Jan 19, 2011

Timmy: Almost Eight Months

I  never got around to writing a post about Timmy at seven months old because it landed right during our trip to San Diego.  Now he will be eight months in one week and I have been wanting to record a few new things about him before I forget.  Since six months there have been some pretty significant changes with this guy.  

He now has two teeth on the bottom and I was surprised at how much teething bothered him.  I'm not looking forward to having the next set of teeth come in.

His hair has really filled in and he no longer looks bald on the sides.  His new hair is dark and straight as can be.  It now lies flat and forward, making any kind of cool spike do difficult.  I'm used to the total opposite with Brian's hair.

Timmy is still growing and growing.  All his clothes are currently 12 month size or larger and I don't know how much he weighs, but I guarantee he's no small dude.  

He has a stronger desire to move around and he rolls and reaches to get toys, but he's still far from getting up on his knees and crawling.  If I set him in a sitting position he enjoys sitting for a time playing with his toys.

Timmy smiles a lot, but he only giggles if we work hard to please him.  Usually those giggles come when Brian laughs in Timmy's face or when I tickle him.  He gets super excited when Mark gets home from work and flaps his arms up and down and kicks his legs really hard.  Then if Mark doesn't immediately hold him, he protests with some major whining.

Timmy's favorite people are of course Mark, Brian and me.  Like I said, he gets so excited when he sees his daddy and he always wants to be in the same room as Brian.  He is generally fine to be held by strangers as long as he doesn't see me around.  For example, if I am talking to someone at church and they ask to hold him, he'll go to them initially, but as soon as he looks at me and realizes that I'm not holding him he gets nervous and begs to be back in my arms.

His current nicknames are: Timmy, Timmer, Timmers, Tim-Tim, Tims, and Buddy.  

He is a pretty good eater and is eating any solids that he can mash with his gums.  He definitely has his favorites though.  Like most babies, he loves cheerios and bananas.  For months I have been working with him on learning how to suck water out of a sippy cup or a straw.  It has been a battle, but I'm happy to say that I won this one and he figured it out just this afternoon.  He is currently still nursing and I haven't needed to or attempted to give him a bottle for the last six months.  This may have been a mistake, because after struggling to keep him eating off both sides for his entire life, he has in the last week finally won that battle and is only nursing from one side.  I'm fine with it for now, but he may have to learn to drink his milk from a bottle after all.  I could see him taking to it either really easily or really struggling with it.  We'll see what happens in the next few months.  Luckily he's a pretty big boy and I'm not worried at the moment that he's not getting enough.  

Last of all we come to his sleeping patterns.  I am overjoyed to report that he is SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!  It wasn't until we returned from San Diego and he was over seven months old that it has been a consistent thing.  Not only is he sleeping through the night, but he is sleeping at least 12 hours every night.  Usually it is more than 12 hours.  He usually goes to bed by 6:30 pm and he almost always wakes up between 7:15 and 7:45 a.m.  The last few days it has been 7:15 a.m. on the dot.  I'm hoping it doesn't get any earlier than that.  He takes two naps a day.  His first nap is always around 9:00 a.m. and his second nap varies depending on how long he slept that morning.  I try to get him to sleep just after Brian goes to sleep for his nap so it is most often around 12:30 p.m. 

We are loving Timothy at this age!

Jan 9, 2011

San Diego Favorites

Besides spending time with my parents, here are a bunch of other favorites from our San Diego vacation.

The Mormon Battalion Historic Site
Brian calls it the Visitor Center and it continues to be his favorite place in San Diego.  This trip he particularly enjoyed the cannon, the brick making station, of course the gold panning, and the wagon in front.  The Center is truly a wonderful place to visit and it is so fun to see my parents running the place.

The Beach and Sea World
 We had a warm enough day to spend some time on the beach.  Brian would have stayed all day if it weren't for the cold.

 Mandy and Brian were in San Diego for about half the time we were there.  It was fun to have them there with us!

We went back to Sea World three different times.  Christmas break was a very crowded time to visit, but still fun.  Our favorites were feeding the stingrays and the sea lions and Brian loved the kiddie rides.

On Christmas Eve Mandy and I played for the Missionary program at the Battalion Center while Mark stayed with the kids.  Christmas morning we opened a few presents that we had brought and Mandy made us all breakfast, then we went to Sea World later that day.
Brian was entertained through the morning by the playdough set Santa brought him.

