Jun 17, 2021

May 2021

We have been busy! Spring and Summer on the farm this year have been crazy! I still love it though. We watched our grass grow even more during May!

We had birthday parties every week throughout the month.

We cleaned out the shed and took all of this to the metal recycling place.

More unicorn parties. 

We got a huge load of playground chips to go under the playground.

I was able to get them all unloaded and spread out with the help of the tractor.

The piglets grew!

Another unicorn party.

Mark turned 39! We went to Korean BBQ.

I watched a hot air balloon drift by one morning while up on the roof getting hay. It was a beautiful experience. I love mornings like that.

Then it was Mother's Day! This is my mom on the pony with her mom next to her. Love them both!

Here is my mom with Brian on a horse at the Ranch. Love them both!

We got to go up to the Ranch for Mother's Day dinner. Mark taught the boys how to play some fun airsoft games. They had so much fun!

Rosie kept feeding those growing piggies!

Timmy learned how to make crepes! He is so happy he can make them whenever he wants now.

We had so many beautiful evenings!

The boys finished their soccer season. They played with Murray and on the same team.

We decided to make an investment and we bought a bunch of fruit trees.

Then we planted those fruit trees! I am determined to keep them alive.

Then I prepped the garden and planted a lot of pumpkins!

The bad news in May came the day we found termites have destroyed two walls in our basement. I had no ideas termites were even a problem in Utah. I was wrong.

A whole lot of money later and we had treatments done. The walls still need to be fixed, but termites are gone.

We loved on the piglets while they were still with us.

We enjoyed the bunnies too.

Did I mention our grass grew! I was so so excited about it.

Mark took lots of manure to friends who wanted it in their gardens.

Timmy was on the robotics team at school this year. He worked so hard and put his heart and soul into putting gears on his robot to make it fast.  The day finally came to go to competition at Lagoon.

Brian came to cheer him on!

Timmy made it into the finals and did the best from his school. He was amazing and I am so proud of how hard he worked!

We also enjoyed lagoon including this peacock display.

We spent more time with the farm animals at home.

The horses had their teeth floated.

We let the animals eat a little grass.

We said goodbye to the piglets at the end of May.

Timmy saved a bird that flew in the house.

Timmy turned 11! He is the best 11 year old kid in the world! We love him so much! 

He asked for kinetic sand for his birthday and then made this with it! So sweet!

We celebrated Timmy's birthday at Braza Grill and he got his favorite chicken hearts.

Memorial Day was on the last day of May this year and we went to the Ranch to be with family. It was a nice end to a very busy and beautiful month.