Jan 20, 2010

Mormon Battalion Historic Site Grand Opening

The following is a description of the Mormon Battalion and what my parents will be involved with (or in charge of) when they arrive in Old Town San Diego. So the next time you are in San Diego make sure to visit the new visitors center! I took the information straight from this site about Old Town. http://www.oldtownsandiegoguide.com/events.html#more.

"The Grand Opening will be held from 9:00AM- 3:00PM, at 2510 Juan Street, San Diego 92103.

The Mormon Battalion Commemoration will be held in the Old Town Stake Park
from 9:00AM-3:00PM.

The Mormon Battalion, or Army of the West was called by President Polk to march from Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas to San Diego, California in 1849. This was one of the longest infantry marches in the history of the U.S. Army.
The Battalion moved across the U.S. building roads, clearing the way for future travelers. Arriving in the Puebla of San Diego on January 29, 1849, they quickly made friends with the Californios. They helped the locals to dig wells, fire bricks, and use the bricks to line the wells, providing healthy drinking water to San Diego. They also constructed the first U.S.Court House, right where a replica stands in Old Town today.

The Event in Old Town on Jan. 30, commemorates the arrival of the Battalion into San Diego and their accomplishments in California. The Park will be turned into a 1840 encampment, with hands on family activities that not only delight those of all ages, but also provide a portion of San Diego's History. Activities will include doll making, quilting, rope making, gold panning, outdoor cooking, etc. Authentic songs, stories and music will entertain throughout the day.

The Grand Opening of the Historic Site on Juan Street will give families an interactive historical experience. As one takes upon them the persona of one of the Battalion members they will visit Fort Leavenworth to receive their equipment, march with the Battalion and watch video presentations on various aspects of the longest infantry march the U.S. Army has made. The tour culminates with a hands -on gold panning exhibit. This Historic Site will thrill families as the history of San Diego comes alive.

The Center will be open daily 9AM-9PM. Admission is free. All are invited to visited the newest and most state of the art historical experience in San Diego."

Jan 19, 2010

Another Mission

This morning my parents headed off on another mission for the Church. After serving for three years as a Mission President in Mexico, they were able to enjoy a few years at home. Now they have been called on another mission to serve as Directors of the Mormon Battalion Historic Site in San Diego. They will live and serve there for two years. The visitors center there has been completely remodeled and will be opening in about a week with all sorts of celebration and activities. My parents will have a lot on their plates the moment they arrive and I am confident they are up to the task. I am excited for them and extremely proud of their willingness to sacrifice and serve.

Last night all the family that was available met at Chuck-E-Cheese to spend some time together and say goodbye. I know it sounds like a strange venue from which to wish missionaries farewell, but my Mom wanted a place where the kids could play and enjoy themselves, and boy did they enjoy themselves. Brian was a happy little guy as he pulled Grandma around the place asking her to help him with the basketball throw game and the car ride and the merry-go-round. I wonder if he sensed she was leaving, because he had a hard time sharing her with the other six grandchildren there.

Mark was out of town on a business trip, so he had to say his goodbyes a few days earlier and I missed the comfort I know he would have given me after saying goodbye last night. I found myself swallowing down a lump in my throat as I hugged my parents, and the tears came as I carried Brian out the door of Chuck-E-Cheese and to the car. I blame it on pregnancy. Or the fact that I love and admire my parents so much. I am so grateful for all that they do, for the love they give to me and my family, for all that they have taught me, for their testimonies, for their willingness to serve, for the love they have for our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, and for the examples they are to me. And I am grateful that they will be in San Diego where it is very possible and affordable for us to visit. I will still miss them, especially when I visit the Ranch where their absence will be undeniably present.

I hope that as they hit the ground running things will go smoothly and they will enjoy their assignment there in Old Town San Diego. I am definitely looking forward to a little vacation to the coast!

The following picture was not at Chuck-E-Cheese, but at Chuck-O-Rama. I guess the word Chuck just appeals to my family for some reason. This picture was taken last week after my parents were set apart and before they went to the MTC for training seminars. It was a wonderful experience to be at the setting apart and to hear the blessings my parents received as they embark on this mission. I love you Mom and Dad and thank you for your examples! We'll see you in San Diego!

Jan 4, 2010


We thoroughly enjoyed the Christmas season this year. Last year we had just moved into our house and then we went to Houston for Christmas, so this was our first year to decorate our own house and enjoy the whole season in our own home. We loved it! For the first time ever we put up lights outside. I think it is safe to say that Brian's favorite part of the season were all the lights. Every time he noticed any Christmas lights anywhere he would point to them and say "Ooooooo, pitty" meaning oh pretty.

On Christmas Eve we were at the Ranch to enjoy all the traditional Christmas Eve festivities. Our favorite of course is always the Pagaent where family members dress up, the Christmas story is read from the Bible and the appropriate Christmas songs are sung as we act out the story. Brian was unfortunately too tired to participate and was is bed when the momentous events of the night took place. Because of the below freezing temperatures, we decided to forgo walking down to the barn and stayed in the living room this year.

Following the nativity, the kids got to enjoy breaking a pinata and I enoyed eating the delicious taffy my mom put in it. Since my parents returned from their mission in Mexico our Christmas Eve has had a Mexican flair. We ate Mexican food for dinner which included tamales, yummy homeade dips for chips, and much more.

We stayed the night at the Ranch and had a wonderful Christmas morning with my parents. Brian was a happy little guy in the morning and enjoyed opening and checking out his presents.

Despite the look on his face, he really does enjoy the train set he got.That afternoon we went to Mark's parent's house and had a huge and delicious Christmas dinner. It was very good food, thank you so much Alice.

The next Sunday was my parent's farewell, and since Mark had a few vacation days left for the year we decided to take a few of those day to vacation at the Ranch. Boy did we have fun! On Monday we had some fun in the snow. Christmas vacation just isn't the same unless we get the six wheeler out and give everyone a ride in a sled around the field. Brian was serious on the ride, but I think he enjoyed it.

Strawberry, one of the horses at the Ranch, is particularly friendly and would not stop licking my coat while we were watching the others being dragged around the field.

Two days in a row we went swimming at the recreation center in Kamas. After Brian got warmed up to the idea of swimming he LOVED the place. We definitely have to go there more often.

The other days of our vacation were spent at home and we were so happy to have Mark around so much! Brian loves loves loves his daddy and his favorite part about hanging out with him this Christmas was helping him build fires. Brian gets so into it and crunches up the paper Mark uses and hands him the little sticks for kindling. Then he just wants to sit on Mark's lap and watch the fire burn. He says "fire, see it?" and "hot."

Jan 2, 2010

We're Having A. . .


We are super excited to be expecting another little man in the house. I'm glad Brian will have a buddy to keep him company.

I love both the little feet in this picture.
Wave to the camera little guy!