Nov 28, 2014


The end of September brought on some huge and marvelous changes for our family.  In one day our lives picked up some serious speed and both October and November became wonderful crazy and exciting months.  In less than two months we bought a new house and sold our old house.  But the house we bought is not just any house.  It is our dream house.  More on that to come.  For now, I want to record some of the other things that happened in October.

We had a wonderful General Conference weekend where we were able to watch almost all the sessions through without falling asleep.  Both Timmy and Mark fell asleep for a little while at Mark's parent's house.  These two are so adorable when they sleep I had to take pictures.

I took the kids to the zoo one beautiful afternoon.  October had some amazing weather!  It was warm enough to play in the splash zone.

Timmy had to be especially patient this month as I cleaned and sorted through years and years of accumulated stuff in order to get and keep our house "show ready."  He is the best little buddy and he didn't mind that we ate out a lot and when I say a lot I mean pretty much every meal except breakfast.  This is one of the many lunches we had while our house was being shown to potential buyers.

Sometimes I would just keep driving around to give him a needed nap.

I did my best to stage our house and then keep it show clean.  I did it long enough to know selling my house is not something I want to do again in the near future, but I'm so so glad we got it sold in one month.  Boy do I feel for anyone who has to show their house for months and months.

One Saturday we had an open house to get more showings and Mark stayed home while I took the kids to the Ranch for a sleepover.  It was a much needed diversion and the most beautiful day!  It was perfect.  Brian caught a big Leopard frog.  No one has even seen one at the Ranch for probably 20 years so it was a pretty big deal.

Brian and Timmy finished up an 8 week Saturday morning sports camp.  They learned a few fundamentals of soccer, football, baseball and basketball.

Timmy's preschool class took a little field trip to a community garden where he got to pick his very own little pumpkin.  He absolutely loved that experience.  He came right home and painted it and then kept it in a special place in his room until after Halloween.

I took the boys on one hot afternoon to the pumpkin days at Wheeler farm.  I couldn't believe we were doing Halloween activities in 80 degree weather.

Then came Halloween activities like Timmy's program.  He did a great job, especially for not feeling well.  When I came to pick him up from school he had a raging fever.  Luckily he felt well enough by the next night to do a little bit of trick-or-treating.

I got to make it to Brian's school parade as well.

Brian got to experience his second piano recital.  His teacher has a Halloween recital where the students get to dress in costume.  Brian played a song called Creepy Creaky Sounds, which made for a cool sneaky ninja performance.  He played it perfectly!