Thursday, July 28, 2011

Craft Night with the Ladies!!

For the last few months a few of the ladies from the ward and I have been getting together to get creative. This last "craft night" we crafted wreaths... We had a nice time crafting and eating brownie fudge sundaes, thanks to Tyler!!! YUMMY!!! Here are a few pictures of the wreaths in progress. My wreath is still not finished as I need to get some more supplies!!! But, a work in progess.

This is mine, I have since added shells making this an "ocean" outdoor wreath, still need more twine to finish wrapping though.

This is Megan's she is doing such a great job!

These are Megan's fabric flowers. These were her first ones, they look AMAZING!!!!Good Job Megan!

Haley's wreath!!! Hers looked so elegant... So excited to see the finished product.

Looking good Haley... I am so proud of you and your new found creativity!!! Good Job Haley!!!
 Not sure what August's craft night will entail, but stay posted I am sure we'll come up with something...

Happy 2nd Birthday Addi!!

Wow, 2 years ago we welcomed our beautiful daughter Addison Grace into this world. She is such a joy in our lives and blessing. We love her so much... For her birthday this year we planned a Mickey Mouse extraveganza. I made the Mickey and Friends party hats, we made Mickey Mouse cut out cookies, Mickey Mouse balloon bouquet and DISNEYLAND... We seriously went in for just one day, but what an incredible day it was. We rode all the rides we wanted to ride and had hardly any waits, even for a Saturday in the middle of summer. Here are some pics of our little Birthday party... LOL... Tyler, Addi and I and a few pics from Disneyland.

The Birthday Girl with her Birthday Hat!!!

Addi decorating her own Mickey Mouse Cookie - Yes, she is just like Mommy, eating the frosting!!! LOL Love this girl.

Mickey Mouse Cookies!!!

Finding Nemo Ride - She was glued!!!

Meeting Mickey. - Addison LOVED it...
We had a wonderful time in Disneyland and had a fun time as a family. Later that day we traveled to California adventure and obviously I wasn't using the camera... LOL.. But we were able to see the World of Color display. AMAZING!!!!

What a great weekend warrior vacation... My sister Heather and her son Jaxon came over and ate our World of Color picnic lunch with us and then we watched the World of Color presentation together. Fun times. Thanks Heather for coming over!!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 5 - Celebrating Accomplishments

Yeah, I made 5 days working out in a row!!!! In my cool down this morning Jillian mentioned something about celebrating accomplishments... Wow, what an accomplishment to get up 1/2 hour early each morning and put my body to work. The benefits of a strong and lean body are amazing... Thank you all for your love and support... Losing weight and keeping it off has never been easy, but I am really enjoying this and sticking with it...

My next posts: Addi's 2nd B-day and Craft night with the ladies!!! (Love those girls) These will be coming next week. Sorry, I need my camera for the pics...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 4 - Workout - shouldn't have eaten that cookie!!!

Yesterday was Addi's birthday and those pictures will be coming soon.. Anyway, I ate a cookie last night and this morning, I felt so exhausted when I woke up... But, I still did my day 4 workout and am feeling better each day I do them... I am sore, which hopefully means the workout is toning my muscles!!!

Maybe it was the cookie, maybe not, it sure tasted good and was a nice treat to enjoy!!!

I am motivated and will continue to workout... Blogging about it actually helps keep me motivated, so sorry if you are reading this and think that it is boring, LOL... That's why I post other things too...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Jillian and Me - Our Journey - Day Three

So, I once watched an episode of Jillian Michaels where she YELLED at this larger lady because she couldn't run, well, because she gave up... At that time, I think I refused to like Jillian Michaels any more. I have struggled with my weight my entire life... always feeling as though I was the fat girl (max size 18) when everyone else beside me was so thin (size 4/6). Well, after my HCG, I am comfortably in a size 6/8, but I still have weight problems. It is quite rediculous when some people can eat whatever they want and not gain a single pound. Really, I am a little jealous... But seriously, I eat one unhealthy thing and I gain 3 lbs.. Such a struggle. This morning as my alarm went off, I was a little excited to work out, but trust me, the extra 1/2 hour of sleep could have been nice too... Anyway, I caught something in the cool down this morning, she says something about not being perfect and enjoying the journey... So, weightloss is all about choosing correct foods and exercise... You just have to do it... Journey is on!!!! Even if it is a daily struggle and a long one...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Party Hats

Addison's birthday is this week, so I decided to make all of us party hats... I got the idea from I have pulled a lot of my latest craft ideas from this website. Thank you Emily... Anyway since Addison LOVES Minnie and Mickey and Mickey Mouse clubhouse, I decided to make her Mickey themed party hats.

