Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sky High

We went to a place called Sky High with the cousins. Every Tuesday and Wednesday they have open play time from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and they charge $8.00 per child and an adult is free with each paying child. We were lucky that day because the lady only charged us $8.00 total for all four of us to play. We were double lucky, because we were the only ones in there for the whole time. Talk about fun!!! The kids really enjoyed it and we were all very tired after playing.

Alexa isn't too sure about this slide.

Alexa telling daddy that he is next...

Alexa jousting daddy...too cute!

Group slide time!

Best cousins!!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

We sure had a fun October. We did a lot of Halloween celebrating. We went to Pumpkin patches, JOY school performances, painting pumpkins, baking yummy goodies, Disneyland a couple of times to the ward trunk-or-treat. I think that Halloween is so fun. I LOVE the fall and there is just a lot of fun things to do with the kids around this time of year. Makayla absolutely loves Halloween....every part of it! Mark's mom even made a special Halloween meal with strange names for the entrees and appetizers. I wish we could've had the girls go to Grandma Bellitti's school parade and trick-or-treat at her house. We love you guys and miss you tons!

Monday, September 21, 2009

A car for the kids!

This is a little outfit that I made for Alexa. I did a cute little pear and apple applique on this cute brown shirt that I bought from Target. Then I used this tutorial to make the skirt. So fun! I have made several of these for the girls. I think it was in Alexa's birthday post that there is a pic of the girls wearing matching pink and brown ones that I made. My cousin Kim made Makayla one for her 2nd birthday, and ever since then, I've been hooked!

We found this jeep on craigslist for $75. We also picked up a darling fisher-price princess slide too. Since we bought more than 1 thing the lady gave the jeep to us for $60. It has a new battery in it (which those cost like $50-60 alone). We got an awesome deal. I think that Alexa likes it more than Makayla.

What you lookin' at??? :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

hApPy BiRtHdAy To aLeXa!!!

Alexa loves to be involved in whatever Makayla is doing. Here Makayla is "doing school" with Alexa. Her nickname is "Pie". I don't even know where it came from.

Alexa is most definitely a momma's girl. Mommy can't get enough of Alexa either! :)

She loves to crawl around everywhere. She's not walking on her own yet, but she loves to walk with help!

She is always so smiley. She is a social butterfly and loves attention! Wherever we go, she attracts attention and loves it when people talk to her.

She sleeps like an angel. She is the most beautiful baby.

She is so smart and is really starting to talk a lot more.

She loves to play with Makayla and be a big girl too. Makayla loves to dress her up.

She loves to be held and snuggled too. If she sees Mark giving me a hug or kiss or Makayla snuggling me, she quickly comes over to snuggle too.

She absolutely LOVES Minnie and Mickey mouse. Her grandma and grandpa McClellan brought these back for her from Scotland and she HAS to cuddle with them and give them kisses when she wakes up in the morning and from her naps, and whenever else she sees them.

She LOVES all animals and especially dogs, lions, and zebras. She loves books too.

She makes life so much better and brighter. We are so lucky to have her in our family. Her smile is contagious and she has the cutest personality. We love you Alexa Pie! Happy Birthday! (p.s. stay little, okay?)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

old post that I forgot to post :) From June.

...climbing up and walking along everything...

...read stories in the tent with daddy...

...got busier...and cuter...

...snuggled with LaLa...

...fell asleep while eating...

...took another nap in the highchair...

...Surprised Grandma Bellitti on her birthday...

...had visitors from Idaho- Love those cousins...

...learned to climb the stairs...

...visited Bridal Veil Falls up Provo Canyon...

Quick update!

Makayla started Joyschool! She started at the beginning of September and she LOVES it. She loves the little girls that are her classmates. They are good friends that are all in our ward. It makes it so fun because the girls are so close in age and are already good friends. The moms are taking turns teaching 2 weeks at a time. This week is my week. The kids did great today. They learned about their 5 senses and we did a smelling collage and tasting activity. So fun!

Here is my little 80's babe. I just grabbed one of Makayla's t-shirts and a diaper cover, some leg warmers, jellies, a stylish belt, and of course the headband! Classic 80's look!

We had a ward party that was an 80's social. I am on the activities committee and so I thought that the whole family needed to be dressed up! When Makayla saw my zebra shirt she had to wear hers just like it. Gotta love the side pony and Mark's outfit for sure! He looked AWESOME, by the way!

This was taken at Disneyland just yesterday. I just love this little angel. She will be turning 1 on Thursday and it makes me want to cry! I absolutely LOVE the stage that she is in right now and time has seriously gone by too fast. Here she is watching for the parade to come. This is her classic biting the lip face (we are teething right now).

Love you all. Sorry I haven't been updating very often. Life has been crazy! It seems like it takes me forever to upload the pics and write all the posts that I have a hard time finding enough time to do it. So, hence the shorter post. I think I will take that route for awhile. Maybe you'll find more updates here than before...at least that is what I am shooting for. :)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

hApPy BiRtHdAy MaKaYlA!!!

WOW! I cannot believe that my little girl is 3! We just LOVE our Makayla! I thought that I would share some things about my little birthday girl on her special day!
-Makayla was born 6 days early on May 9th at 12:30 a.m. weighing 6 lb 13 oz and was 19 in long.
-She is our little "giggle box" (as I call her). She is always smiling and laughing.
-Makayla loves the Disney princesses and is currently obsessed with the My Little Ponys.
-Makayla would live at Disneyland if they would let her. She LOVES to go to Disneyland and will wake up in the mornings quite frequently saying "I know! We could go to Disneyland today...won't that be fun?"
-She has nicknames for people (she's like her daddy!)
-She LOVES the color PINK!
-You can constantly find her singing and dancing around the house. She will even make up songs to sing. She also has a specialty dance which she calls her "chicky dance" where she shakes her little bum...so cute.
-She loves to mother Alexa.
-She calls pants "pantalones".
-She loves to go to nursery...and has never cried...except when we haven't been able to go.
-Makayla is in dance class and absolutely loves it. She does exceptionally well!
-She loves to dress up and if I let her she would wear dress-ups 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
-Makayla is tender-hearted and sweet.
-She LOVES ladybugs!
-She loves White Lime and Yogurt Factory (self-serve yogurt places near our house). She likes to get the little sample cups instead of a regular cup and will go through about 6 while we are there.
-She is so smart!
-Makayla loves to go to the mall! (I have my little shopping buddy...watch your wallet daddy!)
-She loves attention and gets a lot of it from all her grandpas and grandmas and aunts, uncles and cousins! (not to mention mom and dad and baby sister too).
-She loves to say prayers. No matter where we are she wants to be the one to pray. I just love listening to her sweet prayers.
-She loves to look cute and have her hair done and will not leave the house without a bow or clip in her hair.
-She ADORES Alexa! She is a great big sister and Alexa adores her too!
-She calls her daddy her "prince".

Life would not be the same without our little Makayla. She brings so much joy and happiness to our lives. She is our Princess! We are so grateful to have her in our family. Makayla we LOVE you and hope you have a wonderful birthday! (Try not to grow up too fast...okay?)