Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Baby Oliver

11:30pm First bath done and man did he like the water running on his head, he instantly was calmed.

10:45pm should be getting his assessment soon. Cute little mini treadmill should do the trick!

Pic attached still needs some bathing!

9:10pm Oliver is doing a good job being awake alert and trying to feed!

8:44pm Oliver is here! 8 lbs 9 ozs, 20.5 inches and crying with the sweetest little cry. Daddy got to do the delivery with the doc coaching. Three contractions and just a handful of pushes. What a joy!

8:33 dilated to a ten, delivery imminent and delivery prepping now!!!

8:00pm Great progress! Dilated to an 8 and fully effaced!! Looks good for today! Baby is in position zero. (I don't know what that means yet but how rude to call my kid a zero!) :)

7:20 Megan is dilated to a 5 now and 90% effaced. We are still hopeful that things will happen today. They had the Oxytocin up to 32 an then shut it off and let it clear, now it's back on and will hopefully trigger more deep contractions.

5:20pm Well a tilted cervix is slowing things down. Let's go baby let's go! Megan is doing well but tired due to the continued labor contractions.

2:45pm Contractions are continuing, nurse believes we are getting closer and should be before dinner. This kid isn't winning any races.

1:00pm Water is broken and just waiting things out. (how does water break anyhow?)

10:35am Epidural is in and going! (I love needles.... When they aren't for me.)

10:00am Oxytocin is flowing, waiting for epidural. Contractions are still occurring and are mild to moderate.

8:00am At the hospital getting checked in.

4:48am contractions slowed down, resting for a bit to make sure we are ready to go.

4:00am Contractions started 3 hours ago and are getting more regular. 4 mins apart, last about 1 minute each. Time to go to the hospital.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Traditions

 We had our traditional Christmas Eve family dinner with the Witkamp's.

Followed by the Nativity scene done by the kids
 A cute shepherd and wise (wo)man.

Then the traditional Christmas jammies.  I think the kids like them, they look pretty excited.
 Christmas morning at our house, before the present opening madness...
 ...during the madness...
 ...and after.  We had a nice big pile of wrapping paper, and some fun presents to go with it!
Then off to Grandma & Papa's for the traditional pancakes and eggs breakfast and a few more presents. Now our cute little munchkins are ready to go to church.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween and Announcement!

 Our cute little Witch and Dracula!
 I love Payton's face in this picture!  So awesome! He looked so different with his hair painted black and dark eyebrows.
 One pretty little witch.
 Our pumpkin carving masterpieces!
If Megan had an x-ray, this is what is would look like.  That's right, we have another little one on the way! Due May 7th.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fall Fun

 We went to Gardener Village to see the witches.  Payton was a little hesitant to sit next to this one.
 This one was stinky!
 We also made a visit to a pumpkin patch.
 The kids had fun walking through the pumpkins and see all the different shapes and sizes.
 Awe, cute!
 Getting ready to carve the pumpkins!
 Here comes the messy part.  The kids didn't seem to mind it as much this year.
Dad was home to join in on the fun!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Kindergarten Field Trip

This is Payton's cute class and teacher!  They went on a field trip to Wheeler Farm and had lots of fun seeing the animals, feeding them, and going on a hayride. Kindergarten rocks!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Hiking Fun

 Oh how we love exploring the great outdoors!
 We went hiking up by temple quarry, it is so beautiful.
 Payton enjoyed walking down the empty creek bed.
You can see the leaves starting to change to the beautiful fall colors.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Family Fall Pictures

What good looking boys!

 Gotta love catching the precious moments on camera.
 Payton looks like such a stud in this one!

Sooooooo cute! But we may be a little biased. 

Thanks Marci, you are awesome!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Emma's 3rd Birthday

 Our cute little girl turned 3!  Her latest love is babies, so she got a few baby accessories and had a baby birthday party.
 Her fun new dollhouse, she is so excited!
 We made pink baby cupcakes for her baby party.
 Her cousins brought along their babies to the baby party.
 We had some baby friendly finger foods for lunch.  Baby oranges, baby carrots, grapes, olives, edamame, and a baby sandwich.
 Cute little babies of their families eating their lunch.  They got to decorate the table while waiting for their food.
 Yay!  More baby stuff!!
Happy Birthday to our adorable little girl, who is not so little anymore!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

First Day of Kindergarten!

Cute little stud all ready for his first day of Kindergarten!!!
Waiting at the bus stop with all the other kids.  We have the boy line and the girl line of backpacks.
The 3 Kindergartner's feeling so big and ready to go!
Payton was so excited to get on the bus and head to school with all the big kids.  ( This is when Megan started to cry, it was a lot harder than she thought!)
He made it home, all by himself! (What a relief!)
"Kindergarten is so great! I love it!!" -Payton