Gooffy - This will be Tyler's hat - we all have our favorite characters!!!

All three hats!

Donald and Daisy - my favorites - my hat!!!

The Birthday Girl's hat!! Minnie and Mickey!!!

Better picture of the Minnie side!!!!
I tried to put Addison's hat on her last night, we will see if she goes for it.. Not too keen on hats, but they were fun to make and will be fun to wear!!!!

Battle Wounds

Over the weekend, a friend in the ward invivted Tyler to come and play paintball. Tyler's gun was in storage becuase he hadn't played since Merced. Ha and funny, we were just talking about maybe selling some of his stuff since he hadn't played. Good thing we didnt, he had a blast. The course is an actual paintball course, not like the one in Merced with old vehicles and barrels!! LOL... Man made as you could say.. Any way, being out of practice and playing in 100 degree heat with no protection can cause disturbing images such as the ones I am about to post...


As you can see, Tyler had some bruises!!! LOL... I totally went around pushing on them too... I am so mean.. But hey, the object of the game is to not get hit by the paint ball. Better luck next time Tyler. 

Day 2 Jillian Michaels - Um, we can still be friends, but you hurt me...

Well, with any work out routine, getting back into shape always has its ups and downs. The up side, a hot body, which really I have never had a super model looking body, just not in the DNA of things, but I have been in better shape. The down side. I AM SO SORE!!!! I hurts to blink, well that may be an exageration, but really my thighs are feeling it today... Probably good because they are quite thunderous these days... Thanks dad, I know I didn't get moms nice skinny legs...

So, me and Jillian, we are still friends for 2 days now... Can I keep this up??? You bet...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Jillian Michaels - Can we be friends???

Today I started a new workout with Jillian Michaels. Ripped in 30. Obviously, I understand my body will not look like hers in 30 days, but I am hoping to start toning and looking better.

Checked out her meal plan too. LOVE IT... I hate feeling like I have to eat 8 times a day... Really, who has time for that...

Well, here is day one... I have my stats, but can not share till I am done or down to what I want to be... LOL.. I am funny. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Happy Anniversary

On July 5th, we celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary!! Wow, how 8 years has flown by. To celebrate the wondrous occasion, we spent Saturday afternoon at the performance of Disney's The Lion King.

My favorite characters included the hyenas!!! They were hilarious!!!

and Rafiki!!! The lady that plays this role, Phindile Mkhize, did an incredible job. She is so talented and really portrayed the part well.

This is her in the opening number with the giraffes. This was an amazing show and I would recommend it to anyone. If you ever have the opportunity to see it, take it...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Walt Disney World - Internship Acceptance

We are so proud of Tyler. He was accepted to the Walt Disney World Internship/Externship Program. This is a great blessing for our family. We are all so happy for him and this new adventure... Tyler will leave and travel to Florida in January 2012 where he will be placed in a student housing dorm. He will then study under amazing chefs for 4 months and return home May 2012. At this time I will stay here in Las Vegas and my mom will come out and watch Addison so I can continue to work. This is truly a blessing and we are so excited. Tyler will be hanging out in the Magic Kingdom for 4 months. This has been a dream of his to work for Disney for years. We love Disney!!! Tyler - we are so proud of you! Congratulations!!!

Fourth of July

The Fourth of July has always been one of the best holidays! We get to celebrate our independence. We live in a wonderful country full of freedoms to choose... I was lucky to have the day off!!! We spent the entire day together as a family...

We began by having breakfast together. Tyler made the best homemade blueberry pancakes... YUMMY!!! Then we got ready for the day and spent some time at the park... one of Addi's favorite places...

Addi and Daddy taking a trip to space!!!!

Me and my co-pilot!!!
Because it was muggy, we were feeling like a swim!!! He headed home, changed into our swim suits and headed to the pool... NO ONE WAS THERE!!! Best day to swim... We had our entire aprartment complex pool to ourselves!!!

We then relaxed for a while, and headed it Red Rock casino for the fireworks display. We grabbed some burgers from Fatburger!! LOVE IT!!!

We brought Tyler's Jeep and had the top down!!! Addi's first experience of fireworks was full of "wow" "ooohhh" and pointing at the pretty lights. It made the night even better!!!

