Why STaiRwaY?
Upon taking a glance on my blog, STAIRWAY... maybe you'll ask why STAIRWAY? What is in it? Well, I chose STAIRWAY simply because it speaks of taking a STEP either going up or going down in order to reach the next level or even reach a place where you want to go. It is my avenue to reach out to the world and share my hopes and aspirations in life as well as sharing the wonders of dwelling here in the Philippines.

Showing posts with label Wedding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wedding. Show all posts

June... The Wedding Month

>> Saturday, June 7, 2014

      June is the sixth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar with 30 days long. It has the longest daylight hours within a year. It is famous for its large number of marriages that occur within the whole month. June is named after Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage who is the wife of Jupiter. Its name actually came from the Latin word juniors which means the younger ones. 
      The custom of marriage is very interesting and exciting in the Philippine tradition. June bride is very popular which refers to the fact that more people get married in June than any other month. But why is this so? This is because of the dependable weather in the Philippines during this month that is very inviting to get married. Many Pilipinos consider it good luck to be married in this month because of the Roman goddess Juno.
      In June, summer ends while rainy season then begins and classes start in the Philippines. Pearl, alexandrite and moonstone are the birthstones for June. The birth flower for June is rose while its zodiac signs are Gemini (May 21 - June 20) and Cancer (June 21 - July 22).


Congratulations and Best Wishes!

>> Sunday, December 27, 2009

Congratulations and Best Wishes to
Araceli Vergara, our family dentist who was just married to Mr. Quevin Torres yesterday, December 26, 2009 at St. Anne Parish Church.
Hope you and your prince will live happily ever after.

"Life is not a race but a journey to be savoured each step along the way"

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