 He was also super excited about his gift from Grandma and Grandpa.  He ended up buying a little San Diego snow globe and a few other souvenirs to remember the trip.

 Timmy and I were somewhat grumpy Christmas morning because of a very rough night.  The little guy got sick the day after we arrived and stayed sick through the trip.

The Maritime Museum
One of my favorite places we visited.

 We toured the Star of India, which is the world's oldest active sailing ship.  It was fascinating and fun despite the seasickness I got from being on the boat.
 We also toured the HMS Surprise (featured in the film Master and Commander) and the B-39 Submarine pictured above. It was very interesting to see what life would have been like on both these vessels.  I just can't believe people spent months in submarines.  The picture below shows the largest open space on that submarine and the whole thing pretty much looked like this.  Metal, metal, and more metal.

From the top of the submarine we got to watch people board a cruise ship.  Brian loved hearing the ship's horn blast to let everyone know it was getting ready leave port.

Wild Animal Park
Our favorites here were the brand new baby elephant, the safari ride, Brian's carousel ride with Grandma and the rhinoceros statue.

USS Midway Aircraft Carrier
Touring the longest-serving Navy aircraft carrier was a real treat.  It was much larger than I was expecting and so fun for the whole family.

We are definitely missing San Diego right now.  Thanks Mom and Dad for an unforgettable experience.

Jan 4, 2011

San Diego - Grandma and Grandpa

 We took a much needed, highly anticipated, fabulous vacation to San Diego December 22-30.  The weather was nice, the entertainment was fun and the food was even better.  However, the most important and precious part of the whole trip was spending time with my parents and watching them play with and love my children.  Grandma and Grandpa are greatly missed here at home!

Grandma and Grandpa 
The pictures I did capture of my parents are the most treasured of all the pictures we took. I will do more of a travel log of our trip in another post, but I really wanted to start by highlighting my parents as grandparents.  I am so grateful for the time and attention they devoted to the boys.  They were more than helpful all week and they even let Brian sleep in their room the whole time.  They were up listening to him cough and got up with him at insanely early hours with no complaints and all smiles.  They listened to Timmy cry at night in the room next to them and spent a week of tiptoeing around the apartment while the kids were sleeping.  They were patient with me and with the kids and were understanding and accommodating when planning our day around three different nap times got difficult.  Mom and Dad, you truly are one stellar set of grandparents. 
 They got to meet Timothy for the first time!  I could not wait for them to get to know him.

Timmy and Tim
   Checking out something cool at Sea World.

The kids (and their parents) were spoiled in every way.
Brian learned all about ships and loved every minute of it.  Grandpa showed him all the coolest parts while I was busy being seasick.  Yes, I got seasick on boats that were not even sailing.
I didn't even have to push my own kids around.

Grandpa planted some really large pieces of gold for Brian to find at the Battalion Center.  Brian will treasure them forever.
Even with her not-even-close-to-being-healed broken elbow, my Mom was constantly holding and helping with the kids.
Grandma always has the best ideas for making Brian happy.

He couldn't get enough of the simulator airplanes on the Midway Aircraft Carrier.
THANK YOU Mom and Dad for EVERYTHING!  For the fun and all the food and goodies and Christmas gifts and conversations and most of all for your time even though it was one of the busiest weeks at the Center the entire year.  We are so blessed and so grateful to have been able to spend the time with you!

Jan 2, 2011

Pre-Christmas Fun

I love December! I love the cheery atmosphere, the Christmas decorations, the lights and the anticipation.  This year I was mostly anticipating our trip to San Diego, so some of the Christmastime activities and shopping were brushed off until next Christmas.  However, we still had time to enjoy the season and Brian learned what Christmas is all about.  I don't have a picture of it, but he has loved and played with his Little People Nativity Set all month long and I'm putting off the day we pack it up for next year because he loves it so much.

Decorating the tree was a favorite for me and Brian.

Reading by the tree.

Brian's first mug of hot chocolate.  You can see how much he enjoyed it.

Mark and Brian's huge snowman.

Because we would be flying to San Diego over Christmas, we decided not to pack the big presents and to have a little "Christmas morning" before we left.  We celebrated on Saturday December 18th and it was a blast!  Later that same day we had a fun Christmas party with my sisters at Alli's house.  It was just like Christmas day.
Helping Timmy open his teether toy.

Brian got new tracks for his train set and a battery Thomas train to go along.

He's so happy he can't even take time to look at the camera.