Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Learning to Ride

The middle of last summer we bought a tag along bike. You attach it to the back of your bike and it becomes a tandem bike and works excellent for going on long bike rides with kids. We have been riding many nights as a family when Mike is home. This Memorial day Mike had to work so we finally pulled out Isaac's little bike. Lucas wanted a turn to ride too.

I took him to an empty parking lot because we live on a steep hill and the bike was going to fast for me to hold onto.

Within about 15 seconds I could Lucas had no problem balancing so I took the gamble and let go. Lucas just kept going full speed like a champ. He has never ridden a bike with training wheels and his only experience pedaling is on his tricycle. I was shocked that he just knew how to do it.

The problem I soon discovered was Lucas had no clue how to stop the bike. We are still working on stopping and getting on the bike.

The other problem I remembered the next day. The parking lot is only empty on holidays and after working hours so we are very limited to our biking time.

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Monday, May 26, 2008

Lucas' preschool graduation

Lucas graduated from preschool on Thursday. The kids in his class performed songs and were presented with a little stuffed bear for being a star student. Friday morning Lucas woke up ready for 4k. It is going to be a long 3 months for him till he starts school again. If I had a dollar for every time he has asked me if it is time to go to 4K since Thursday.

Ariel and Lucas gettting their groove to nursery songs at the end of the graduation.

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A few days ago we went shopping for more flowers for the yard. Ariel was like a kid in a candy store amongst all the flowers. I was happy to remember I had the camera to get her in action. She decided geraniums were her favorite.

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Monday, May 19, 2008

say what

Me and the kids went out to eat today for a very early dinner. We were munching on chips and salsa and Lucas said in a serious tone "This is God's house. "
I say "This is not God's house. This is a restaraunt."
Lucas: "This is God's restaurant."
I shrug my shoulders
Isaac :"The temple is God's house and the church is Jesus' house, right mom?"
a few moments later
Isaac: "Everything is made from nature, right?"
I just came for some dinner and light conversation.
on a side note or PS
Ariel just fell asleep in my lap. I don't think she has EVER done this. wow.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Fire Pit

From about May to September we have almost a nightly ritual of lighting the fire pit in the backyard. This Saturday we invited several families over for brats, s'mores and a little kite flying. If we were true dairylanders we would have served beer and fried cheese curds too. The new tree house grandpa built was a big hit with all the kids.

We changed things up a lot tonight and cooked some good hot dogs instead of brats.

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Another day, another accident

Another spill yesterday. Ariel's nose grazed a cement step and her forehead hit the step causing quite a bruise and some swelling. I should take a photo today. We made it to the park yesterday afternoon and my heart never stopped racing. Ariel was all over the place. She has NO sense of fear. I thought she was going to be a mellow child. She and Lucas just take after their dad.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I Get Knocked Down But I Get Up Again

Ariel is all about climbing on ANY elevated surface. She even dropped her ice cream cone because it was proving to much of a challenge to get on this step while also holding the cone.

Ariel falls face first off the step and luckily the ice cream cone was there to catch her fall.

Ariel gets right back up and tries again oblivious to the fact that the cone is now crushed into her shirt.
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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Waiting for dinner

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Monday, May 05, 2008

First Grade Store

One morning a week I help Isaac's first grade teacher run a little store in her classroom. The store is cool and I really enjoy watching the kids develop every week and I get to know them better.
The kids practice counting, adding and subtracting cardboard money. They earn money all week for good behavior, perfect test scores, etc. Kids can lose money too. If you are bothering your neighbor they can charge you 5 cents for talking or taking stuff without permission.
There are many items to purchase i.e. ring pops, airheads, gum, cookies, pencils, toys, passes to get out of homework or sit where you would like at lunch, and every week his teacher has a bonus like pizza or ice cream party.
Isaac does a great job staying on task when we come to help out
even with Ariel climbing all over the place. Ariel is now very familiar with how the store works and expects her token laffy taffy and airhead for coming along.
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Sunday, May 04, 2008

Boys Night In

Thursday night our friend Steve came over for a haircut which turned into a highlight and then an eyebrow wax. I almost had him talked into a facial, spray tan and manicure until Mike said enough. I find such joy in in hairdressing and making people up and boys are no exception. I had to get a picture of these men enjoying the salon life and threatened to post it on my blog- which I am now doing. I am cruel.

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Lets Go Fly a Kite





Beautiful pleasant warm windy day to fly our new kite in our backyard. We call it our A10 kite after Uncle Jimmy.
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