Saturday, November 7, 2009

Happy Halloween

Addi's first Halloween was spent sleeping. She is still a little young for trick or treating, but we dressed her in a cute Halloween outfit as you can see. Tyler and I carved pumpkins too. That was fun. He is so artistic!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Chili Cook-Off

Our ward has an annual Chili Cook-off and it is the best activity. The ward picks out judges to judge chili and some people also bring pies to be judged as well. YUMMY!!! Well, the covetted 1st prize apron in the Nielson household has been sought after for many years. Finally, we have a winner!!!!!Congrats Ty, I knew you could do it. Also, I made a pumpkin cheesecake... DELICIOUS!!!! Didn't win, but there is always next year!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Addison is growing and getting very big. She has such a happy little spirit. We love her.

Daddy and Addi time... Daddy loves his little princess.

Tummy time gone wrong... Oops, I don't think they are supposed to pass out.

Cousin Aubrianna and Addi and Grandma's house. Aubri is a good cousin.

Addison's Blessing

Our latest adventure was in Idaho. We traveled from Oakland airport to Salt Lake Airport, rented a car, met my dad and his wife Kathy and traveled to Idaho. We wanted as many family members as possible to attend and were blessed to have them there. Tyler gave Addison her blessing where she received her name that will be known on church records. The spirit was very strong. Along with visiting in Idaho upon our arrival home we soon learned that Addison had lost some weight and I was not producing enough milk for her. She is now on formula and doing much much better.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Bath Time

Addison loves her bath time with Daddy. Well, most of it any way.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Baby Addison Grace Nielson

July 20, 2009 Addison Grace Nielson entered our lives and nothing has been the same since!!! She is such a little joy and blessing in our lives. After going in on Monday for yet another exam to find out I was hardly dialated, the Doctor realized that my placenta was elongated. It was under the baby's head and would not allow her to enter the birth canal. After a few hours of tests at the hospital it was decided that I should have a C-Section. It would be best for baby and for me. Tyler was a big support and went into the delivery room with me. He did not even faint!!!! Addison entered this world at 5:47 pm weighing 7 lbs and 11 oz and measuring 20 1/4 in long. She is very beautiful and we love her so much.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

No Baby Yet :(

Okay, as you can see the ticker on the side is still ticking... Yes, I am still pregnant. I have been walking like crazy and even decided that today would be a great day to move rocks piled in the driveway in 100 degree heat. Maybe it was my burst of energy and the baby will arrive soon... I am getting bored at home day in and day out... Keep your fingers and toes crossed!!!!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 6th Anniversary!!!!

Wow, six years together!!!! We are looking forward to many more years to come as well. This year holds many changes to our family, of which we are both excited to take on. For our Anniversary since it was on Sunday, we went to a nice romantic dinner at Denny's last evening! :) Okay, that is about as romantic as a woman who is 38 weeks pregnant gets!!!!! We also enjoyed a nice steak dinner that Tyler BBQd after church.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Baby Blessing

Okay, so we have finally decided on a date for the baby blessing... We are setting it for the 29th or 30th of August in IDAHO!!!!! We feel it would be better for all the family to be a part of this wonderful time and since everyone lives in IDAHO, that is where we will do it... Hope you all can make it...

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Wow, how life really gets away sometimes. Tyler, Buddy and I are all doing well. Baby Addison will be here shortly. We have a crib and a changing table!! Thanks to Tyler!!!! And that is it!! I have been working crazy hours, but the Dr. nicely told me to slow down, it is hard when you are so used to go go go. I am trying to implement his advice!! Hope you are all well!! Oh, and I haven't gained any weight!!! I just am popping out like a basketball under my shirt!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Just some good news, we are having a baby. My appointment was 1/7/09 and my first ultrasound was 1/8/09. I am 14 weeks along and doing pretty good. Tyler and I are both very excited to be parents!!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Arch Nemesis

Not to brag but we have had the most beautiful winter weather I think we have ever had here in the valley. So I take buddy the dog on walks usually right around sunset. Its far better taking a walk when no one is out that way Buddy doesn't get too distracted. Due to the recent housing market we have been left with a huge area where the ground has been worked up to build another sub division. Basically its a field where the dirt is formed up but they never got around to pouring the streets. Anyway we go out in the field and I let buddy off the leash so he can run and stretch his legs. Its so funny to watch him he runs about 50 yards to the right and sniffs some bushes and then he sprints 50 yards to the left back and forth until he catches the scent from the resident jack rabbit. We discovered there was a rabbit a week or so ago when buddy was stalking his prey in some tall weeds. All of the sudden I see him pounce out of the grass and take off after this rabbit. The chase lasted far longer than I expected. When I finally caught up to him he was pacing back and forth panting with his tongue hanging out. I swear the way he was looking at me he was saying "where did he go George, where did he go?" This chase has gone on now almost every day now for a week or more and every time the "wascally wabbit" disappears. Yesterday was no exception. We were out for our usual stroll and all of the sudden Buddy shoots off like a rocket after the bunny and I took off after him to see if I could figure out where the dang thing was hiding. I ran to where i saw the rabbit last which was on an embankment. It was nowhere to be found and Buddy was pacing again. I stepped forward only to have my foot cave in a hole obviously dug out by our nemesis. I fell and rolled down the embankment only to find myself staring strait into the eyes of Bugsy. Yes I named the illusive rabbit. I swear he winked at me then turned and retreated to the safety of his tunnel. Now that's what I call a close encounter. Some may wonder what I would do if Buddy ever caught the bunny. To them my comment would be, "Did the coyote ever catch the roadrunner?" l think its fairly safe to say that will never happen but it sure is fun trying!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

December weddings!

Many of you may be wondering what we did for Christmas this year. We spent Christmas in the kitchen decorating wedding cakes! We did the 4 tear white and red on Christmas day for the reception the following Saturday and then we did the Cheese cakes yesterday. I thought the Cheese cake topper was sort of, well "Cheesy" but its what the bride wanted. Both cakes were delicious. I always get to taste. Its my favorite part of the process. I hate to brag but i think the cheese cake is the best i have ever tasted. yes i have been to the cheese cake factory!! Happy new year everyone...

OK here is my latest painting. I hate looking at pictures of it because it doesn't do it justice. It is actually 40in by 30in. Its the largest painting I have done. I took several pictures of myself at different angles wearing different hats and in different lights and poses. The photo is only 5 by 10. I gridded out the canvas and painted each individual square separately. I love painting with shapes and lots of color so this was a good way for me to be able to do that and still have something everyone likes. As you can see in the close up shots colors like orange and pepto pinks and blues and greens make out the skin colors and when you back away from the painting your mind blends it all together and you see the subject. I decided to try this style on myself for fear if it did not turn out the way I wanted no one would be disappointed but me. I have admired Vangogh and Monet broken color paintings for a long time and have been looking for a way to loosen up my style. It is a challenge for me to not paint every detail. I came across a great modern painter by the name of Chuck Close who has inspired my latest creation. I think I would like to do a series of these types of paintings. I hope you like!!!!