Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mike's Tri

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Monday, July 06, 2009

Isaac's Baptism

June 21st Isaac celebrated his birthday and baptism.

Grandpa Hawkes made the journey out to the midwest for this milestone in Isaac's life. It was a wonderful day!
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Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Rest & Relaxation in California

Half way through our week-long layover in California, I discovered that my girlfriend, Megan, and her kids were there for a visit. We hooked up at the beach one day. We met up at Cardiff-by-the-Sea.
While we got caught up on each other's life, our kids played together.

Ariel and Logan enjoyed splashing in the cold water.

Isaac and Lucas built a mighty fortress sandcastle. . .
...which was soon under assault from the waves.
Guess who won.
So they built a bigger, stronger castle.
I enjoyed watching them work together as much as they enjoyed doing it.

Just when they thought their stronghold would protect their treasures...
Mother Nature proved them wrong again.
The princess thought the valiant knights had built her a hot tub.