Wednesday, January 14, 2009

We love you, Daisy!

We *know* Daisy's blog is da best pet blog. Daisy #1!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Twosome Tuesday: in Memory of all our angel furriends

We are back - hope you are all having a great 2009 year so far!

We missed you all during Christmas. Thank you so much to those who were so kind as to send us Christmas cards this year...we are so sorry we weren't able to send any this year. The cards were beautiful and graced our fireplace mantle in the living room.

We hope to do better this coming year. Even tho we know mommy will be busy with our lil blurpy sister.

We were away most of December and this 1st week or so of January. We were sad to find out now so many of our good furriends have gone to the Bridge. Bow, Bandit, Aunt Bee, Sen-Chan, Castor, Baby Cakes, and esp our furriend Icon Baxter Bentley, who welcomed us to the kitty blogosphere when we were just newbies in this.

We miss all of you, we know that you will be ok at the Rainbow Bridge. Maybe you're already playing with our big sis angel kitty Missy. However in the meantime, we are quietly remembering our furriends:

Hope your Tuesday is a quietly happy and peaceful one.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Baby Week: Wordy White Wednesday

In celebratin' seeing our blurpy sister, we gonna show our baby pictures this week. If you wanna, come join us with a baby photo of you or someone in your family!!

So this is me sitting on my mommy's lap. I used to love her lap in those days. I rarely come for a snuggle on her lap unless I feel really needy for mommy. I love the faux silk pink robe that she is wearing in the picture. It was probably the 1st thing I remember of my mommy, and many time when I feel scared or sad or lonely or miss mommy, I like to go find this robe and snuggle in it again.

Happy White Wednesday!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Baby Week: Twosome Tuesday

In celebratin' seeing our blurpy sister, we gonna show our baby pictures this week. If you wanna, come join us with a baby photo of you or someone in your family!!

This picture is of me and Marie, the day after we came home. It was also the day after we got our "surgeries'. But as you can see, we were already pretty alert and content here. We were both 3 months, and we always like to sleep together (still do!).

Happy Twosome Tuesday!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Baby Week: Mancat Monday

In celebratin' seeing our blurpy sister, we gonna show our baby pictures this week. If you wanna, come join us with a baby photo of you or someone in your family!!

So, this is a picture of handsome me at 3 months. Even from a very young age, I like to pose for da camera. You can also see that I was born with amber eyes, but they changed to a very nice almost turquoise-green. Mommy says I was only 3 lbs then. Being a strong and robust 13 lbs, I can hardly believe it!

Happy Mancat Monday!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Baby Week: My blurpy sister wants to say hi to you

Here is our blurpy little sister, still in mommy's tummy at 29 weeks.

Mommy and daddy told us they went to a "tree-dee" clinic to get this pictures. They had to go twice, coz our blurpy sister was sleeping the 1st time and refused to cooperate. We cannot say that we blame her at all. The 2nd time, she finally decided that she'd show her face. She was smiling and (in this picture) laughing too, so I guess she wasn't TOO upset that mommy walking around and jiggling her tummy to get her to move.

It was prettty amazing to see our blurpy sister so soon!! We asked when she could come home and play with us and mommy said that she was still a couple of months away from coming home. Just like a kitten! We like her more and more.

Casey will have more pictures of our blurpy sister on Tuesday, if you would like to see more.

Happy Sunday!