Addi and Daddy sitting in the back of the Jeep

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Indiana Family Trip

What an amazing trip with my family!!! I had so much fun. We had quite the itinerary for this trip.

We began by flying from Las Vegas, NV to Indianapolis, IN June 24, 2011. Upon landing in Indianapolis, we retrieved our luggage and car seat and headed to get the rental car. We had the lucky draw this time. We were given a Dodge Avenger!!!
This car was roomy and also gave us good gas mileage. Once we picked up the car we were on the road, heading south to Columbus, IN, where the Walton, Baxter, Stewart reunion. We met my dad and his wife Kathy at the hotel and then had dinner with my 2nd and 3rd cousins. LOVE THEM!!! The hotel had a nice indoor swimming pool of which we partook of!!! Addi loves to swim. At the close of the evening we hung out with my dad and Kathy until dad was comatose on the bed!!! HA HA....


Wow, early morning especially when time is 3 hours different. We began our morning by getting up early and traveling another hour south to Louisville, KY... We were able to visit Lynlee and Rhett (Tyler's Sister and her husband) and go to the Louisville Slugger Museum - (bucket list item - check!!!) We were able to see how they used to make bats and how they make them now. Tyler held an original bat of Cal Ripken. What an experience. There is a huge bat right outside of the building. AMAZING...

Dad and Kathy with the Bat!!!

Addi and the bat!!!

Tyler and Addi with the Bat!!!

I guess I didn't get any photos of all of us with the bat!!! OOPS. The best part of the tour we took was that we all received mini souvenir bats. SO MUCH FUN....

Then we proceeded back to the car to drive another hour north for the reunion. I haven't seen my grandma or aunts/uncles or cousins for 6 years... Awesome reunion with them...

From the reunion, we drove 3 hours north to Grandma's House... I LOVE Grandma's house, and that nothing has changed (Even her lawn Gnomes!!!). I felt at peace there...

We woke up early and headed to church... I was anxiously waiting to see some members from my old branch that now has turned into a ward. That was awesome! We then had a reunion at Grandma's house as a celebration for her. I made a book with pictures and memories from all of the grand kids and great grand kids and my dad and aunts. I think grandma liked it... I LOVED IT!!! We had a nice dinner and hung out with each other!!! Good times.

My little sister Steph and I spent the morning packing, cleaning up grandmas - We had the kids, so we thought we should leave it better than when we came!!! The kids played with cousins and grandparents. I love my Grandma. I was named after her - We are both Marilyn!!!!

My dad pushing Addi and her cousin Claire

Addi with Grandpa and Grandma

Addi playing at Grandma's

Addi - not very happy with her Great - Grandma ~ Marilyn Baxter

Addi with the lawn Gnomes!!1

My Grandma and I - The Marilyn's!!!!!
From Grandma's home, we left and drove about 30 minutes further north to my Grandma McDaniel's home. This is where my mom lives right now. My Grandma McDaniel has Breast, Lung and Brain cancer. This visit was a blessing to be able to take. We took time and played at the park by mom's/grandmas - There was this tall slide ~ we all loved it...

Tyler, Addi - My sister Steph & her daughter Claire

Addi and Claire on the short slide ~ cute cousins

Mom and Claire on the tall slide - mom was a little scared!!! HA HA

Tyler Addi and Claire - Scary!!!

We woke up early and headed from our hotel to my mom's/grandma's house. Our plan - Take 2 little girls to the zoo... Accomplished. They had so much fun, and so did my mom. She loves her grand babies.

The ostrich is picking up the worker's glove and tossing it... Funny Bird.

Feeding the Giraffe

Brushing the goats!!! The girls loved it!

Treats and Grandmas!!

After the Zoo we went for pizza!!! OLEY'S Pizza. I LOVE!!! Hadn't had since I was a kid. Tasted so good.

We then returned to Grandmas and were all exhausted, but had to say our goodbyes. Steph and Claire had to return to Michigan so she could go to work the next day. We took some good pics - 4 generations... It was nice to see Grandma having a good day... She hasn't had very many lately.

Grandma, Claire, Steph, Addi, Me & Mom

Grandma, Addi & I

4 Generations - Grandma Addi, Me & Mom

4 Generations- Grandma, Claire, Steph & Mom

I truly miss my family, but I am grateful for our visit and the opportunity for Tyler and I to be in Las Vegas for him to go to school...

This was pretty much our last day.

DAY 6 - We visited Grandma just a bit longer and left for the airport. A FABULOUS Visit and Family Vacation!!!