Jun 1, 2020

May 2020

May started with the delicious aroma of the neighbor's lilac tree.  I love lilacs! So do the goats. Only they like to eat them.  Luckily the bush is so large we still get to enjoy a lot of blossoms.

We still love playing games as a family!

Mark taught the boys how to mow the lawns and use the leaf blower.

Mark also taught them how to make pizza dough.

We stopped on Mark's work one day and played a little shuffle board.

The boys went in to school to pick up their things.  Brian got his artwork.

Mark also taught us how to make Chinese onion bread.  The was a lot of teaching from Mark in May apparently.

The Young Men and Young Women worked on this family history bingo.
I learned I am a direct descendant of Pocahontas! It is verified by tribal records and everything!

We tried to recreate this photo of my great grandparents and my grandpa on my dad's side along with my grandma on my mom's side serving missions together in Paris and the beginning of WWII

I let the horses eat the grass in the park while the boys played.

Timmy is getting good at cooking things on the stove.

Mother's Day and Mark's Birthday landed on the same weekend again.

Happy Birthday to Mark! Korean BBQ makes the best birthday outing and it opened up again just in time!

We decided to end our quarantine from the ranch. Oh happy day!

My nephew Evan came home from his mission in Baltimore and we got to join a zoom call with my family to hear all about it.  He was an amazing missionary!

I spent lots of time with these kids.

And these kids.

Lots of kids around here!

Reading is still a thing at our house.

I enjoyed many beautiful evenings in May.

I also enjoyed watching my garden grow!

I got two new goats. They are sisters and we named them Pebbles and Precious.  They do faint!

The boys went to town digging a huge hole in the sandbox.

I caught a snake for the kids to hold for a minute.  I figured they might as well add some snake stink to all that dirt!

On Saturdays, after rooms and bathrooms are clean, one boy helps mow the lawns while the other vacuums and dusts the house. Brian looks thrilled about the additional assignment.

We like when we get to love on the neighbor's puppies.

Timmy got his teeth expander out and a retainer made. He chose blue.
And the boys continued with the digging in the sandbox.

One of my goats got an eye infection. I tried cleaning it and treating it by tying her up by a collar, which did not work at all, as it was basically just a loud and crazy ridiculous fight. So the next day I made a goat stand from things I had around the farm.  It works great and it makes treating problems, trimming hooves and giving vaccines so much easier! Her eye is all better after a few days of cleaning and ointment!

Weeds started taking over the garden, so I pulled what I could out and mulched it all with straw. You can see three different stages here.  On the left you have the weeds. In the middle I have pulled the weeds and on the right I have pulled weeds and mulched.

I made a poster for my one YW graduating from high school.

I also made a new goat feeder.


We went out to KOU on Memorial Day which was the day before Timmy's birthday.  It was his dinner of choice, of course!

Then on his birthday I took the boys up to the ranch for a celebration with cousins. We had a hot dog roast party.  It was perfect weather and a fun way to celebrate Timmy turning 10!

We stayed overnight at the ranch too. I love the sunsets there.

Back at home Timmy's birthday present of roller blades arrived! He makes it look so fun that we all decided to get skates and join him!