May 1, 2020

April 2020

What a strange April this has been.  Because of Covid-19 we don't go to church or school or work.  The kids don't have Spring sports and they have music lessons online.  We needed more active things to do, so we started biking again.

We quickly realized Brian's bike was WAY too small.

It just so happens that a bike Mark got from a friend works just right for Brian! He is ready to mountain bike!

 Mark continued with his fishing.

We loved General Conference.

Between sessions Mark got and installed a new washer and dryer!  We love love love them.

The boys tilled up the garden area. They were sore for days and Timmy had blisters.  Who needs a tiller when you have Brian and Timmy?

Pizza Sundays are the best.  We are just missing friends and family to have over to enjoy it with us.

Beautiful fishing!

I spend so much time on the farm now that we had to get some new additions.  I decided to go for mini silky fainting goats. We started with two sisters, Peaches and Penny.

Cowboy and Pip wanted to meet the new kids on the block.

The next day I got a little buck goat from another breeder.  We named him Pogo.

Penny and Peaches became friendly pretty quickly after realizing we had yummy treats for them.

April was a month full of lots of games as a family.  Usually before bed.

Mark got the trackhoe down here and scraped down the horse track for me.

Brian helped.

I spent lots of time fixing holes in the fences and putting the goats away after they found yet another way to get out.

We added three more girls to the herd. Their names are Polly, Peanut, and Pepper. (Top left to right)

We needed to get their shelters set up, so the boys helped me paint them so little pieces of fiberglass weren't coming off. Finding paint clothes for these boys was a challenge.  I finally thought of plastic bags to protect their shoes.

The goats approve.

I spent time sitting in the barn with the new girls trying to get them used to me.  They were more hesitant.  Polly and Pepper are now good to be touched, but Peanut still stays far far away.

Brian and Timmy figured out how to jump off the playset onto the trampoline.
Mark taught them to mow the lawn.

Mark removed the large rocks from the front.

We helped a bit.

We did more biking at Wheeler Farm.

Brian is really excited about adding butter to already buttered microwave popcorn.

Pizza Sunday!

We did a drive by parade for a baptism celebration for a girl in our ward.

Mark wanted me to post this picture because he thinks it is funny.

The animals on the farm learned to be content with each other.

The boys got really into the sand box.

I organized all our music!  This took a whole afternoon. This is probably only 1/4 of what I went through.

Our neighbors got puppies.

We got over two tons of sand to add to the sand box and Timmy and Brian shoveled all of it out of the trailer.

I let some friends come help brush the horses.  We tried to keep distance between people.

I had to document Mark heading into work for part of a day in April.  It was a momentous occasion.  We are so used to him being home now it was a little strange to have him leave.

The boys went to work with the new sand.

And we all went to work preparing our garden.

April went super fast for me.  I quite enjoy staying home with my family and working on projects on the farm.  Usually April is busy with school activities and sports and church.  It has been lovely to be home.  The kids have been practicing music more and we even did a cello concert from Mark's flatbed trailer for some people in our ward.  It was a fun experience.  We hope to help keep everyone safe and we wouldn't wish for a pandemic like this to happen again.  But, I am enjoying this time and I am so grateful for our current circumstances. We are blessed.