!?!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

16 Weeks


And the doctor says...

Now I need to find some manly boy-ish scrapbook supplies instead of this pink/blue combination!  hahaha  We are very excited.  Mark was surprised because he thought it was a girl.  Pedro also thought it was a girl but had a dream a few nights ago that it was a boy, so he was really confused.  I am just thrilled the little guy is growing and healthy and my thyroid levels appear to be cooperating!

Monday, February 22, 2010

It's officially gone...

And no I'm not talking about my brain... I'm talking about my hair.  I have been growing it for two years and decided I need a change!  So I chopped it off and I'm ready for summer to come.  Bring on the sun and heat.
I'm not afraid to experiment with my hair.  I have a wonderful hairdresser who understands my thick, curly hair and the way it absorbes color.  I feel confident in her, so I like to change it up and try new things.  I think I've had almost every hair style possible in my life.
Some people love it, and some people hate it.  It's always funny (and slightly annoying sometimes) to deal with the responses of such a dramatic cut.  But the great thing about hair... it's an easy change.  You can cut it, grow it, color it, perm it, straighten it, even spike it!  (No I haven't been daring enough for a spiked 'do yet.)

I am enjoying the change.  And I'm excited to experiment with it.  Some days I might have a cute bob, and others a messy curly mop... we'll see what each new day brings.  hahaha  My advice, be adventurous!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines!

Okay I guess we had another busy week - but they are all busy so it's nothing too unusual, I just happened to take lots of pictures. I told you I would stop being so lazy!



If you live in the area, you should go to the Dixie Igloo in St. George. Oh my we had a really fun time ice skating. Finished the night off with Larsen's Frostop and it was a memorable day! Sorry some pictures are blurry and the lighting was horrible. But it sure was fun.


On another note. I am loving Gospel Doctrine and studying the Old Testiment. We have an amazing teacher and I'm enjoying the topics we are covering. I was asked to fill in and teach the Relief Society lesson today. I really enjoy teaching and I think we had some nice discussions.

Hope you all had a nice week and great Valentine's Day.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

13 Weeks Along


So, because I'm curious... I would love to know if any of you had cravings. Did you get morning sickness and how long did it last? Did anyone get crazily emotional or feel like you were losing your mind? (I've just heard stories... not implying anything about my friends.) Did anyone see a Parinatologist? And is there anyone out there with no thyroid that has had children? (Haven't met anyone yet, but I'm bound to find someone!) Would love to hear all your stories.