Thursday, December 29, 2016

Thankful Thursday - The Best Ever

Hi Pals,

You'll have to ignore D's feet in the picture.  (Shh, Mario - you just called their attention to his feet now).   It was difficult to crop them out M says.  Anyway, see that platform I'm sitting on - well that is my prezzie from Sisfur and SIL at Christmas.  SIL made the cat tree for me with his very own hands.   He even put extra padding on hte top so I'd be extra comfy.   Is he the bestest or what?

I was so very surprised, and it just fits in the space that we had.   Ever since getting it on Catmas Eve, I have perched on the top during the day - only coming down to eat my meals and sleep with M at night.   Oh, I still visit my cat perch in M's bedroom because the sun puddles are there all afternoon.  But the sun hasn't been out very much the past couple of days.

I am so thankful for SIL and the cat tree he made for me.  It is just purrrrfect and I really love iit..

I'm joining Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   Join in - it's fun and you'll meet new pals.  Thank you Brian and dad for keeping this up.  We are thankful to for you for leading the blog hop and for all the work you do with finding homes for kitties in your area.

Pals, be sure to read Brian's blog today - it's extra special - Just like Brian and his family.


Sunday, December 25, 2016

From Our House To Your House - Merry Christmas & Happy Hanukkah

Merry Christmas Pals or Happy Hanukkah:

We will be home for Christmas this year.   Sisfur and SIL came before lunch Christmas Eve morning (yesterday)  and had lunch with us.  Sisfur brought Lasagna ready to pop in the oven for supper.  Of course I never get any of that.   They spent the afternoon with us and left after supper.   SIL made me a great cat tree perch, so now I have one in the living room too.    Today, Christmas Day,  they will drive to another city to be with SIL's family.  We hope the weather will be good as they will have to drive for about 1 and 1/2 hours to 2 hours too and from that outing.   M says winter's in Wisconsin make holiday traveling very interesting many times.  This year they may have to worry about ice.  We hope not as M will worry about them until they get back home tonight.

We all hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy 2017.

Love you all,


Thursday, December 22, 2016

The Last Straw

Tucker & Tanner Under MY TREE!
Hi Pals,

You have met my two cousin kitties before - Tucker and Tanner - who live with my sisfur and SIL.  Well, the other day SIL sent M this picture.   Now M goes nuts over these two guys cuz she loves them and thinks they are sooooo cute.   I have to admit they are pretty nice too, as long as they leave MY stuff alone.

This is the final straw - they are sitting under MY Christmas Tree.  When we moved out of the house, sisfur told M she'd go thru the closet where all the Christmas stuff was and grab our artificial tree and some ornaments, etc.   That is the tree sisfur took back to their house.    She then bought us this tree:

Pffft I can't even sit under this little, puny thing.  Meanwhile the two T cats are living it up under MY tree!  What do I do pals?

M says we really don't have room for the other tree.   I say get rid of a recliner!!!    I guess it's too late for this year, but my two cousins under MY Christmas Tree is the last straw!   We have a year to figure this out and they'd better come up with a solution.


P.S.  M is asking for help.  The top picture was taken with a cell phone.  Thus it came out side ways when it was emailed to us.   It appeared side ways when I posted it to blogger.   I then had to crop half of the picture off the top in order for it to post correctly.   Anyone know of a way aorund this problem.   In cropping it we lost the top portion of the tree - would have been a better picture if we could have had the top on the tree.   I'd appreciate any tips you might have.?

I really am thankful that M and D and I are all together.  Therefore, we're joining Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.  We are very thankful Brian has continued keeping the blog hop up after Pepi
Smart Dog had to take a breather from it.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Farewell For Now Sweet Friend - TSK (@DanaPixie)

Dear Pals,

Another very sad week on Twitter.   @DanaPixie's sweet TSK flew away to the Rainbow bridge suddenly.   He had some toothies cleaned and he never woke up.   Needless to say, @DanaPixie and @JimMoody are heart broken to have lost their  precious kitty.

If you know Dana at all, she keeps the #Pawcircle going on Twitter for the anipals in need.   Dana has done so very much for so many pals one can't even count anymore.  No one has worked harder for the anipal community than Dana.

TSK started out to be a neighbor's kitty.   But he kept coming by Jim and Dana's house.   Finally one day, Jim and Dana talked to that neighbor and asked if she would mind if TSK would become their kitty.   The neighbor said it would be fine.    From that day forward, TSK was their precious furbaby.   TSK accompanied them on bicycle trips, RV road trips and anywhere else this active couple decided to go.   TSK loved Dana and Jim as much as they loved him.

Meanwhile a very good  Twitter pal, Ingrid of @Nocrrybabydogs, learned she had cancer and didn't have long to live.   She and Dana were friends, so she naturally thought of Dana as a new human mom for her dog,   Daffy. came to live with Dana and Jim right after ingrid crossed the human rainbow bridge.  Daffy and TSK bonded right away.   It was amazing to most of us on Twitter as to how quickly they bonded - thanks in large part  to Dana and Jim's fantastic way with animals.

TSK will be sadly missed by all of us on Twitter as he wass such a large part of Jim and Dana's life.

TSK pal, you and I wiill meet again some day - just not right away as I'm not ready to cross that Rainbow Bridge.yet.   M and I love you buddy and will always remember you.   M sends big HUGS to your human parents, who are devastated.


P.S.  Dana created a memorial for TSK at:

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Sometimes It's Hard To Be Thankful

Hi Pals,

It's really hard to be thankful when your Christmas Tree went from this

to this:

Geeesh, I can't even lay under it this year.  I always loved laying under the Christmas Tree.

M says that I need to be thankful that we are all still together.   Not too many apartments for the elderly will allow pets, but this one will take cats and small doggies!    I guess she's right - I am thankful we are all together and that I can join Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

But, I can still miss our old tree can't I?


Friday, December 2, 2016

Flying Away with Sammy - One Spoiled Cat and honoring Easy

Hi Pals,

This post is to honor Easy of, suddenly crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge recently.  Easy wanted to do a Fly Away with Sammy of  They wanted to fly around the world to visit all of our blogging friends.   We would LOVE to have them visit us in Green Bay, WI.   Here's why:

First off, the city of  Green Bay, Wisconsin is the home of the Green Bay Packers Football Team. While they aren't doing all that great score wise this year, they are known all over the world and have won  4 Super Bowls, in 1966, 1967, 1996, and 2010.   We are proud of them as they are the only big-league professional football team that is owned by shareholders many of whom live in Green Bay.

For you history buffs, Green Bay is the oldest city in Wisconsin.   Jean Nicolet founded a small fur trading post in 1634 on the Fox River.  From there it grew into the City Of Green Bay.   The city restored many of the original buildings of that first settlement on the Fox River shore and turned it into a Living History Museum, which then became a  State Park - Heritage Hill State Park.  This is a picture of the first court house:

So Sammy, we hope you will choose to visit Green Bay, Wisconsin.  But, you'd better hurry cuz winter is just around the corner (M says).    (Looks up to sky to see if Sammy is coming yet.)   I think I see him way off in the distance.    

Your pal,


P..S. M here:  Sending big HUGS to Sammy's humans.   We know how tough it is, and we will miss that little precious boy also.