Dec 31, 2023

December 2023

School and church mixed a bit in December with the Christmas gift drive for our less privileged students. I helped at school during the week and then on Saturday we went to help as a family for our Stake assignment. Here my boss (school principal) is chatting with my family while we were there for church. I do enjoy being part of our wonderful community in both capacities.

During school, the Student Government continued with the Gold Rush Fundraiser events. The candy cane grams were a success!

The Senior Soda Bar was also a hit!

We finished up the Gold Rush Fundraiser raising thousands of dollars for our Teen Center and Scholarship Fund. We ended with a final assembly where teachers and admin got dunked, games were had and hair was shaved.

Timmy decided to make Taiwanese Beef Noodle Soup for a school project so he and Mark experimented to create some pretty authentic deliciousness!

I love when we can take a little time together as a family. We made it downtown for Christmas.

Geography continued onward. Not sure why I took this picture. I think I was experimenting with seat arrangements in my classroom. This was first period. It was always super sparse and super quiet.

The ward Christmas party had some pretty awesome decor!

The primary kids love the pipe chimes during December.

We hosted Student Government at our house for a holiday party. It was a nice way to regroup and enjoy a fun time.

This was the last Christmas we visited and played for Grandma Joyce. She passed away about a month later. I am glad my boys got to know her and she could be part of their lives.

The Christmas Eve Nativity at the Ranch is always the best!

We gave the boys a trip to Hawaii this year, but they still got a few things to open on Christmas morning.

Prepping the Prime Rib for Christmas dinner!

We did some fun things with family during the break. The kids went to the trampoline park.

To the Kamas rec center.

Bowling and arcade games where Timmy found a prize with his same name.

And mark continued to give more attention to his nephew than any other kid I have seen.

We finished out 2023 with a youth quad stake dance and a party at the ranch.

Goodbye 2023! It was certainly a crazy year of learning and growth for me. I am grateful for all the opportunities I was given and so grateful for Heavenly Father's guidance. Sometimes in the thick of hard things I wonder why I am doing those things. Then as I look back I see many of the reasons and blessings. He knows me. He knows what I need. He knows what my family needs. We are blessed beyond measure.