Thursday, September 30, 2010

September Sessions

The month of September has completely escaped me. Here’s what we've missed on the blog this month:

We enjoyed the final monsoon of the season:
Took Dallen to his first football game under the Friday night lights:

Dallen ate a HULK popsicle that should apparently come with a disclaimer that it actually turns your child into a little monster:
Dallen fell a little bit in love:
Lots and lots of skateboarding sessions:
Paid $5 to rent this darn stroller, so you better believe I took a picture:
Captured this cuteness on the carousel:
Little boy conquered the giant slide:
And not to forget, our unforgettable vacation:

Good-bye September, see you next year!

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Process

The process of fixing up and cleaning up an abandoned, short sale house has been harder, longer and even more rewarding than we ever expected. After the downstairs carpet was finished and we were still waiting on the upstairs to be installed, this is where we lived. All of life's necessities, the diaper changing, TV watching, fast food eating and sleeping, all happened in the living room. I guess that's what the name implies!!Living in a construction zone was everything but easy. These rooms were actually considered “functional” for a few weeks while we had no carpets. the kitchenthe master (and only usable) bathroomWe have used nearly 500 Clorox wipes, and countless other cleaning supplies since we bought this house. The clean-up has been major, but luckily, Dallen has been willing to help ;)
Upon returning from vacation we were quickly reminded that all of our problems were waiting for our return when we were greeted with cold showers due to the gas being shut off our first week back. Currently, we have 3 very loud, very large, industrial fans drying the ceiling in our kitchen where the upstairs tub has leaked through. We also have half-painted bathrooms, rooms filled with boxes, doorless closets, many unpainted surfaces and nearly everything is furnitureless. It has been almost 4 months and we still have SOOO many projects. But, we will remain hard at work so we can get some "after" pictures posted ASAP! My goal is to enjoy a finished home for Christmas :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

You Wear Me Out

Mark has been working a lot of late nights lately. Although I love spending every waking moment with Dallen, being with him from sun up til past sun down is a little tiring! Through all this I am just trying to remain grateful that Mark even has work in this economy, even though I'm starting to feel like a single Mom. Mark, thanks for working so hard, and Dallen thanks for being exhaustingly fun!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I feel like there's NO WAY I'm so lucky to have had the most perfect vacation!There is NO WAY my baby brother is now in college!?!?Mark and I got away for a dinner, alone? No way ;)Is that a carousel horsie ride, NO way, just the bus, but don't tell Dallen ;)Aubrey got a ray ban way!!Was triple shave ice visits too many? NO WAY!!

Are those embarassing girls on the beach? No way, that's us!!Did Mark really get LOST? No way, just saw the old TV show location.No way did we get this close to turtles. Yea, these are real :)

No way did I think I'd ever find a favorite new hobby.
No better way to do yoga than on the beach.
Did Mark really use Dallen's diaper to heal his jellyfish sting? NO way!Is Mommy really Dallen's favorite?
NO WAY!! Daddy is.NO WAY!! Scotty is. NO WAY!! Aubrey is.NO WAY!! Kellie is.NO WAY!! Granpa is.
What?!?! No pictures with Mimi, no way. She still is.

Did Dallen climb the trees like Uncle Matt?

No, not all the wayNo way, did Dallen sword fight a crab?Dallen's favorite thing to say all week: "NO WAY!!"...

Are you ready to get out of the pool?

Do you want to go back to eat?

Do you want to wash off some of that sand?

Are you done playing?

Are you ready for a nap?

Are you ready to say goodbye to Scotty?
NO WAY (me neither)

Did we get sick of taking pictures? NO WAY!!

Dallen may have said NO WAY the entire trip but we all had so much fun! Now that we are home, I can't believe it, there is NO WAY our trip could have been that perfect, but it was!!