Sep 29, 2009

Brian - 18 Months

Brian's Favorites

*Playing outside
*His blankie -
(which we cut in half in order to wash)
*Wearing the sleeves of his pajamas -
(for some reason he hates when I take off his pajama sleeves, so sometimes I will get him dressed, and in order to stop the screaming, put his arms back in his pajamas for awhile.)
*Carrying all sorts of items from one place and stashing them in another.
*Any type of chip, especially Nacho Cheese Doritos
*Spitting almost all other food, except avocados, out of his mouth and down his shirt.
*Messing around with Daddy
*Dancing - especially with Daddy
*Playing with his cousins Jordan or Xander
*Visiting the Ranch to see Grandma and Grandpa
*Visiting Nai Nai and Ye Ye's house
*Fruit Snacks
*Playing pick-a-boo in the shower curtain while taking his bath
*Going to bed
*Saying "booooo" to the cows in Oakley

I can't believe our little guy is 18 months old. He brings so much joy to our family and he's so much fun to be around. I honestly never knew I could have so much fun with an 18 month old. We love you Bri-Bri!

Weight: 20 lbs 11oz (yes he's a light weight and we're doing all we can to work on it)
Length: 30 1/2 inches
Mental Development: "genius" in the doctor's own words :)

Sep 23, 2009

Baby Zuri

We went to the zoo again yesterday. It was the perfect visit with prefect weather and only a few people. The best part about this visit was the new baby elephant! Her name is Zuri and she is the cutest thing! I love elephants and I could have watched her for a very very long time.

While I watched the baby elephant, Brian got to run around my legs for awhile and then he enjoyed a snack in his stroller, which I think he enjoyed more than watching the elephant.

The baby snow leopard was frolicking around. Brian enjoyed watching him.

My mom has a picture of me about the same age as Brian here at the lion drinking fountain. I'm impressed that they still have them at the zoo.

Brian can't leave the zoo without feeding the crocodile some wood chips.

Sep 17, 2009

State Fair 2009

Last year Brian and I enjoyed going to the State Fair so much that we had to do it again. My Mom treated us to the fair this year, thank you Mom, and we got to go with Alli, Jordan, and Caitlin again.

This year Bri Guy got to "participate" in the Little Hands on the Farm activity the FFA has going for the kids. I doubt he really caught anything that was going on, but he loved the chance to be out of his stroller and hanging out with the big kids. He and Jordie got to. . .

brush the sheep's wool,
drive a "tractor",

feed and milk a cow (or a boo in Brian's words, I think he's trying to say moo),

plant and harvest vegetables,

gather chicken eggs,

and pick apples.

This is in the pig barn. He kept trying to get the pigs to sniff his shoes.

One of Bri's favorite parts was running around the goat barn with Jordan. We all love the goats because they're so friendly and somewhat cleaner than some other animals.

Last of all he was old enough to ride the rides under my supervision. His favorite was the bouncing caterpillar above.

Final Family Picture

Here is the Evans family picture after Mark photo shopped Ruben in. Nice work Mark.

And here's one of us I forgot to include in the Evans Family Pictures post.

Sep 10, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

I am so grateful that I can call the members of both sides of our family my best friends. I prefer to hang out with my family over anyone else, (friends, this doesn't mean I don't love you), but I am glad that my family members are also my best friends. This past weekend we got to enjoy time with both sides of the family and it was absolutely fabulous.

Friday we packed up, cleaned up, and headed up to the Ranch. Mark went with my uncle to cut logs for firewood to give to my mom for her Birthday. He spent the afternoon and evening cutting and splitting that wood. Then we enjoyed dinner at the Oakley Polar King and conversation and a movie with my parents.

Saturday was the traditional Labor Day Weekend/Mom's Birthday BBQ. The Evans family (minus Emily and her family whom we missed very much) enjoyed each others company as we gorged ourselves on Mexican BBQ. Thanks for the food and fun guys. Sadly when it is up to me to take pictures it just never seems to happen. This is the only picture I got from the first half of the weekend. Brian loves loves loves to play with his cousin Jordan.

Sunday we drove down to Salt Lake so I could teach Young Women and Mark could teach Elder's Quorum and Brian could decide NOT to go to nursery and sit on Daddy's lap during his lesson. After church we packed up some more stuff and met Mark's side of the family for a night and day at the Ranch. Luckily my sister-in-law Vivian is really good at taking pictures and is willing to share them all with me. Without her I'd only have two pictures from the second half of the weekend. Thanks Vivian.

Sunday afternoon we relaxed and watched the boys toss a football and Frisbee.

Then we roasted marshmallows and played games.
On Monday we went to the lake to fish and play.
Brian couldn't get enough of watching and talking to the fish that his uncle Tony caught.Later that day we all got to go for a nice horse ride.

I had a blast with both sides of the family. Thank you all for being willing to spend your weekend with me!