Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Red Rock

The day after Thanksgiving, we got things together, headed to Port of Subs for a "sack lunch"!! and headed up the mountain into Red Rock Canyon. What a beautiful place to be. It was busy because of the holiday, but we took a couple of trails that had just a few people on them. Our little tyke did so good. She was awesome. She was climbing up the big rocks and hung with us all day. We spent about 5 hours in the canyon just wondering around on different trails. Crazy as well, we took a different way back on one trail and ran into the Fife family from CA... It was so nice to speak with them and catch up for a few minutes. Here are some fun pictures of our time...

The last two pictures show the only "wildlife" we encountered, well except for Addi, she can get a little wild... LOL... We saw 3 Bambi's as Addi was calling them... LOL love Disney movies...

Sunday, December 4, 2011


It is so nice having an amazing cook as a husband. I did help prepare a few items in the meal this year... Our meal consisted of Thanksgiving crepes filled with a yummy gravy sauce and chicken (we did chicken this year instead of turkey)... Stuffing, candied yams, deviled eggs and pumpkin pie. It was so good. I made the stuffing, deviled eggs and the filling for the pumpkin pie. Tyler did everything else. It was so good. I also made my mom's dried beef cheese ball. YUMMY!!!!


It has been forever since I posted anything new... Sorry... For Halloween, we dressed up and headed to Chili's for dinner. Addi got a free meal, so we think this might be a new tradition... Addi was a Fairy Princess, Tyler a clown and I was a witch... We had a really fun time dressing up. We also carved pumpkins... I carved the Mickey Mouse one and Tyler carved the disturbing one... He did his free hand, I did mine with a stencil...