Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Birthday, Lisa

Thanks for 29+ wonderful years. We love you, your family
Lisa's blessing
Lisa's 1st Christmas
Lisa's 1st day in Primary
At the Weber cabin
Lisa, Katie, Laura, Cora Heda, Charlene Joyanna, and Milo Jerry
Freshmen Lisa & Monica
Sistas in NYC
Lisa & Mike's wedding party
Polynesian Cultural Center
Grenada with baby Isaac
Lisa & baby Lucas
Family with baby Ariel

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Today is Isaac's birthday & baptism

We arrived home from our nearly month long trip just in time to celebrate Isaac's 8th birthday and have a very special baptismal service for him. When he was asked why today is such a special day, he answered, "Because I get to have my dad baptize me." When we pointed out it was also his birthday, he said, "Oh, yeah. That too." Great priorities! Happy birthday, Isaac.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Our visit to the Kiwis

Tuatara can go 6 months without eating, breathe once an hour and live to be 100-300 years old. They are living prehistoric fossils. The Kiwi is found only in New Zealand and shares its name with the people and the fruit.