Tuesday, October 30, 2007


We had so much fun at our Halloween party the other night. Our home started feeling really small as the night went on, but that’s just because we have so many friends :) We had homemade funnel cakes, bobbing for apples and most everyone dressed up. Mark and I were Salt and Pepper and our friends were all a wide variety of things, our favorite was Adam and Eve (there's no picture for a reason). Thanks to all our friends who came and brought great food, we had a lot of fun!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A couple new sites

I have added 2 new site links to my blog in the “Favorite Links” section on the right-hand side and just wanted to bring your attention to them and offer a little explanation. I have started a new blog to showcase the crafts I’ve been making in my free time. I started the blog so that people can buy them if they want to, or just look at what I love to do. I created a link to it from my blog because I am trying to get the word out any way I can. If you know anyone who is interested, send them my way!! The other new link is, is for my cousins photography. He has a great talent and I am so proud of him.

My craft site: http://byme-foryou.blogspot.com

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Weekend Getaway

For my last weekend off (I start my new job on Monday) Mark and I went to Washington DC. Mark’s cousin Ashley just moved there last week so we got to spend some time with her. On Friday night we went with her and Mark into the heart of downtown DC (to Chinatown, the national mall and such) and ate some good Mexican food, which is a rare occasion out here on the East coast. We stayed at an incredible hotel for really cheap, the hotel was much better than we were expecting, it was really nice! On Saturday morning Ashley’s boyfriend (the other Mark) took us to the Garden Tour at the White House. He works for the government so we got in for free and parked really close. It was mostly a bunch of trees, but it was a really neat experience to be that close to the White House. We kept hoping President Bush would pop his head out  On Saturday afternoon my wonderful husband took me to the DC temple. It is so sad that the temple for our district is more than 2 hours away, but it’s always well worth the trip. One of the few things we love about the East Coast is that you can be in 3 states and 1 district in a single day. All the good stuff is just a hop, skip and jump away. We had a wonderful weekend getaway and are ready for the busy, upcoming week.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I've been tagged...

Ok, so I’ve officially been tagged twice now (by Lyndsie and Kendal) without doing this so here it goes:

1. Red Robin (Server)- in PA
2. Citizens Bank (Teller Manager)- in PA
3. Handbill Printers (AKA for my dad)- in CA
4. Magleby’s Restaurant (Server)- in UT

1. How to loose a guy in 10 days

2. The Notebook
3. Anything with Reese Witherspoon in it (I love her)

4. Behind Enemy Lines

1. Dumb and Dumber
2. Fun with Dick and Jane
3. Cars
4. Office Space

1. Laguna Niguel, CA (home)
2. Provo, UT (in college)
3. Carlisle, PA (law school)
4. Scottsdale, AZ

1. The Bachelor (if you can’t already tell by my blog)

2. The Office (can’t miss this one, ever!)
3. Extreme Home Makeover (I cry every time)
4. Flipping Out, Flip This House, Property Ladder (all the same)

1. Hawaii

2. Mexico
3. Bahamas
4. New York City/Washington DC
**(I’ve been lots of places in my life, but these are the most exotic)**

1. Burritos
2. In-N-Out Cheeseburgers

3. French Fries
4. Candy

1. I’m scared of the dark
2. I don’t like hot showers
3. I am the only blonde in my family
4. I have to have something to drink every time I eat

**Now I tag: Michelle, Kim and Shellie

Monday, October 8, 2007

Baby Sam and Me

I love babies and I especially love this little guy. It's a good thing lots of my friends have adorable little ones for me to play with or I might be tempted to have my own! Also, in my defense, I was told my face wouldn't be in the picture.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Happy Fall

October is one of my favorite months. Probably because it's my birthday month but since we've lived out on the East Coast it's been like a whole new season. There are so many trees so when the leaves change it's an incredible view. Plus, after a blazing hot summer we are excited to have it cool down a little.

P.S. Don't forget to vote each week for Bachelor, if you're interested :)