Mar 27, 2012

Brian: 4 Years Old

Our Brian will be four years old on Thursday.  I wanted to record some things about him before the hustle and bustle of party planning and cleaning get underway.  Being a parent is truly an incredible wonderful adventure and I am so grateful we started it off with Brian coming into our lives four years ago.

Brian a few days before his birthday with his All About Me poster he will take to school

Brian's 4-Year-Old  Birthday Interview

  • What is your favorite color? Green
  • What is your favorite food?  Chinese Food! Pot Stickers and Walnut Shrimp
  • What is your favorite toy?  Blankie
  • What is your favorite thing to do?  Playing with my Dad!
  • What is your favorite animal?  Panda Bears
  • Who are your friends?  Kilee and Lauren
  • What school do you go to?  Woodstock
  • What is your favorite time in school?  Playing with the toys
  • What is your favorite book?  Books about trains
  • What is your favorite movie or TV show?  Blues Clues
  • What is your favorite thing to do with Mom? Play games with her
  • What is your favorite thing to do with Dad?  Play with him
  • What is your favorite song?  Jingle Jingle Bells
  • What is your favorite holiday?  Valentines Day, because I get candy!
  • What is something you like about Dad?  When he traps me!
  • What is something you like about Mom?  When she plays with me
  • What is something you like about Timmy?  When he plays chase with me
  • What is something you want to do this year?  Play with my brother

Picture Timeline of Brian's 4 Years

Brian - A few hours old

Brian - 2 weeks old

Brian - 2 months old

Brian- 5 months old

Brian - One year old

Brian - 18 months old

Brian - 2 years old

Brian - 3 years old
Brian - 4 years old

Mom's Thoughts About Brian at 4 Years Old

In my opinion (I'm sure all mothers feel the same way about their children), Brian is an intelligent, amazing individual.  He is so inquisitive and asks questions constantly.  He seems to remember everything.  I know that learning at a super fast rate is normal for his age, but it amazes me all the same to watch it from a mother's point of view.

Brian has been going to preschool on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at the public elementary school.  He absolutely loves it.  I am glad I had him enter preschool this year.  It has been a wonderful experience watching him go to school.  He interacts well with his classmates and teachers and follows instructions to a tee. I have loved going to his class once a month to help out.  I think he has learned a lot about other people and the world around him by attending school.  He now has writing his name down as well.

At home Brian and I do a lot of reading together.  He could sit and listen to books all day long if I let him.  He is starting to sound out words and can read the most simple words from the phonics readers he has.  Watching him learn to read is sooooo cool!

Brian always wants to know exactly what is real and what is pretend.  This has made explaining holidays and make-believe things quite perplexing for me.  He is very disturbed by any fantastical creature such as dragons, witches, ghosts, goblins etc.  He worriedly asks question after question about them and is not comforted until I explain over and over in great detail that these things are pretend and made up just for fun in stories.  Halloween was an interesting time for that very reason.  I have ended up flat out telling him that the Easter Bunny and Leprechauns are also pretend.  Yes, it makes me feel like a lame mom, but he's not content until he gets the whole truth.  Before St. Patrick's Day, someone at school asked him if the Leprechauns were coming to his house.  He worried and worried and worried about it asking so many questions and each answer I gave brought on a huge load of new questions and worries.  He was only at ease when I explained that we just like to pretend that Leprechauns exist for fun.  Then he brought up the Easter Bunny and he needed the same explanation.  Santa Claus is an issue I was able to skirt around last Christmas and I'm glad Santa is out of Brian's mind for now.  We'll see what happens this coming Christmas.  Brian may end up learning the truth about Santa earlier than most children.  He's a funny kid.

Even with all his literalness, Brian has a great sense of humor.  He loves to laugh and he finds many things funny.  He laughs at Timmy and Daddy the most.  He's still learning how to understand jokes with sarcasm, but I see he's improving on knowing when someone (mostly his uncle Dave) is just kidding around.

Unlike most kids his age, he still cannot survive without a nap and he goes to bed super early.  Brian is usually asleep by 7:30 at night and he wakes up between 7 and 7:30 in the morning.  By noon he is exhausted and takes an hour and a half nap.  I think he often sleeps longer than Timmy, who is two years younger.  Brian has always needed a lot of sleep and I imagine he will be that way his whole life. Every few nights (especially if he is even slightly over tired), Brian will scream out and wail once or twice during the night.  He has done this since he was a baby. I've learned that he is not awake when this happens and if I try to console him it only gets worse.  The best thing to do is stay out of his room and let him be.  The screaming usually lasts a few minutes and then he is completely quiet and sleeping peacefully again.  I have also learned to distinguish between this cry and his need something cry, so I know when to go in there and when to leave him alone.  The doctor thinks these episodes are night terrors.

Brian's room is full of odd random things that he treasures.  He loves small items and gets his "little things box" out every single day.  I've decided to let him mostly make his room his own and I love watching what he wants to hang up and keep there.  He enjoys building things with legos, playing with play-dough, dressing up, playing make believe, running around with Timmy, playing outside, and any other activity little kids like to do.  He enjoys bath-time and LOVES the routines in our life.

Brian is in the middle of a gymnastics class at a local gym.  He loves it and is getting braver and more confident with each class.  He's also practicing riding his bike and pumping on the swings at home and at the park.

Another thing Brian really loves are maps.  He loves to look at maps and learn places.  He especially wants to know where we are and where we are going on road maps. He draws maps and makes up stories and adventures about the maps he draws and maps he has.

One of my favorite things about Brian is how sweet he his.  He is so kind to his little brother Timmy The Tornado.  Brian is quick to apologize if he hurts Timmy or makes him sad.  Brian takes such good care of his little brother that it takes a bit of the load off of me.  Of course they have their disagreements throughout the day about who gets what toy etc., but I think Brian is one of the best big brothers out there. I am so happy that they enjoy playing together.

I just love my little Brian!  Happy Birthday kiddo!

Mar 17, 2012


We have really been enjoying those nice outdoor days we've been having.  The weather has not been perfect, but it has been nice enough to be comfortable when outside.  These nice days have included the following outings:

  • Fun in our own backyard
  • Numerous bike rides  - Brian now has a two wheeler with training wheels and Timmy gets the trike which I push while holding Meg's leash as we ride/walk around the neighborhood.  My hands are always full so taking photos is out of the question.  It is fun to watch Brian on his bike and Meg doesn't add any trouble at all.  The biggest issue is Timmy who thinks it is OK to get off his trike while  it's moving in order to pick up random rocks, sticks or seeds.  I just have to watch him carefully and stop as soon as it looks like he's diving for a new treasure.  I'm glad they both like to wear their helmets like Daddy wears his motorcycle helmet.  In fact, Timmy thinks he is so much like Daddy that he calls his trike a motorcycle.
  • Trips to the park
  • Kite flying
  • Wheeler Farm visits - The baby sheep and goats are so cute and I always forget my camera.  We'll be back there soon before those babies grow up.
  • A Heritage Park excursion - Both boys love the train there.
  • A trip to the Hogle Zoo - We renewed our passes and are looking forward to many more trips to see the "amolls" (animals) as Timmy says.

We were especially lucky when Daddy was able to meet us at the Zoo!

Nothing makes me happier than watching my three guys having fun together!