Mar 25, 2010

San Diego

I think I am one of the luckiest ladies alive to be able to have my next post after the Taiwan trip be about another amazing vacation. This time it was to San Diego to visit my parents who are directing the Mormon Battalion Historic Site there. I wanted to go before I had baby #2 at the end of May, so I had in mind that I'd be going maybe in April sometime. After talking to Mark who realized he could not take a vacation from work in April because of all the vacation he took to go to Taiwan, it was decided that I would just take Brian on my own and fly to San Diego for a visit. Well, Brian turns 2 on Monday and I then decided that if I'm going to fly with just Brian anyway I might as well go before he turns 2 so I didn't need to buy him a ticket. So about three days later Brian and I (and baby) were off to San Diego! We stayed for almost 6 days, which went so fast I can't believe they even happened. Oh how nice it was to see my parents!

The Visitor's Center
Because of the nature of my parent's mission, the visitor's center was of course the main attraction. Mom and Dad are busy, but Brian and I sure enjoyed staying so close to where they work. Everything about the center in fantastic. I am amazed at the time and thought that went into and still goes into every aspect of this place. Mom and Dad spend a lot of time thinking about improvements and working on ways to make an already great place even better.

Every morning Brian would ask to go to the "wagon" and lucky for me it was only a 30 second walk from the apartment to the "wagon."

The following two pictures are in the resource room, where visitors can use the interactive map and play a few little games, look up members of the Battalion, view Battalion artifacts, and get pictures taken and printed with what looks like an old fashioned camera.

This is one view from the tower. Such a beautiful place with such beautiful weather!

Not only did Brian ask for the wagon, but every day I heard these words over and over again, "Water? gold? water? play? water? Grandma?" All this was his way of asking to play in the water of the gold panning station out in the courtyard of the center.

There wasn't one time that he decided to leave this courtyard on his own. He seriously could have stayed there all day. However, there was only one standing stool for the little kids and I felt too bad letting him monopolize it whenever other small children arrived. Luckily there were times during the day when Brian had a chance to pick out rocks and drop them back in the water almost to his heart's content.
"Look Grandma, I found gold!"

Of course he couldn't get enough of the water pump either. This guy loves loves loves playing with water.

One of the great additions my mom has made to the courtyard experience is her famous fiddling. Inside the visitor's center, the tour focuses on a young teenage fiddler who joins the Battalion and is forced to leave his violin back with those heading to Salt Lake. He misses it dearly through the 2,000 mile march and then gets a chance to fiddle again in San Diego by borrowing a Mexican fiddle. When my mom has the time, she brings her fiddle outside and teaches visitors to play along with her. Everyone I watched participate absolutely loved it! I heard one lady ask her if it was a requirement to play the fiddle for her mission. It's not a requirement, but a great addition!

We miss Grandma and Grandpa already! It was so cool for us to get a glimpse of what they are working so hard at. I can finally imagine what their busy days are like.

Old Town San Diego
My parents live pretty much in Old Town San Diego. So it was nice when I had time to take Brian walking around. There are little museums and shops and Brian's favorite part were the donkeys, which I didn't happen to get pictures of. My favorite part of Old Town was the Candy Shop. I love homemade taffy.

One evening my parents had a few minutes to go for a short walk with us. There are free concerts and shops galore. Brian enjoyed his time with Grandma and Grandpa.

Coronado Beach
We couldn't be in San Diego without going to the beach. One morning we drove out to Coronado to let Brian experience a real beach with good sand and sea shells! I am dying to go back just looking at these pictures.

I love this picture because it is so typical of my parents. I have so many memories of my dad just lying down wherever we are and taking a nice nap in the sun. Southern Utah comes to mind when I think about it, but the beach is just as good as a sandstone rock I guess. He is basking in the sun and enjoying the sea air and my mom who never stops "doing" something is entertaining her grandson. Brian didn't let him sleep long though. For some reason Brian LOVES to mess with my dad when he's resting.

The following pictures are just too precious for me not to include.

After all the fun on the beach, Brian was definitely a little tired and just wanted Grandpa to carry him as we visited the beautiful and famous Hotel Del Coronado.

San Diego Zoo
We spent a few hours at the zoo. I'll have to go back to San Diego just to see the rest!

San Diego Temple
After church we stopped by to see the temple. It really is gorgeous.

Mission Bay Park
A one minute drive from my parent's and you are at Mission Bay. One day I took my mom's car while they were busy at the center and brought Brian here. He was in two-year-old heaven.

The playgrounds were right on the beach of the bay and when Brian discovered that the birds there liked fishy crackers, he was done with the swings and slides and he fed every cracker he owned to them. He just kept saying "feed em" again and again.

Sea World
My parents also live only about 5 minutes from Sea World. I just couldn't resist getting a two year pass (which was only slightly more than a one day pass) because I KNOW I'll be back in San Diego in the next two years. So I took Brian there three different days.

He loved it and I loved it.

Grandma came with us two days and both Grandma and Grandpa ended up meeting me there another time. I'm glad my mom came because they wouldn't let a pregnant lady take Brian on the kiddy rides.

We got to see the whale show and I was surprised when Brian remembered it days later. Just yesterday I was reading him a book and there was a picture of a whale. He looked at me excitedly and said "whales jumping, TV." The TV part was his reference to the huge video screens they have playing during the show.

I was sad to leave San Diego, but I am so glad I went. Definitely worth the airfare. The visitor's center was dedicated by Elder Holland today and he and his entourage should have already eaten dinner at my parents house tonight. I hope everything went smoothly, I know they were worried about it and I would be too if I were in their shoes. I love you Mom and Dad and I can't thank you enough for fitting me in to your busy schedule and for all the food and the lodging and the fun! We miss you. Brian asks for you everyday. Hope to see you soon!