Jan 12, 2015

Goodbye 2014

2015 has arrived!  I was a tiny bit sad to say goodbye to 2014.  2014 was truly one of the best years of my life.  As I look back through the year's blog posts I realize how wonderful it was.  Mark got a new job, we bought the Scamp trailer, we enjoyed numerous camping trips, the boys were healthy and happy, and we moved into our dream house.  I know that most years may not be so full to the brim with blessings and I want to recognize 2014 for what it was, a year of blessings and joy. I am so grateful.

I do enjoy ringing in a new year and the opportunity it provides for me to make some new goals!  We went to Allison's house for our traditional balloon popping noise making party!  The food and the company was excellent! Even though it was super cold outside, Mark set off some pretty good fireworks for us!  It was perfect!    

We celebrated early and the kids were home and in bed by 7:30.  I then headed over our ward building for what I thought was going to be a long party with the youth.  Staying up until after midnight seemed a little daunting. I was surprised to find the time went really quickly.  We played games and volleyball and basketball type games and talked and laughed.  The youth of our ward are great kids and good examples for me. I will probably learn more from them than I will teach them in my new calling as Laurel Adviser.  Welcome 2015!

Jan 11, 2015

Christmas Break

Christmas break was so fun and extremely relaxing.  Mark's new work gives them the whole week off between Christmas and New Year.  Mark was really busy at work before Christmas and we didn't get to see him much then, so having him home for so much time after Christmas was a real treat for us.  Sadly the weather got really cold for his week at home when he had planned on doing a lot of outdoor work at the house.  He wasn't able to get the work done here that he wanted to, but we sometimes let the cold weather be our excuse to relax and enjoy our time indoors.  My attitude was so relaxed, that I forgot to take many pictures.  Here's some of what we did in our time off of school and work.

*We rode TRAX downtown and enjoyed time at the Grand America and Temple Square
*We went sledding and played in the snow
*Mark and the boys took apart and put together more Lego sets
*We visited Grandma Joyce
*We went swimming and had a snack with my parents at their condo
*I took the boys to the aquarium
*Mark and I went on two different dates together and we saw two different movies in the theater. I haven't been to a movie in years.
*I let the boys stay in their pajamas all day for a couple of the days
*We snuggled up and read lots of books and watched some movies
*We thoroughly enjoyed all this time as a family

What a great way to end a great year!

Jan 8, 2015


Christmas day was glorious.  Nothing is better than those magical moments on Christmas morning with kids.  It was so much fun.  The boys woke up so early and it was so dark outside that we didn't even notice it was a white Christmas until much later after the sun came up.  They probably wouldn't have noticed even if we could see outside.  Their focus was of course on the Christmas morning surprises near the tree!

Brian got exactly what he asked for, Legos, Legos and more Legos!

Timmy got just what he had asked for and more!  In addition to getting piano lessons, he did get his outdoor tractor that really digs.   What he had actually asked for was an outdoor remote control tractor that actually digs.  This pedal tractor suits him and our backyard better than anything.

He wasted no time at getting on and driving that thing.  He drove around and cleaned up all the wrapping paper as Brian unwrapped the rest of the presents.

Finally the sun came up and we realized we had a white Christmas!  Really we had no snow until Christmas morning.  It was perfect!

The boys were not the only ones to be surprised on Christmas morning.  Brian made the most adorable homemade gifts for me and Mark that you can imagine.  It can't get more precious than this.

After the gifts were opened, Brian got right to work putting together his Lego sets.

And Timmy got right to work clearing the driveway with his tractor!

We had a quick breakfast and both boys went quickly back to Lego land.  Brian built them and Timmy played with them.

 I could not have asked for a better day.  A snow covered beautiful day at home in our pajamas with all the boys completely occupied and happy for hour after hour.  The inventor of Legos is a genius.  Brian built all of these in just a few hours and he still had more larger sets to get to.

Finally, late in the afternoon, we got ourselves dressed and ready for dinner with the Hsiao family.  Because of the unexpected delay of Mark's parents leaving on their mission they decided to have Christmas dinner at a Chinese restaurant.  The food was delicious and it was really nice not to have to worry about cooking anything. What a lovely day enjoying our new house, our Christmas presents, and a great dinner with family.

Christmas Eve

My favorite evening of the year was once again my favorite evening of the year.

The tradition is to do Mexican food.  Mark and I love the steak and chicken from the best Mexican market out in Taylorsville, so every year I offer to go out there to get the meat and Mark offers to cook it up for us!  This year he got to use two grills because we inherited one when we bought the house.  I think he could easily get used to having two grills.  Wow that meat was good!

I love Christmas Eve.  It will always be my favorite.