The stately exterior of the Historical Society Museum of Washington DC.
Marion, Loretta and Sandy in front of exhibit signage. I had the pleasant surprise of running into fellow guild member and UC Davis professor, Dr. Patricia Turner.The variety of techniques and materials used in the quilts was very exciting to see. Sorry no photos were allowed. It was the first time I had a chance to see Carolyn Crump's work up close and personal.
We California girls are bundled up for our train journey from Baltimore to D.C.on inauguration day.. We came ready to deal with the east coast weather and it was pretty cold.
This is the place.
A view of the masses.
This is as close I could get. It was a whirlwind trip and worth every minute of it.
February was full of hard work too as two guild members, Dolores Presley and Julia Vitero and I prepared to exhbit work at the Bay Area Black United Fund Biannual African American Health Summit in Oakland.We received a Creative Work Fund grant to fabricate work about African American health disparities as part of the Critical Mass Health Conductors training program. See for additional information.
Here's Julia with her mixed media quilt that has real flatware. Julia and Dolores are founding members of AAQGO, the African American Quilt Guild of Oakland,
Summit patrons with poster of Health Conductor # 1 Harriet Tubman.
Stay tuned for dates of the next exhibition of these quilts.